"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise."
Proverbs 11:30 (KJV)
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8/30/2020, 6:46am by "Sunday Alaka Ogechi": He who would succeed in winning souls needs to be wise. It needs wisdom to succeed in the business of life. It needs a far higher and nobler wisdom to win Souls. It is an exceedingly difficult thing to win men over from the ranks of sin and Satan to the ranks of God and His Christ.The would-be soul-winner needs to be theoretically wise. He needs to be well informed. He cannot know too much and must be well informed on some very important matters, e.g., the sacred Scriptures, human nature, etc.He needs to be practically wise--wise in action as well as in thought. He should deal largely in the most attractive and pathetic truths. He should carefully choose the most appropriate seasons. He should cultivate the most loving spirit and the most kindly manner. He should be much in communion with God.
2/04/2015, 8:41pm by "michelle": The word that come from our mouth are soul food so be wise in what we say to another
6/15/2014, 8:42pm by "Scott": The Basic English Bible translation is jarringly different from the other translations, and in my opinion, wrong how does it get "violent behaviour takes away souls " from "he that winneth souls is wise "? Compare with all of the other translations. Where did the violence them come from? How could Basic turn a basically evangelic verse into such a negative expression?
2/11/2014, 9:55pm by "Timothy Amoroso": Proverbs 11 30 Inspiration for soul winning straight from the Bible Amen I don t want to be foolish I want to be wise Proverbs 4 7 Wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom If we have wisdom we have everything If we have wisdom there is no need for material posessions because truth is better than anything in this world I may not have a Ph D but I have wisdom Amen I don t need a Ph D in order to be wise I don t need cars to be wise I don t need money to be wise I just need to win souls for Jesus Amen
8/10/2012, 7:28pm by "HARRY ALLISON": PEOPLE OF INTEGRITY,HONOR,and GRACE are better off than the wicked,in the short and long run.