King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

Bill's testimony "Walking With Satan, Now Living With God!" on 8/18/2014, 11:49am...
Im 39 years old in live in southern Kentucky! My life before coming a servant of God?. I grew up in a broken home. Mom and dad always fighting it seemed. My mother being a Jehovahs Witness always tried to get me and my siblings to go with her on the nights of service. I was sexually abused by the next door neighbor along with 2 other children. I was a child that struggled with many things in my younger years. My mother got remarried and got more active with the Jehovahs Witnesses. When I turned 19 I graduated high school and got married right after. I left to the Marine Corp in 1994. While in boot camp, I witnessed the suicide of a Senior Drill instructor. I returned home later and decided to get into Police work. My desire to become a Police Officer at an early age became real in 1996. I started my journey when I was 21 years old. In 1998 while on duty I was almost killed in the line of duty. In 2000, I became dependent to pain medication (opiates) related to my prior injuries in 1998. I was the President of the local Fraternal Order of Police. I was later investigated in 2003 for my use and ways of getting the drug of choice. The Attorney Generals Office led the investigation. I pled guilty to criminal charges and was locked up for 2 1/2 years. I fought for years to overcome the evilness of Satan. In 2006 I got remarried and have a child with my current wife. In 2009 I finally got clean and have remained clean since then to this very date. We relocated to a different area of Kentucky. I gave my life to the Lord and know Jesus Christ is the Son of our God Almighty and died for our sins. I have served the Lord since and have never looked back. The Lord has blessed me in SO MANY ways since serving him. I have a child on the way by his Grace and Mercy! I feel the calling from God to share my testimony far and wide to lead others to become Saved and to serve our Creator! I believe we must give everything we have to the Lord and let him control everything in our life. We have work to do for the Lord, I have the burning desire to travel anywhere to share what God can and will do if we just remain obedient to his Will! Praise the Lord, and do ALL things to Glorify his name!! Thanks for allowing me to give my testimony to give the Lord all the credit!! God Bless each and every Soul on this earth!!