A primitive root; to loll, i.e. Be peaceful -- be at ease, be quiet, rest. See also Beyth Sh'an.
see HEBREW Beyth Sh'an
H7599. shaan
[שָׁאַן] verb Pa`lel (Ges§ 55d) be at ease or at peace, rest securely (Syriac pacify, Ethiopic peace); — Perfect3masculine singular שַׁאֲנַן Jeremiah 48:11, ׳וְשׁ consecutive 30:10 +; 3 plural שַׁאֲנָ֑נוּ Job 3:18; — be at ease, secure, undisturbed by ill fortune: מַחֲרִיד וְאֵין וְשׁ ׳וְשָׁקַט Jeremiah 30:10 = 46:27; Jeremiah 48:(of Moab); ׳שׁ רָעָה מִמַּחַד Proverbs 1:33; of rest from trouble, etc., in grave Job 3:18.
שְׁאָן see שְׁאָן בֵּית. P. 112