King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

Of foreign derivation; Mash, a son of Aram, and the people descended from him -- Mash.
H4851. Mash
מַשׁ proper name, of a location or people מַ֑שׁ Genesis 10:23, as son of Aram, Samaritan משא; ᵐ5 Μοσοχ; so read in "" 1 Chronicles 1:17 for מֶ֑שֶׁךְ ᵑ0 A ᵐ5L Μοσοχ; see Kau Kit. Location dubious Bo Mich Mons Mas-ius, north of Nisibis (between Armenia and Mesopotamia), but name not certainly old Aramaic (unknown in Assyrian) compare Dion the passage Assyrian Maš (Syro-Arabic desert DlPar 242f.) is hardly possibly, compare מֵשָׁא.
מַשָּׁאָה מַשָּׁא, see I. נשׁא