From kasher; literally, a director, i.e. The spindle or shank of a distaff (pelek), by which it is twirled -- spindle.
see HEBREW kasher
see HEBREW pelek
H3601. kishor
כִּישׁוֺר noun [masculine] distaff (etymology dubious; perhaps, if meaning correct, from כשׁר (compare Sta§ 216 LagBN 182) = be straight, because it stands erect, De Str; ᵑ6 industry; whence כּוּשְׁרָא ᵑ7, and likewise כּוּנְשְׁרָא ᵑ7, also Proverbs 3:8, (for Hebrew שׁר), where Levy wirbelsäule, Stron the passage Jastr navel; but Str doubts etymological connection with כישׁור); — only in בַכִּישׁוֺ֑ר שִׁלְּחָה יָדֶיהָ 31:19 ("" ׃ מָּֽלָךְ whirl of spindle). — As above De Now Str RV SS and others; > Ki AW Thes Rob-Ges whirl of spindle (AV spindle); see מֶּלֶךְ.