King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

From chaphar or chapher; a pit of shame; Chepher, a place in Palestine; also the name of three Israelites -- Hepher.
see HEBREW chaphar
see HEBREW chapher
H2660. Chepher
I. חֵ֫פֶר proper name, masculine 1. a Manassite Numbers 26:32-33, 27:1; Joshua 17:2-3, ᵐ5 Οφερ.
2 a man of Judah 1 Chronicles 4:6; ᵐ5 Ηφαλ, ᵐ5L Αφερ.
3 one of David's heroes, according to 1 Chronicles 11:36 (but on text see Be VB and Dr 2 Samuel 23:36).
II. חֵ֫פֶר proper name, of a location 1. Canaanitish town, with a king, named just before Aphek Joshua 12:17, exact site unknown.
2 1 Kings 4:10 in Judah (ח ׳ארץ); — on ח ׳גִּ֫תָּה Joshua 19:13, הַח ׳גַּת 2 Kings 14:25, see גַּת below יגן.