King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

From bayith and ruwm with the article interposed; house of the height; Beth-ha-Ram, a place East of the Jordan -- Beth-aram.
see HEBREW bayith
see HEBREW ruwm
H1027. Beth
Haram הָרָם בֵּית proper name, of a location in Gad Joshua 13:27 = הָרָן בֵּית Numbers 32:36, modern Beit Harrân, 1 hour east of Jordan, opposite Jericho, TristrMoab 348; name Tell er-Ram(eh) MerrillPE Soc. iv. 1877 SchickZPV 1879, 3, 246 (compare LagOnom. 103. 16, 2nd ed. 137 and others)
הָרָן בֵּית see הָרָם בֵּית