King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

The compound of a derivative of the base of deilos and daimon; more religious than others -- too superstitious.
see GREEK deilos
see GREEK daimon
1. in a good sense, reverencing god or the gods, pious, religious: Xenophon, Cyril 3, 3, 58; Ages. 11, 8; Aristotle, pol. 5, 11 (p. 1315a, 1); or
2. in a bad sense, superstitious: Theophrastus, char. 16 (22); Diodorus 1, 62; 4, 51; Plutarch, de adul. c. 16; de superstit. c. 10f Paul in the opening of his address to the Athenians, Acts 17:22, calls them, with kindly ambiguity, κατά πάντα δεισιδαιμονεστέρους (namely, than the rest of the Greeks (Winer's Grammar, 244 (229)), cf. Meyer at the passage), as being devout without the knowledge of the true God; cf. Bengel at the passage.