King James Version (KJV)

13 And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him.
Gideon Chooses 300 Soldiers Apostles Preach The Gospel Israel Blesses His Twelve Sons Jesus Chooses His Disciples Apostles Persecuted Twelve Sent Forth Sending Out The Twelve They Encamp At Elim, Where Are Twelve Wells, And Seventy Palm Trees Moses Builds An Altar, And Twelve Pillars Breast-Plate With Twelve Precious Stones Blessings Of The Twelve Tribes Twelve Men Are Appointed To Take Twelve Memorial Stones From Jordan Twelve Other Stones Are Set Up In The Midst Of Jordan Twelve Stones Are Pitched In Gilgal He Divides Her Into Twelve Pieces, And Sends Them To The Twelve Tribes Mortal Skirmish Between Twelve Of Abner's And Twelve Of Joab's Men David Repents, And Having Three Plagues Proposed By God, Chooses Pestilence His Twelve Officers For Provision David Having Three Plagues Proposed By God, Chooses The Pestilence Twelve Captains For Each Month Princes Of The Twelve Tribes Molten Sea Upon Twelve Oxen Preaching Of The Apostles Foretold Portions Of The Twelve Tribes Jesus Sends Out His Apostles, Enabling Them With Power To Do Miracles Chooses His Twelve Apostles He Gives The Twelve Power Over Unclean Spirits Apostles Return From Preaching Then To The Apostles Foretells The Fasting And Afflictions Of The Apostles After His Ascension Chooses Apostles Jesus Sends His Apostles To Work Miracles, And To Preach Apostles Return Jesus Preaches To His Apostles To Avoid Hypocrisy Apostles Prepare The Passover Rebukes The Rest Of His Apostles From Ambition Afterwards He Appears To The Apostles, And Reproves Their Unbelief Christ, Preparing His Apostles To The Beholding Of His Ascension, Apostles, Filled With The Holy Spirit, And Speaking Various Languages, Apostles Working Many Miracles, That The Rest Of The Apostles Had Wrought Many Miracles Apostles Are Again Imprisoned Apostles, Desirous To Have The Poor Cared For, Is Called To The Apostleship Apostles Consult About It, Called To His Apostleship How Miraculously He Was Converted, Called To His Apostleship In What Account The Apostles Ought To Be Regarded Apostles Spectacles To The World, Angels, And Men Against The False Apostles, Who Disgraced The Weakness Of His Person And Bodily Presence,