Wisdom of Solomon Chapter 4 Discussion

  • GIGI - In Reply on Wisdom of Solomon 4 - 1 year ago

    Any person, regardless of birth status, can come to Jesus for salvation and the Holy Spirit will impute the righteousness of Jesus unto us so that we will be holy and acceptable to God. We are made perfect in Jesus because He is our righteousness. There is no other way to become "perfect" (which can mean completely righteous or else complete in all ways). Jesus is our Mediator, who intercedes for us by the fact of His shed blood for us.

    Someone who commits adultery is one who has sexual relations with someone who is not their spouse. Sexual immortality includes adultery, but also fornication (having sexual relations when not married), homosexual relations, and other sexual perversions, such as viewing pornography and sexual lusting in our minds.
  • JULIET ABWOOLI KOBUSINGE on Wisdom of Solomon 4 - 1 year ago
    what is adultery and who is a child of an adulterous person. how does a child of an adulterous becomes perfect
  • Rick Mentzer - In Reply on Wisdom of Solomon 4 - 4 years ago
    Not according to Gods word In Jn. 4:24 Jesus Christ said God is spirit ie you cant see taste touch smell or physically hear God He is spirit in Genesis adam and eve had Spirit thats what gave adam and eve connection to God the day they disobeyed Gods command in the Garden they didn't physically die they spiritually lost their connection not good but they still had a physical body and soul life which is breath life ie God breathed into adam the breathof life and he became a living soul so when you take your last breath you lose your soul life and the body goes to dust of the ground.
  • Rickey on Wisdom of Solomon 4 - 4 years ago
    Are your soul and your spirit the same?
  • Coko on Wisdom of Solomon 4:1 - 4 years ago
    Verse 14,15,16,17 Rapture, anyone? Esdras makes mention of the Rapture as well. Seems like these books were removed for a reason.

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