This verse exposes anyone who thinks grace somehow means anything goes. Righteousness is necessary and not just God 's righteousness, but what God takes account of in the saints...ultimately seen in the fine linen referred to in the last book of tge Bible - Revelation.
Death reigned after Adam, even those who were perfect had to sacrifice, but Through Christ! We have victory, no more animal sacrifices, we are cleansed through His blood and the gift of eternal life given by grace through righteousness. Hallelujah Jesus. Thank you Lord Amen
We all have sin! but only in JESUS we have forgiveness, yes He came for all: So everybody have the rite too the Tree of life, which means grace is a free gift from our Lord JESUS to all: know one has to be in bondage were save by GRACE. AMEN
In Adam we all were dead : Held in bondage : In Christ Jesus we all live : wherein we are all made free from sin and death : In Jesus Christ we have the gift of Grace : Salvation : and righteousness in Jesus : He is my righteousness : Therefore through Jesus Christ I rule and reign in my life. Praise God : The words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart shall be pleasing to my Lord ,who is my strength and redeemer. Yes !!! Amen !!!
If the sin of one Adam brought death upon all human race, the grace and free gift of righteousness by Jesus Christ brought life to all that believe in Him.
Cheven evevangelist world's media lite on Romans 5:5 - 10 years ago
I almost dropped my glasses this is a wonderful scripture I told myself self what would you do without hope I got the holy ghost at a church several years ago
Just as Jesus commended his Spirit to God on Calvary, God commended His Love to us. He gave it completely, without holding back anything. A perfect, beautiful, lavish giving of the best He had to give....
Forgive me for speaking so openly, but I believe that our GOD is like a parent whose child has gone off to a far off land never to be heard of again. And He has done everything in His righteousness to bring us back to him even at the cost of His Son 's Life, knowing the only way to redeem us was through His own Holy Blood. even though it 's something no one on Earth understands. GOD is very serious about it. he 's done everything for us, He searches us out, convicts us with His Holy Spirit, and puts us in the right circumstances to give in and accept His Son as our Saviour, we have very little to do with it, That 's how much He loves us We will not know how much, until we are face to face with him in His Kingdom. PRAISE GOD, PRAISE YESHUA, PRAISE THE HOLY SPIRIT. AMEN.
The first gospel application that is made to believers is that we have peace with God and therefore have unhindered access to God himself Romans 5 1 2 . Because we have been joined to Christ legally and have been therefore declared righteous, and joined to Christ vitally and have been therefore made righteous, we have direct access to God. It is important to note that your access to God is not based on your performance, or how well you are living the Christian life, but is based solely on your justified status. Cr. Jonathan Beazley Applying the Gospel to Believers
Romans 5 we see what Christ did for human beings on the cross we were justified, redeemed and reconcilied to God. Before Christ 's death we were enemies of God, but reconciliation took place through the death of Christ Jesus on the cross.
Beautifully inspired of the Holy Spirit! Anointed chapter as is all of Romans and the entire Word of God! I think praise God for His gift of Grace...and thank Jesus Christ my Lord Savior Deliverer and Redeemer for His unfailing obedience unto Calvary 's cross for us all.
What is the key that unlocks accesses grace? It is faith dependence on God, as opposed to self dependence. Faith, in this context, is a choice to rely upon God to appropriate His grace in any given situation, whether victory over sin or endurance amid trials, etc. It is trusting in the Lord with all the heart rather than leaning to our own understanding. It is asking for God s enablement, in any given situation, and then believing He has already given it. Pastor James Hollandsworth Kingdom Preparation
i believe that this verse in parenthesis for a reason. it is just making the point that since adam and eve sinned, sin has been in the world. this is why the next part of the chapter will confirm just that. that through one man sin entered the world and because of that all mankind is a sinner.
After experiencing a very serious car accident in 2007, my faith was shaken very much. But then hope came to my rescue and the Holy Spirit gave me assurance that God could and would use me in the area of pastor duties that I was involved in, Hope came alive in me.!!!
It 's in CHRST we are declared rightous after HE took our sins, by faith now we can enjoy peace with GOD therefore making regalism and works filthy rags.
CHRIST the anointed one With CHRIST in you You in CHRIST You are anointed The anointing is in you when you are in CHRIST When you hear the preacher talk about the anointing he should be talking about CHRIST. CHRIST IN YOU AND YOU IN CHRIST.
I am justified by the measure of faith that was imparted to me from God my Father. It is up to me to have growing faith. I thank God that through Jesus Christ I have been justified and therefore I have peace with God. Praise God for His many Blessings. Happy is the man that trusteth in the Lord.
I think the book of romans if read and studied can change the life of any person and teach what it means to be in christ. Romans may be the most spiritually important book in all the bible.
I believe that this says that even in today 's time, if someone who has never heard of Jesus, Moses or the law,sins! there sin will not be counted against them. It 's the same as someone who 's insane with a very low I Q commits a horrible crime that carries a death penalty, most states will not execute that person because his IQ prevents him from understanding the law. Or someone in the deepest part of the jungle never even heard of civilization, only law he knows is the law of his land.
This verse Romans 5 5 goes together with Isaiah 40 29 31, thou in our nature we easily give up but if we have HOPE we will be able to wait till He renews our strength and Gavin you are walking in JESUS ' Name. Amen
I m so in love with verse 19 so it means one man can change things whether good or bad so I say to myself I will stand with those who don t know Christ yet and help them understand that Jesus Christ can change our lives
Unconditional love the true charater of our Christ Jesus so those who bear his name ought to arm ourselves with the same character towards those we think and see as sinners to love them so we can win them for Christ because christ came us then to them through us