This defines the purpose of the bible in a nutshell. It was designed to give comfort and hope, to help us endure until Jehovah God put an end to the wickedness we see. Sometimes individuals question why the bible doesn 't speak on dinosaurs or aliens. The bible was not written for an In depth explanation of life beyond the stars, or every creature that ever existed. They very we 'll could exist. But the bible was specifically written for humans as a guide to help us attain the real life, on a paradise earth. Perhaps then we can satisfy our questions for other things.
It 's in trusting that GOD Releases joy which is the streangth that we need and also experience HIS peace. Hope will abound as you surrender to the HOLY SPIRIT
Our God is hope !!! There is joy and peace to be filled with in believing !!! Then we abound in hope !!!! Through the power of Holy Ghost !!!!! We need hope first then we will have joy and peace then we will abound in this hope and peace in believing and we attain power through all these . Can 't ask for anything better. Pelly your comment is very good and attainable !!!
Until i was Born Again, i never thought of Israel but now I find that i love Israel and pray for Israels peace and Salvation. God,s will be done in Israel and I will rejoice with them and thank God for them. Jesus was a Jew and now i am grafted in! And again I say rejoyce!!!
It starts in Romans 15 18 and also in 2 Corinthians 5 18 20 and Psalms 103 20 where the Voice of the Word should first be heard in our spirit before we share it with others in order to have an impact through the mighty power of the Holy Spirit manifesting miracles signs and wonders Jesus said that He only speaks what He hears the Father speaks
Verse 29;that I shall come to you in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is how a born again Christian ought to live.that wherever you go, you go in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel.this portion means that where there is the fullness there's divine healing, divine prosperity,lame men walking, the dead rising and so on.
So walk in the fullness today
Mr. Williams, you hit the nail on the head with your comment, people fail to see the New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed and the Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed.
God is a changeless God in a changing world. Since all scripture is divinely inspired,it is written to us and therefore instruction is derived from the Old and New Testaments.
So walk in the fullness today