An eagle "fies in mid-heaven
Mid-heaven refers to outer space (between the atmosphere and
the throne room of God)
Since we know that literal eagles cannot live in outer space, we
can view eagle to be a symbolic reference to an angel
Furthermore the �eagle� speaks in a loud voice to announce to the
whole world that the !nal three trumpets will be woe, woe, woe to the
These judgments will be directed at the people on earth instead
of the earth itself
It will be a terrible period
But all the while, evangelism is still winning millions to Christ,
helped no doubt by the dramatic events on earth Revelation 7-8 17
In verse 13 someone changed eagle to angel...heard an eagle flying through the midst of heaven. In chapter 22 verses 18&19 Revelation it says not add or take away from the words of the book of this prophecy. It should say eagle,not angel
I think and believe the Scripture calls the "Great star from Heaven" which is future to fall from heaven as Wormwood, or "bitter." This may be a comet, asteroid or meteorite or even an actual star of undetermined, as yet origins, that is hurled into earth's atmosphere, with a fierce burning hot flame of fire when introduced at break neck speeds quite literally explodes upon impact, disseminating its deadly ash and fumes over 1/3 of the earth's water sources. So bitter will the water be that many will die from its toxicity accumulated in known water sources. This is a futuristic prophecy, yet to be fulfilled in human history, during the 7 year Tribulation period. It is not an historic nuclear accident like "Chernobyl," in Russia, in recent times, some great military leader or famine, pestilence or plague, in ancient times or Mideavil times. It is what God said it is...a bitter experience for those unfortunate to partake of its calamity and yields death to many humans. The Russian nuclear accident came from the earth bound structures of a nuclear Power plant made by humans, while Wormwood comes from Heaven, a heavenly body not made by humans, as a sign of God's judgment to the human inhabitants of the earth. Other spurious conjectured interpretations are subject to discredit, as they deter from a true biblical hermeneutic interpretive course.
I believe that this silence in heaven of about the space of half an hour' could be something to do with the time period on earth between the end of World War I and the beginning of World War II; If one takes 1000 years to man (which in Hebrews and other Bible passages is often referred to as just one day only to God) and divide this by 48 which equals (approximately 21 years or) more accurately 20 years and 10 months. Now count the number of years and months from November 11th 1918 to September 3rd 1939 and this is also 20 years and 10 months. I think this is worth considering in studying Revelation 8:1.
my comment is a parallel topic:
a question; is there anyone who has calculated the prophetic messages pertaining their possible connection to huge influences on the entirety of civilization such as: the instant macro discovery of electricity utilization worldwide? Or other similar occurrences before and after Christ's crucifixion (occurrences more profound than for example many of the achievements such as airplane flight, or creating a compass, or something changed like a virus or a nutrient)
what could be a list of revealed macrocosms that changed history? And could those macrocosms be predicted in the Bible? Excluding those prophecies that have not yet occurred, but I am speaking of prophecies that could have already happened; for example something larger than the internet or oil or could it be the usage of electricity or the usage of radio waves, a sociological experiences such as the Enlightenment period or the Medieval Ages or etc etc etc.... well hope someone comes across this comment I typed and left here and has some fun and encouragement from it, or if someone has some good ideas let me know and reply, I might check back! CYA
I think Jesus left the Holy Place and went to the Most Holy Place, therefore leaving it empty, and silent. God the Father, is the One who tells Jesus to "Go and Collect My Children" the time has come. It concludes the 7,000 year, demonstration of what sin does.
Revelation 8 is the last of the seven seals to open and is the end of the seven year tribulation. This passage starts the Wrath of God On the nations, these are known as the trumpet judgments. Jesus has already appeared at the end of the tribulation in chapter 6 and 7 he seals the 144000 of Israel and raptures the church just prior to the Wrath Of God. In chapter 9 we see the 144000 who were sealed in chapter 7 who are not harmed by the judgments. Chapter 8 is the start of the wrath of God.
Hattie e Washington on Revelation 8 - 12 years ago
I believe in god for he has brought me from a mighty longway i trust in Him for He is my GOD That is scary I know That He died for my sins on the cross
Revelation 8:5 "And the angel took the cencer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth; and their were voices, thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake."
2012 - Mayan Calendar End of the World Hoax (December 21, 2012). Satan, following closely the end time prophecies of Revelation has put on the "GREATEST DECEPTION" ever.
The Media is replete with news of strange sounds, rumblings, and sonic booms; we also learn of outlandish diplay of lightnings across the world; and now we're being prepared for a large earthquake that is being staged, using HAARP weather modification technology, to happen along the Pacific Rim.
We need to recognize this HOAX so that we can better prepare for the real events prior to the coming of our Lord YAHUSHUA. If we buy into this DECEPTION, we're buying a counterfeit dollar bill, that we cannot exchange for the CROWN!
Satan has prepared the Biggest Deception ever. He is now prepared to duplicate Revelation 8 & 9. The 2012 Mayan Calendar End of the World Hoax. With the use of HAARP (ELF, VLF, LF)- weather modification and mind control; Chemtrails (Barium, Aluminum, Strontium, Silica)- the medium for Holography and the means to spread Synthetic Nano-bioengineered lifeforms turning humans into humanoids/zombies; Project Blue Beam- using all the Satellites to project images across the world- Satan will duplicate Earthquakes, Droughts, Floods, Alien Invasion, the second coming of the messiah, every thing written in Revelation 8 & 9 he will forge. Let us not be deceived!
Silence in heaven for a half hour of the hour of temptation. Why? Michael kicks satan out to earth. Finely there is some peace from that old dragon the accuser but woe to us on earth.
I don't believe this has happened yet. I think it will be an event that surpasses anything humanity has ever seen. It has nothing to do with the old Roman Empire or even any living being. It has to do with the sun being hit by something large enough to cause damage to a 1/3 part of it
well according to Revelation chapter 8 verse 1, it is speaking of that God Almighty himself is silence, he have shout down on many; especially to the grown folks who are over 35; up years of age. for he said that we the grown folk knows better; know right from wrong; when we do not listen to him;apply;comply to him; his needs that is exactly what we as people of his creation is going to faced up with, with plenty of destruction, bad conditions; plus situations. And so, if we as people, especially the older folks who knows better; have the knowledge that God is real; plus he talks and respect him for the person; the God that he is; do the right thing then none of this would or could have happen to us; in the world. But because of our hard head; defiant ways that is why things is going like this, but trust me there are more where this comes from.However, let me tell you something the LORD MEDAD YAHWEH do not abandon his people, his children unless his children; we abandon him first, for he is ah God of love; he doesn't want this for us; for we brought this crisis; dilemma on, why? Because we have sin; done wrong to him;plus towards him;so, what is for him to do? turn his back on us, yust like we did to him; trust me; when he, God Almighty does that, the means he is sick; plus tired of our foolishness; plus stupidity towards.So when he, God MEDAD YAHWEH turns his face; back the other way, that means he had enough; allows the enemy to have his; their way with us, you; the world for being so aunrey; unattentive to him; his needs. So for right now he,GOD ALMIGHTY is very silent, we especially us old folks are practically on our own. Now for the younger children; generation he is attending to their needs, for they don't know as much as us, older ones. For us older ones; generations was to be the ones putting the younger ones in check; plus in order. So you see why all of this craziness is going on, for the seal of protection of us; others is; have been broken, remember when the seal have been broken it means that we are no longer sealed or protected like we was before, now remember the seal have; has many sides to it, for I'm sure it is not only talking about one way. I know this because the holy spirit, MEDAD YAHWEH, GOD ALMIGHTY have told me this, for no one could have given to me this insight but only him, for after all he knows all; plus sees all. shalom for this have been pearl Abiygayil Yisrael B.K.A. disciple Mary for the holy spirit, my dad; God have told me of who I am this day; if it wasn't for Medad Yahweh I wouldn't have known this again. And based on the holy scriptures, the torah; tanakh it can be verified on John chapter 11:1-57, 19:25-27, Luke 10:38-42; plus, John 12:1-3.And so, there you have it.
God is in control. Did He not say that we would see pestilances near the end times, that there would be wars and rumors of wars? Also that there would be famines? How do you think some of these are going to be brought about?
He also said that He would bless those who bless the Israel nation and curse them that curse Israel. We as a nation are turning our backs on Israel and most of all on God. It is time that we believers get the gospel out to our unsaved nation!
Tonight on the news the oil spill is now the size of Tennessee. But another concern came up - BIRDS! The newscasters stated that millions of birds would be coming to the south to breed and feed before going further south. They were trying to find ways to keep them from roosting in the oil. The size of this mountain being cast into the sea is quite large. Getting bigger with each passing day. And the oil still comes.... I would like to make a comment on Travis' 2-edged sword. The 2-edged sword is the Word of God, coming forth first out of His mouth, then second, coming forth from our mouths. It cuts away the residue, the unwanted things that bogs down the christian and then that christian can speak to others with clarity. This clarity is then used by the convicting Spirit of the Holy Ghost and the sinner will "hear and see" what sayeth the Lord! You were on the right thought with this, Travis. We, who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, are a part of that sword, the mighty sword of the Lord! No one knows when the "catching away of the bride of Christ" will happen but those who study and seek the face of Jesus are all having the same feeling - He is coming soon! Be ready! AMEN!
The oil spill is more than we realize. Oil, as reported in the news, is taking oxygen out of the water, killing life in the sea. We, being made up of mostly water in our bodies, will be affected in the same way by this oil. And if oil can take oxygen out of water, then what about air? Even if we stopped the oil spilling today, it would take many years to get it all out of the sea. And during that time it will still keep killing life. Don't underestimate this incident.. Selah
@Ray: I think the oil spill could be verse 8. Either the prophet could have seen the oil residue in the water and interpreted it as blood, or it could be that God allowed the prophet to see the water as blood, to represent all the resultant deaths, as Sha-ron said. The mountain being cast into the sea could just be a symbol to the prophet that something big was to happen. I believe we are seeing it unfold as others have commented. And since it is happening slowly, like when you put a frog in cool water and heat it up slowly until the frog is finally dead, we aren't going to respond to it with the proper urgency until it's possibly too late.
@Travis: The word of God is 2-edged sword, and cuts both ways. Yes this is a wakeup call to us in America, as you have said. That's one side of the sword. But what is the other? Perhaps it serves to bring us christians closer together so that we can win souls to Christ. And as for the rapture you mention, noone truly knows when it will take place, so don't bank on it to save you. The point is to be ready when Christ does return. I'm a pan-tribber. It's all gonna pan out the way God wants regardless of what I believe.
To Alamo - I'm praying for you, may you find the peace of God. I'm not out to scare anyone - those who know Jesus in His fullness know that they will not be confused nor left alone during the trying times that are indeed ahead for the world. We are here to support those would won't know what to do - to offer a calmness that the world will need. The masses who do not know Jesus in His fullness will be scared, upset, confused and left to fend for themselves when these disaters come upon the face of the earth and are even now appearing. Man is indeed the cause of most calamities: i.e.: the fall of Wall Street, the World and National Wars which not only murdered innocent peoples and animals but also destroyed lands and waters so that their usage was removed. Then there are those who (for the love of "whatever")go into malls, post offices, army bases, schools, court rooms, and other places killing even more and leaving behind deep scars. Let us not forget 9-11 (man doing a work in the name of a dead man - Mohammad). Man and sin are the end result of the end of this world. So again I encourage all that believe on Jesus as Lord and Savior - "Rise up and make the call to those whose eyes are open but cannot see. Ears that are hearing but cannot hear;the non-belivers who need to believe". This is the time for much praying and fasting to bring the lost into the fold of our Shepherd - Jesus Christ, the true and living God! Everyone - even the sceptical - is important to the Kingdom of God. Amen.
The kooks have come out to play. The oil spill came a s a result of human error and has nothing to do with the hocus pocus of religion. Christianity is an evolved form of voodoo that is used as a means to cast fear and control the ignorant masses.
I am not a pre-trib rapture thinker. I am mid-trib. Several verses lead me to believe that we will see a portion of the "bad times" before we ascend into the clouds. I believe that the oil spill will do much damage to the U.S. More problems than what most people think. Some disaters are "fast" like earthquakes and storms, but some are "slow" like molasses on a cold day. The oil spill is one of those "slow" things". Over the coarse of the next year there will be a greater distruction from this than we have vision of. The "blood" that John saw in the sea meant "death". The oil is a killer - killing even from the largest of sea creatures to the smallest - the smallest being affected now which is the "bread" for the larger ones. When the food chain is disrupted - esp. at the base - the effect of distruction is not "fast to see". We are in for great storms and famine and earthquakes here in the U.S.A.. Not only in the physical but in the Spiritual. Our call to this nation is "Arise - Arise, open your eyes that are open but cannot see, open your ears that are open but cannot see!! Jesus is coming !!"
I am in the middle of studying out chp.6,7,8 - The Lord is speaking in volumes- not just to me but others. This is the beginning of the end. We have entered into the opening of the seals. I believe that we are into the 3rd - more is to come - God's judgement is sure - we have definitely entered into the days when man's knowledge and practice of the one and only true religion is becoming scarce. The word being brought forth from the pulpits is full of sugar and honey - too much that it has spoiled the pot, so as to speak. Our Lord states that all who will see Him will have "CLEAN HANDS AND A PURE HEART". I so agree that we MUST REACH THE LOST NOW!!!! This is our now time work. Pray/Fast for the salvation of all of the most precious creation of God - and do it now. Thank you.
this has nothing to do with this verse of scripture. now could this be a sample of what is to come? yes. all these diasters that are happening in america are Gods mercy believe it or not. God is trying to wake up this country from the evil that will send it to hell but we are not listening. ad by the way the church will be gone when these things will happen. so just focus on winning souls to christ and following and reading his word.
There was a recent meeting in the panhandle with the fishermen who wanted to help the effort to stop the oil from spreading. They were told by the officials that their boats would need to be at least 30' long and that once used for the oil spill disaster will not be allowed back into the waters again because they will be contaminated. Thousands of them. Not being able to be used again. Having to be destroyed.
I think that when I saw the brown residue from the recent oil spill, with dead fish in it, this scripture came to mind. From a distance, the strips of brown on top the water with dead fish in them look like pieces of wood with worms in them. Maybe that's what the prophet was seeing, but it's just an opinion because some of the things before that scripture don't seem to have happened yet, unless you count the ships destroyed from the tsunami in indonesia. But then, where was the mountain that was cast into the sea? And have there been enough forest fires and burning of forests around the world to justify verse 7 right now?
Mid-heaven refers to outer space (between the atmosphere and
the throne room of God)
Since we know that literal eagles cannot live in outer space, we
can view eagle to be a symbolic reference to an angel
Furthermore the �eagle� speaks in a loud voice to announce to the
whole world that the !nal three trumpets will be woe, woe, woe to the
These judgments will be directed at the people on earth instead
of the earth itself
It will be a terrible period
But all the while, evangelism is still winning millions to Christ,
helped no doubt by the dramatic events on earth
Revelation 7-8 17
a question; is there anyone who has calculated the prophetic messages pertaining their possible connection to huge influences on the entirety of civilization such as: the instant macro discovery of electricity utilization worldwide? Or other similar occurrences before and after Christ's crucifixion (occurrences more profound than for example many of the achievements such as airplane flight, or creating a compass, or something changed like a virus or a nutrient)
what could be a list of revealed macrocosms that changed history? And could those macrocosms be predicted in the Bible? Excluding those prophecies that have not yet occurred, but I am speaking of prophecies that could have already happened; for example something larger than the internet or oil or could it be the usage of electricity or the usage of radio waves, a sociological experiences such as the Enlightenment period or the Medieval Ages or etc etc etc.... well hope someone comes across this comment I typed and left here and has some fun and encouragement from it, or if someone has some good ideas let me know and reply, I might check back! CYA
2012 - Mayan Calendar End of the World Hoax (December 21, 2012). Satan, following closely the end time prophecies of Revelation has put on the "GREATEST DECEPTION" ever.
The Media is replete with news of strange sounds, rumblings, and sonic booms; we also learn of outlandish diplay of lightnings across the world; and now we're being prepared for a large earthquake that is being staged, using HAARP weather modification technology, to happen along the Pacific Rim.
We need to recognize this HOAX so that we can better prepare for the real events prior to the coming of our Lord YAHUSHUA. If we buy into this DECEPTION, we're buying a counterfeit dollar bill, that we cannot exchange for the CROWN!
He also said that He would bless those who bless the Israel nation and curse them that curse Israel. We as a nation are turning our backs on Israel and most of all on God. It is time that we believers get the gospel out to our unsaved nation!