Jevon the 144,000 are sealed after antichrist is here on earth. Then when they realize it 's not the true Christ they turn away. It won 't be hard to see when the elect are delivered up and the Holy Spirit speaks through them. Many will turn away from worshipping instead of Christ when they realize the truth that it is a deception and it 's just Satan wanting to be a god. Don 't bow down to any one until that 7th trump sounds and Jerusalem is hit with hail stones and flatten. The false Christ will be here 2 and a half months out of the 5 that it was shorten to for the elect sake.
I understand that they who receive a mark of a man will receive the mark of GOD in their forehead. These 12 tribes were not seal at the same time, they were sealed according to the strength of their soul in each tribe. For example Judah conquered his brothers in strenght, for the spirit of might was with him. Rueben was the tribe seal, just as Israel said in his blessing, he is excellent in strength and power. Gad was the third person to be seal. Gad was the first born of a firstborn twin. However, Joseph who suppose to be seal fifth took sixth for his son Manasseh. Manasseh is a separate tribe of Israel but he took the strength of his father that is why he was sealed sixth. Ephraim however represents Joseph as explained in the book of Ezekiel. Dan was left out according to his testimony. What I want to know is if these men will be with GOD after death like the death of Moses or if they will ever experience death because chapter 7 says the sun will not light on them nor any heat, so I am thinking these 144,000 will be with JEHOVAH.
The Word of Almighty God, and Christ in MT 24 speaks clearly that the Saints will be gathered in a time of great suffering during the tribulation period. We the believers in the Word of God must be prepared to "Endure to the end. " In any case He will come as a thief in the night, therfore WATCH, remain vigilent and expectant for His return. WATCH!
Shelly there is no church or article for church in Revelation 4 and the subject isn 't churches except if you call the election which is the only true church of God because they know Satan comes looking just like Jesus Christ the Lamb but he comes as instead of Christ, meaning antichrist and all the churches chase after him and the election try to turn them away from chasing him when the Holy Spirit speaks through them. All are changed at the 7th trump and Christ will only show up at the 7th trump. All go through the test because if you look up the elect, the set a side ones you will find out the word is church and the church stands against Satan and the rest of the churches that teach another doctrine other than the truth will chase the devil.
I understand that the Elders in Rev.4 verse 9 11 shows the church seated on thrones and they have crowns rewards to lay at Gods feet. This shows us that before the Tribulation begins the church is already in Heaven and the Bema Judgement has already happened. I understand that the 144,000 are Jews who have been filled with the Holy Spirit Pentecost. From all 12 tribes of Israel, not the church. I understand that the multitude that no one could count holding Palm branches are the Tribulation Saints who were killed for faith in Jesus. I also understand that because they are holding Palm branches , this must be during the Feast of Tabernacles.
Now as far as the rapture is concerned. Part of the rapture people think they will fly straight way, united. But then now there are some who think that they will witness first and then fly? I will tell you the truth, IT 'S NOT IN THE BIBLE! God knows how to spell rapture and He told you in Ezekiel 13 18 and on He hates those who teach the fly to save your own souls. Go with God and start knowing that you will be here with gospel armour on and try to get it in place in learning Satan comes looking like the Lamb in peace and he will love them that want to fly caus he will be telling them gather around me and we will fly away.
Rev. 7 4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. This prophecy has been changed as it stands four tribes in Israel have lost part or all of their inheritance, with the exception of Manasseh whose portion now doubles in size, in a time when men required a sign. We know Moses led the thirteen tribes of Israel out of Egypt which carried the bones of Joseph to the land that God had promised their Father Abraham. Josephs inheritance being double Gen 48 5 And now thy two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, which were born unto thee in the land of Egypt before I came unto thee into Egypt, are mine as Reuben and Simeon, they shall be mine. This was done for Josephs service to God. Gen 48 14 And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon Ephraim 's head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon Manasseh 's head, guiding his hands wittingly for Manasseh was the firstborn. Gen 48 19 And his father refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations. So how in Rev. 7 could Ephraim and Dan be put out of their land? Is this the hand of God that stays the waters or the quill in the hand of man who writes of martyr s? In 7 Levi lost his share the greatest share of all. Deut. 10 9 Wherefore Levi hath no part nor inheritance with his brethren the LORD is his inheritance, according as the LORD thy God promised him. But now to be listed among ten of his brethren Joseph being one his twelve thousand must come from the loins of Manasseh. The 144,000 are like unto the men in the days of Kings, men who have not bow their knee to Baal. How can your faith move mountains when you can t believe what you see with your own eyes? Rev.22 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Muhammad knows if he is related to Ephraim who is truly greater than his brother, The Christian nation will raise up with their bible saying look here at Rev. 7 Createanonymous THE END
Ovary the Church,the set a side ones,the election will remain here on earth as well with all the world up until the end of the hour of temptation when all will change at the same time when Christ returns. Satan comes looking like,acting like, the Lamb of God but he is instead of Christ or antichrist and the time period was shorten for the elect sake in Revelation ch. 9 5 and 9 10, twice it was said so you would know it 's 5 months. 2an a half Satan will be here, if delivered up don 't fight just go and when questioned blank your mind.
Carol one third will turn away from Satan. Most likely when the ones that are called are delivered up and the Holy Spirit speaks through them the 144,000 will turn away and if they had studied their Bible will already be prepared so they won 't buy or sell for that 2 and a half months Satan is acting as Christ the Lamb of God but is the dragon Satan.
Thanks all for your nice contribution with regard to Rev 7 14 and its connection with the rapture. Mathew 24 20 22. If you also read ISAIAH 26 20 2. It becomes clear that, the tribulation will start before the rapture then our Loard Jesus will come to pick those who received him as their Savior. However, there is another school of thought that the church shall not witness tribulation. The church must have left before this bad time. Kindly educate us with regard to this timing? Thanks and Godbbless you all in advance
Can someone help me if the church will witness the tribulation before the rapture according to Rev 7 14? If yes for how many years and will it be affected as well? Minzi from Tanzania
It sounds like the church will witness the tribulation before the rapture. However they will not ge victims of the tribulation since they are marked with the blood of Jesus. Then they will be taken in heaven before coming back to rule with Jesus for 1000 years. That is what I think. Minzi frlm Tanzania
The 144,000 are Gods elect because they fought against Satan when he rebelled in the first heaven and earth ages. when the katabolt occurred. Satan did not want to be the chereb that protected the mercy seat. He wanted to be god so he turned aginst God and by doing so he managed to take with him one quarter of Gods children with him.So 144,000 thousand souls was with God and fought with Satan and his.God knows who they are and he knows that they are truly his people because they fought aginst Satan in the first heaven and earth ages Satan is the only one in the Bible that God has named to burn from ashes within. Just remember we were created with free will.
the four angels were put on the corner of each side of the earth to hold back all the darkness and evil that satan wants to unleash on upon the earth. but they will stop protecting the earth once the rapture happens and God The Lord Jesus Christ comes for his people the church and everyone that believed in him. since we are living in the time of grace period era where God 's grace and mercy is on us. there are seven dispensation ages and the time of grace is the sixth one the one we are living in this modern time. study the bible ask god for wisdom and understanding and he will reveal his word to you. fast and pray as well it helps you understand his word alot.
Revelation does the summery of the revelator,having seen Gods people sealed .it also tells us that some saints will pass tribulution but christ will crown them with white robe which shows victory.there wiil be no tears at all
You can 't take what the Bible says and make it mean what you want it to. The 144,000 of virgins Jews males, read Chapter 14. virgin Jews males who have not been defiled by woman. The ones in the last half of the chapter are the saints who were beheaded in the great tribulation. To come out of something, you must have first been in it There is no rapture that was a lie started by Margaret McDonald in the 1830 's. Look her up! The pre tribulations rapture has only been taught for 184 years. No disciple ever taught it. Jesus himself never did, that was a lie. In fact in John 17 Jesus is praying to God and says concerning us "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest protect them from the Evil " We are not leaving here!
Chesterfield walrond on Revelation 7 - 10 years ago
Question?are all believers aka christians servants. Of say in Rev7v3 The servants of God are sealed in their forehead. Ezek 9v4 is a parallel scripture from this you may conclude that the people who are praying against all the evil in the world are servants. Jesus also gave another example using servants.MaT25v14. Luke19v12
The more I study and read the less faith I have in religion. I believe in God but I don 't think he is the God of Wrath and a God that wants me on my knees praying for my salvation. I believe God is love and want us to love the world and the people he created. People of power re wrote the Bible for their own needs. Sorry there are no favorite people of God and their is no religion that is the gateway to Heaven. There is God and nothing else. Religion is a man made tool. Do you really think of all the religions of the world,your religion is the right and only right one?
The reason why 144,000 people are going to be saved is because first they have repented and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Second, these people didn 't go back to their sinful ways and followed God 's commandments. How many people has done just that? Third is the materialistic wealth. Please read what Jesus said about material wealth. Just because people are Christians that does not mean we have followed Jesus instructions in the Bible. It is a challenge for people living in what we call as modern times. God 's promise is always there. It is simply up to us to either become people of this world or become God 's people. God has already sent all his prophets to guide us and warn us.
It seems logical to me that the "Rapture " of the Church will come between what is likely the beginning of a Nuclear attack the stars falling , but not yet detonating, in Rev. 6 12 17, and the beginning of Rev.7. The four angels at the beginning of Rev. 7 are sealing the 144,000 in a "frozen " instant of time, but this would not be necessary if the billions of Christians were still on earth, to be His witnesses. Also the "sealing " is to protect the 144,000 witnesses, but why not the billions of Christians, unless they are already in Heaven, and no "protection " is necessary!
Jesus the great physican 13And one of the elders answered saying unto me What are these which are arrayed in white robes and whence came they 14And I said unto him Sir thou knowest And he said to me These are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb 15Therefore are they before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them 16They shall hunger no more neither thirst any more neither shall the sun light on them nor any heat 17For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes
This chapter concerns the initial stage of God wrath which is about to be poured out on the unbelieving world( Rev 6:15-17) many of which are responsible for the persecution and mistreatment of his people;whos souls cry out for vindication and justice,in the same chapter. Since the church is not appointed to wrath,as mentioned by Paul twice in his first letter to the Thessalonians ( 1Thess 1:10,5:9),God is now about to make an exchange of witnesses as he first seals 144,000 of his original witness(The Israelites see Isa 43:10-12)to finish out the final week(7 years)of Daniels 70th week( Dan 9:24-27). And then in an instant he snatches away his saints from all over the world,into his immediate presence to their Heavenly abode(The New Exodus)where they ascribe their deliverance Spiritual and Physical,to God and to the Lamb as their long journey comes to an end.Where the sun and the hot air will not effect them anymore. And where they will neither hunger nor thirst nor suffering anymore. As God and the lamb will meet all their needs. Just as it happened for the nation of Israel through their roughly 400 years of 'Great Tribulation' in Egyptian bondage,and their 40 years of wandering through the hot and humid wilderness where they were in need of food and water. In verses 11 and 12 of this vision,there is joy and rejoicing among the Angles over all the sinners who are saved(see Luke 15:7-10) This is in answer to a question that was asked about these verses. thanks
There is no other way for salvation,but God's way. We are almost at the end.Soon Jesus is coming to take His church, His followers to heaven before Antichrist starts ruling. Rapture is definitely going to take place before antichrist takes over. Jus t
go back and see John in Patmos. Here our Lord Jesus Christ is referring to the seven churches and please note that from 4th chapter onwards the word church is not mentioned, because from there on the church is in heavon with he HS too. Also note that at the north chapter the voice tells John to come up! Yes from here on John sees heaven and all that is happening in this work from heaven. No, the all believers will not be in this worl d when Antichrist comes.they will be in heaven with the Father,Son and the Holy Spirit. Praised be the Holy Trinity. So, sisters an brothers be ready , Be clean and joyful, that day is almost here?
After reading Revelations 7:9-17, it dawned upon me that this great multitude is not part of the 144,000. These are Christians who repented and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior ( Rev. 7:14). The 144,000 are from the tribes of Israel ( Rev. 7:4), whereas the great multitude come from all nations (not one nation was without Christians), and kindreds (relatives), and people, and tongues (different languages). Modern Christians, those who are not of the tribe of Israel, are part of this multitude.
go back and see John in Patmos. Here our Lord Jesus Christ is referring to the seven churches and please note that from 4th chapter onwards the word church is not mentioned, because from there on the church is in heavon with he HS too. Also note that at the north chapter the voice tells John to come up! Yes from here on John sees heaven and all that is happening in this work from heaven. No, the all believers will not be in this worl d when Antichrist comes.they will be in heaven with the Father,Son and the Holy Spirit. Praised be the Holy Trinity. So, sisters an brothers be ready , Be clean and joyful, that day is almost here?