If you have refused to accept Jesus's invitation to be born again ( John 3)
And you are Left Behind on earth, after the Rapture of millions/billions of believers
No one knows how rapidly the Beast will set up the Economic takeover of all institutions using money, currency. It will come by force. The Antichrist is revealed after the Rapture. There is also a False Prophet who will set up a One World Religion. All nations will get on board with it.
A Police State will be formed. There are testimonies from workers that have already witnessed guillotines in warehouses. Not on national news. A one world system of money will be formed. Meanwhile there will be assurances from the Antichrist that everyone will be taken care of. Food will be barely enough, water too. Look how disrupted ALL nations are now with this CoronaVirus plague. People aren't all working; businesses closed, bankrupt; schools barely limping along. Children who have not blasphemed Jesus Christ will be raptured; all infants, toddlers, handicapped. Why? People in the Bible ate their children in famines.
And then 1/2 way through the 7 years, the Antichrist will turn from solving problems to become a mass murderer in ALL nations. All banking is ended. You will have to take His Mark (666) in your forehead or hand. You will have to Worship him; become a traitor to those who refuse to get the Mark. You can't trust anyone. Rioters will invade homes to get food, water or gasoline. An asteroid named Wormwood will hit the earth and climate will change to winter. Water will be poisoned, all fish will die. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis & more will occur. There will be hailstones big as cars. Animals will attack humans for food. Read Revelation & minor prophets! Try to get informed! Read some Hal Lindsey books NOW!
Why go through this? Look for the BECOME A BELIEVER link on this website. Block Print it and Tell others before it's too late. Depend on JESUS. He is your ONLY safe place.
After the rapture of the church will those left behind have an opportunity for salvation? If any take the mark of the beast they will suffer God's wrath... does this mean if you don't take the mark you have an opportunity to be saved from hell?
What is not Created in Goodness and Faith? We who Do GOOD Deeds Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow always and always now and forever more will find the right direction.
Thanks for your reply,I have read all this but wanted to get the word out to many people that still thinkthe word (rapture ) is an actual word in the bible
Thank you for your answer. I have read this before but some people seam to believe the word RAPTURE is really in the bible.People actually believe the actual word appears in the bible--just wanted to set some readers straight.
The Bible teaches on: The Day of the Lord; also named, Caught Up in the Clouds. Just enter any of those in the top Search Box.
Also, Thief in the Night, in the Clouds.
Rapture is a state or experience of being carried away. The English word comes from a Latin word, rapio, which means to seize or snatch in relation to an ecstasy of spirit or the actual removal from one place to another. In other words, it means to be carried away in spirit or in body. The Rapture of the church means the carrying away of the church from earth to heaven.
The Greek word from this term "rapture" is derived appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, translated "caught up." The Latin translation of this verse used the word rapturo. The Greek word it translates is harpazo, which means to snatch or take away. Elsewhere it is used to describe how the Spirit caught up Philip near Gaza and brought him to Caesarea ( Acts 8:39) and to describe Paul's experience of being caught up into the third heaven ( 2 Cor. 12:2-4). Thus there can be no doubt that the word is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 to indicate the actual removal of people from earth to heaven.
It is commonly asserted that the word rapture doesn't appear in the Bible, and this absence is held forth as evidence that the teaching of the rapture is a falsehood. But this claim is untrue. The word rapture does appear in the Bible. It appears in the exact same way that words like angel and apostle appear in the Bible. he word rapture is simply the anglicized form of the Greek word (harpaz) that appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 in the original text.
To begin with, the English word rapture is derived from the Latin participle raptus from the verb rapio. And Latin rapio and Greek (harpaz) are cognates - they are the same word.Don't be fooled by the superficial differences between Latin rapio and Greek harpaz. The - (-az) on the end of (harpaz) is not part of the shared stem but a common Koine Greek verb ending.
1 Thessalonians Chapter 4 is one place you will find it. But, you will not find the word "rapture" in your English Bible. The word rapture comes from the Latin word Raptus. The original language (Greek) uses the word harpadzo which is basically the same thing. So whether you use the word rapture, raptus, or harpadzo, they all mean the same thing, to be "caught up" or seized by force. And that is what is found in 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4.
My pastor said he believes the 2 witnesses and the 144 thousand will only be preaching to the Jews on earth at that time, but what i have read and what you tell me make much more sense
I have a book by Arthur E Bloomfield: title is How To Recognize Antichrist. It's a good source of timing information. His book, Before the Last Battle is a good one too.
It helps with understanding some of the Book of Daniel.
Yes, there will be an opportunity for salvation during the Tribulation Period. Just like Mishael says, there will be evangelizing during that time. God's mercy and grace will extend during this period. And there will also be an opportunity for salvation during the 1,000-year millennial reign of Christ. That's how far God's grace extends.
During the first 3-1/2 years of the Tribulation Period, there will be two witnesses walking the streets of Jerusalem preaching the gospel. Many believe, as do I, that these two are Moses and Elijah. There will also be 144,000 Jews, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel who will be preaching the gospel. Also, there will be an angel flying mid-heaven non-stop for 3-1/2 years warning people not to take the mark. So the whole world will be reached during that time. Those left behind will be without excuse. They will not be able to stand before God and say "we didn't know." However, they will have a chance for salvation.
If there were no chance for salvation during the Tribulation, why would God's plan be to send two witnesses, 144,000 Jews evangelizing, and an angel flying in mid-heaven warning people? If people cannot be saved during that time, what would be the purpose of preaching the gospel? It would serve no purpose. I mean, why preach a gospel message of salvation if it's impossible for people to be saved?
The Holy Spirit will not be as active. There will be evangelizing by other people who missed the rapture.
The problem is the Antichrist getting his one world money system going; the Beast,
One world church and one world Leader: him. It's going to lead to receiving a Mark in your hand or forehead; to access buying power with your funds. I'd read Forbes. They are the ones pushing this one world calendar that's been in the news. Google that.
Bibles will be outlawed. Guns, I don't know. You'll have to Buy ammo now.
If you think all the current rioting is bad now; multiply that by 1000.
It was reported that in Israel someone re-did all the Palestinians names on maps, renamed to Israel properties. Genesis has the recorded deeds to the land. It is theirs.
No one has taken responsibility for that. It could be Russia & Syria that did that to further turn the world against Israel. Read JerusalemPost newspaper online; daily.
Prophesy teaches that USA will do something that will anger the whole world. That near the end, that Russia will be obliterated by God. China is working with Russia, Syria, Iran. Iran wants to take over Iraq. China is acting like they're the Antichrist but that's not true. Antichrist will most likely have Palestinian ancestry but deny it. He may not be married; doesn't have time for women?
Whatever happens it will happen quickly like it is now. Genesis 6:3, Luke 19:42, Galatians 6;16-17, 1 Peter 3:20; Psalms 78:39 to end. Read all that Bob.
Why would any of you neglect to be born again and risk going to hell, you and your family?? Can you watch yours or someone else's child be beheaded? If you don't take the Mark, you'll be beheaded. If you do take it, God will have to send you to hell.
What are you thinking? Can anyone hide from God and Antichrist? All this you see is going to be BURNED. 2 Peter 3:10-11. It'll make global warming look like a marshmallow roast. Super quakes, Wormwood Asteroid/star, super volcanoes!
Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
These died refusing to worship the beast and take the mark 666. They are with Christ and will live with him for the thousand year intro to the kingdom.
I would find another church if the pastor is that ignorant of scripture.
In verse 10 highlights the great amount of love that Jehovah God and Jesus have for us. We know we can't earn nor do we deserve salvation but it is only because of Jehovah's underserved kindness that we can share in the loud shout of praise mentioned in this verse. So it is important for us to express deep appreciation for Jehovah God and Jesus and to help others to do the same.
Our country is being attacked from inside by numerous different groups. We need God more than ever. All that our fore fathers fought and died for us being corrupted. I am requesting as many prayers for peace to be returned to America as well as many of the American people to turn back to God as possible! Pray for our people and country. GOD BLESS AMERICA! Thank you!
Remember my sister and AJ, my nephew who just lost their Son/Brother to Drug Overdose. They have so many puzzling emotions going on .. Why, What if's, Love, Emptiness. Your Prayers are Appreciated
Soldiers need our Prayers on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
More than 6,000 veterans die by suicide each year, taking their own lives at a rate one-and-a-half times that of other Americans. Female veterans are at an even higher risk, with a suicide rate of more than twice that of other Americans.
From 2005 to 2016, the veteran suicide rate rose by an alarming 26 percent. In the past, these heroes were too often overlooked by our leaders, who sent our troops to fight in foreign lands without taking care of them once they returned home.
Soldiers need our Prayers on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
More than 6,000 veterans die by suicide each year, taking their own lives at a rate one-and-a-half times that of other Americans. Female veterans are at an even higher risk, with a suicide rate of more than twice that of other Americans.
From 2005 to 2016, the veteran suicide rate rose by an alarming 26 percent. In the past, these heroes were too often overlooked by our leaders, who sent our troops to fight in foreign lands without taking care of them once they returned home.
If you are studying and following God's Word don't be surprised when the devil fights. 1 Peter 4:12 says "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you."
If you're children are grown you cannot change them but you can pray for them and try to counsel them using Scripture. If they're still in the home get in the Word together and deal with the issues that you are facing. Finally, I would ask you a question that I ask myself daily. What are you focused on? If you're focused on worldly things (a husband, money, career, etc) that God doesn't want you focused on it will make things hard. If you focus on him then you'll be able to rejoice no matter what.
The world will not be right until all come back into the order set for all creation by the father of all creation the sooner you wake up and get real to that and show your children that the better off you will be stop looking for a fake magic to save you there will be no salvation for any of creation until all creation comes back to the order set for all creation by the father of all creation! The house is going to fall unless the people rise and come back to the order! That is the whole of the prophecy! Repentance is to come back to the order set for all creation by the father of all creation that you all deny for the system's of the ruler's of this world! Time to wake up to reality so you can fix your family!
First,giving God all of the praise and honor I do believe the word of God and standing on it I sometime don't understand what"s going on in my life. Its like as soon as I go through one trail after, another I am doing all that I know to do. I do so go before the lord. I ask him what ever area in my life that's not pleasing to him to please show me.I am standing on his word for my home, my children's. My baby is a little mixed up about her identity. My oldest have no respect, neither do her children's for me.I would love for God to bless me with a godly mate,and yes I have ask.Spirit Fill and love the lord. Financially bless as well, a stable man of god. A praying man believe in the holy ghost and laying on hands.
And you are Left Behind on earth, after the Rapture of millions/billions of believers
No one knows how rapidly the Beast will set up the Economic takeover of all institutions using money, currency. It will come by force. The Antichrist is revealed after the Rapture. There is also a False Prophet who will set up a One World Religion. All nations will get on board with it.
A Police State will be formed. There are testimonies from workers that have already witnessed guillotines in warehouses. Not on national news. A one world system of money will be formed. Meanwhile there will be assurances from the Antichrist that everyone will be taken care of. Food will be barely enough, water too. Look how disrupted ALL nations are now with this CoronaVirus plague. People aren't all working; businesses closed, bankrupt; schools barely limping along. Children who have not blasphemed Jesus Christ will be raptured; all infants, toddlers, handicapped. Why? People in the Bible ate their children in famines.
And then 1/2 way through the 7 years, the Antichrist will turn from solving problems to become a mass murderer in ALL nations. All banking is ended. You will have to take His Mark (666) in your forehead or hand. You will have to Worship him; become a traitor to those who refuse to get the Mark. You can't trust anyone. Rioters will invade homes to get food, water or gasoline. An asteroid named Wormwood will hit the earth and climate will change to winter. Water will be poisoned, all fish will die. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis & more will occur. There will be hailstones big as cars. Animals will attack humans for food. Read Revelation & minor prophets! Try to get informed! Read some Hal Lindsey books NOW!
Why go through this? Look for the BECOME A BELIEVER link on this website. Block Print it and Tell others before it's too late. Depend on JESUS. He is your ONLY safe place.
Do Good Deeds today!
Do Good Deeds tomorrow!
May the Lord God and Jesus Christ Guide and Protect us always to Heaven, Amen
John Rooney
Also, Thief in the Night, in the Clouds.
Rapture is a state or experience of being carried away. The English word comes from a Latin word, rapio, which means to seize or snatch in relation to an ecstasy of spirit or the actual removal from one place to another. In other words, it means to be carried away in spirit or in body. The Rapture of the church means the carrying away of the church from earth to heaven.
The Greek word from this term "rapture" is derived appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, translated "caught up." The Latin translation of this verse used the word rapturo. The Greek word it translates is harpazo, which means to snatch or take away. Elsewhere it is used to describe how the Spirit caught up Philip near Gaza and brought him to Caesarea ( Acts 8:39) and to describe Paul's experience of being caught up into the third heaven ( 2 Cor. 12:2-4). Thus there can be no doubt that the word is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 to indicate the actual removal of people from earth to heaven.
It is commonly asserted that the word rapture doesn't appear in the Bible, and this absence is held forth as evidence that the teaching of the rapture is a falsehood. But this claim is untrue. The word rapture does appear in the Bible. It appears in the exact same way that words like angel and apostle appear in the Bible. he word rapture is simply the anglicized form of the Greek word (harpaz) that appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 in the original text.
To begin with, the English word rapture is derived from the Latin participle raptus from the verb rapio. And Latin rapio and Greek (harpaz) are cognates - they are the same word.Don't be fooled by the superficial differences between Latin rapio and Greek harpaz. The - (-az) on the end of (harpaz) is not part of the shared stem but a common Koine Greek verb ending.
"I will be as the dew unto Israel: he shall grow as the lily, and cast forth his roots as Lebanon."
1 Thessalonians 2:10
"Ye are witnesses, and God also, how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe:"
Final 3 1/2 years all hell and mass world murders start.
It helps with understanding some of the Book of Daniel.
AbeBooks has older books. Cheap.
show up? Days months? I don't think it will be long.
Yes, there will be an opportunity for salvation during the Tribulation Period. Just like Mishael says, there will be evangelizing during that time. God's mercy and grace will extend during this period. And there will also be an opportunity for salvation during the 1,000-year millennial reign of Christ. That's how far God's grace extends.
During the first 3-1/2 years of the Tribulation Period, there will be two witnesses walking the streets of Jerusalem preaching the gospel. Many believe, as do I, that these two are Moses and Elijah. There will also be 144,000 Jews, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel who will be preaching the gospel. Also, there will be an angel flying mid-heaven non-stop for 3-1/2 years warning people not to take the mark. So the whole world will be reached during that time. Those left behind will be without excuse. They will not be able to stand before God and say "we didn't know." However, they will have a chance for salvation.
If there were no chance for salvation during the Tribulation, why would God's plan be to send two witnesses, 144,000 Jews evangelizing, and an angel flying in mid-heaven warning people? If people cannot be saved during that time, what would be the purpose of preaching the gospel? It would serve no purpose. I mean, why preach a gospel message of salvation if it's impossible for people to be saved?
The problem is the Antichrist getting his one world money system going; the Beast,
One world church and one world Leader: him. It's going to lead to receiving a Mark in your hand or forehead; to access buying power with your funds. I'd read Forbes. They are the ones pushing this one world calendar that's been in the news. Google that.
Bibles will be outlawed. Guns, I don't know. You'll have to Buy ammo now.
If you think all the current rioting is bad now; multiply that by 1000.
It was reported that in Israel someone re-did all the Palestinians names on maps, renamed to Israel properties. Genesis has the recorded deeds to the land. It is theirs.
No one has taken responsibility for that. It could be Russia & Syria that did that to further turn the world against Israel. Read JerusalemPost newspaper online; daily.
Prophesy teaches that USA will do something that will anger the whole world. That near the end, that Russia will be obliterated by God. China is working with Russia, Syria, Iran. Iran wants to take over Iraq. China is acting like they're the Antichrist but that's not true. Antichrist will most likely have Palestinian ancestry but deny it. He may not be married; doesn't have time for women?
Whatever happens it will happen quickly like it is now. Genesis 6:3, Luke 19:42, Galatians 6;16-17, 1 Peter 3:20; Psalms 78:39 to end. Read all that Bob.
Why would any of you neglect to be born again and risk going to hell, you and your family?? Can you watch yours or someone else's child be beheaded? If you don't take the Mark, you'll be beheaded. If you do take it, God will have to send you to hell.
What are you thinking? Can anyone hide from God and Antichrist? All this you see is going to be BURNED. 2 Peter 3:10-11. It'll make global warming look like a marshmallow roast. Super quakes, Wormwood Asteroid/star, super volcanoes!
Get Saved
Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
These died refusing to worship the beast and take the mark 666. They are with Christ and will live with him for the thousand year intro to the kingdom.
I would find another church if the pastor is that ignorant of scripture.
From 2005 to 2016, the veteran suicide rate rose by an alarming 26 percent. In the past, these heroes were too often overlooked by our leaders, who sent our troops to fight in foreign lands without taking care of them once they returned home.
Someone please pray for our soldier.
Hire one that needs a job. Thank you
From 2005 to 2016, the veteran suicide rate rose by an alarming 26 percent. In the past, these heroes were too often overlooked by our leaders, who sent our troops to fight in foreign lands without taking care of them once they returned home.
Someone please pray for our soldier.
Hire one that needs a job. Thank you
If you are studying and following God's Word don't be surprised when the devil fights. 1 Peter 4:12 says "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you."
If you're children are grown you cannot change them but you can pray for them and try to counsel them using Scripture. If they're still in the home get in the Word together and deal with the issues that you are facing. Finally, I would ask you a question that I ask myself daily. What are you focused on? If you're focused on worldly things (a husband, money, career, etc) that God doesn't want you focused on it will make things hard. If you focus on him then you'll be able to rejoice no matter what.