Revelation Chapter 18 Discussion Page 9

  • Kelly on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    Friend, i think if you were to look at the scripture from a smaller perspective...Our Lord is only One man. His call is very personal. Perhaps it may help you to consider Our Lords message as one of Love...EVEN between a man and a woman? Jesus said he came to give the thief life...abundantly. Look into the REAL meaning of bread...relationships. First 10 proverbs are about adultery
  • Colm on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    In 18:23 thy merchants were the great men of the earth. Possibly talking about the people who control the banking system/the people who own Hollywood? For by thy sorceries were all nations deceived, maybe talking about the satanic music industry that all the nations view and are being deceived by hidden satanic propaganda
  • Eric on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    Goodbye Roman Catholic Church what a wonderful chapter giving the believer the wonderful hope of knowing this wicked abomination to this earth the Roman Catholic Church and wicked pope destroyed by Almighty God as our Lord says In Romans 12:19 Vengeance is mine I will repay saith the Lord. Praise God ! Come out of Rome people don't play with the Harlot People Jesus wants to save you from her!
  • Partridge Mutiso John on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    This city of Babylon is the various false religions and false prophets who mislead believers into believing them just like beautiful cities and harlots or prostitutes! The bible calls it the Mighty Babylon. In 2Cor6:17 and Isaiah 52:11 warns us to flee before time is up!
  • Mari on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    Sounds !ike Rome to me. The amount of colors the priest wears and they killed
    the saints
  • Greg on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    No doubt in my mind this is about the USA. We deal with every country either directly or indirectly. This country is also brainwashed into thinking who can harm us we are so great and powerful. Vile filthy land from one state to the next beginning with porn in public on tv in your face, abortion/murder of innocent,strange religions and beliefs , idolatry , mens traditions regarded as " holidays".
  • Doug on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    This at or near the middle of the week and or up to the return of Jesus. any thoughts?
  • Doug on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    Rome and Mini-Rome (Washington D.C.) beast kingdoms Pope
  • Sabbath keeper and Wife on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    Babylon comes from the word "confusion", to have. Jabbering. Fast paced brain washing that keeps you from searching the word of God. Satan comes from angles we don't even know of and thorough knowledge of Scripture is our ONLY defence as it was Christ's in the wilderness when satan tempted him. These churches are pushing spirit spirit and feeling good instead of Jesus n repentance for being filthy
  • Sabbath keeper and Wife on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    She has her hands deep in capitalism. Notice that EVERYTHING in list are things desired, but not needed. We are talking about the most wealthy organization on the face of the earth. Notice that the last on the list, the souls of men. She used to control world with fear. Now it's money and products, food, fresh drinking water . How much do we spend on STUFF the TV makes you THINK you need? Think!
  • Obbie Beal on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    Huumm... in 18 she has earned the title Babylon; She was / is soooo good at what she do therefore all nations of the world do business with her (directly or indirectly)... And she shall receive her reward for her actions... Lots of inesent blood is on her hands, now she must pay for her actions... The 'love' of/for money is the root to all evil. World-wide buying and selling in 18.
  • Sabbath keeper and Wife on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    It's was all about Rome at the end of Dan. It's the same in Rev. She has daughters(apostate churches). Rome had names of blasphemy (forgiving sins in God's place and calling herself God) Her apparel like the high priests in Lev. but no blue thread which is to remind us of the commandments. A so-called Christ. worship that does not keep commandments. All 10! Come out of her. Satan gave it's power
  • Orville on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    At the 7th trumpet we are all changed into spiritual bodies.......another dimension, hence the reason flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, God and the angels reside in another dimension....the merchants of the earth realize it's basically over for them....bye, bye! Same earth different age......the Lord's Day, mankind was given 6 days (6,000 years) and failed.
  • Julie on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    I also believe that Babylon is the U.S. we have been and are the most powerful nation on earth. we have made all other nations rich and we are a proud people and we think that nothing bad will ever happen to destroy us. And we have turned our back on God, we have idols in all forms. We have walked away from God, therefor God will not hear our nation when our day of judgment comes.
  • Lucinda Palestrant on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    Babylon is a city. Rev. 18 is calling her a "great city" all through the chapter, verse 18-24.
  • AGE! on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    I think it is religion. Revelation 18 refers to religion, not a nation not a race. Because babylon a woman is refer to t group of people with influence.
  • Mike on Revelation 18:14 - 8 years ago
    correct they couldnt be rich anymore because the city was burned to a crisp 1st century jerusalem
  • Norm on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    But NYC does fit the description perfectly. Blessings to all and receive JESUS to day as JESUS does SAVE from the wrath of hell. Amen. Contrary to the wicked teachings of some, Jesus Christ is the SAVIOUR. His body of believers is the Church. Our LORD saves the faithful but pours out His wrath on the children of disobedience who love a lie. Psalms 5:9 For there is no faithfulness in their mouth their inward part is very wickedness their throat is an open sepulchre they flatter with their tongue.
  • Lu2677 on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    Babylon is a city Revelations 17:18, 18:10,16,18,21 that is the economic hub of the world in the last days. (Revelations 18) I don't believe the USA fits this description.
  • Frank Berns on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    I think babylon is the U.S. of A.
  • Norm on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    Do not be deceived by believing this is not America, specifically the Big Apple which is the financial and trade hub of the whole world to this day. More funds flow through NY based institutions than any other city. The securities and futures industries do not rely on the local goods or services. The Big Apple of deception is the only city that fits this prophecy. The US is the only nation that sits on many waters. Ask God for a heart of repentance, receive JESUS as your Savior and escape the hell that is soon to consume this land and then the whole world.
  • Ronald Conn on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    Right now, our nation fits the best description for this horrific prophecy to come into play!!! He mentions it will be desolate in one hr, three times!!! Reminding us it will be swift!!! As the last days play out right in front of our eyes, like the Pharisees cud not see Jesus for who He really was, many will also be blinded by the fact of what God has told us in His mighty mighty word!!! Selah!!!
  • Wesley on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    Babylon can not be the United States because we no longer have oil or fine jewels or even grow enough food to make any differences in our world.Babylon is the EAST where we get about all our resources. America will not be on the map in the last days. Better get your life right with CHRIST now
  • Word on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    As far as I can see Americans will have problems but not much if you understand you have to wait for the true Christ. Russia and China might be a problem but if you trust God you'll be o.k.
  • Don Edwards on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    America will first fail and then fall like Babylon. Let us pray for renewal and spiritual revival.
  • Netta on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    I believe revelation 18 speaks about the great city of New York City and the 2 towers.It sounds like a God is angry that the city is filled with so much sin and greed lust and fornication. The more I read the more I know that God foreseen all of what's happening in the world and he will have the victory in the end when Jesus come down and cast all of Satan's followers too hell.
  • Celestino s datu on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    It is the Vatican City the mystery Babylon of Rev 18 and not USA
  • Maryland wilson on Revelation 18:4 - 9 years ago
    ONCE IGET THE BEAM OUT OF MY ON EYE I will be able to see what I'm suppose to come out of may YAHWEH HELP US ALL
  • Bible fan on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    don't take false comfort in assigning a specific modern day country to 'babylon' - all human beings are babylon - we are all going to die - the attachment to ease,luxury and sensuality will in turn become anguish and sorrow unless we come to terms with the non permanence of these things - eventually the party ends, buta burden is lightest when it is well borne
  • Marcus on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    Several verses in chapter 18 indicate that this is America. We wonder why America is not mentioned in prophecy? Because it 's been wiped out.

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