Revelation Chapter 18 Discussion Page 4

  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    Your psychic day job is wanting -smiley face- I am the strong one in the family, yo alpha. The cognitive dissonance propels me to appreciate our individual complexities. Not often treated to someone allowing themselves beyond the mantra. That makes me happy, not sad. Rebuttal on events that have or haven't happened, from popular "settled" prophesies, limits growth. Prophesy is settled when fulfilled. Wouldn't it be a huge wakeup if Tehran gets Rev 6:14 in the next few years. The good buys US & Israel can't resist.
  • The Holy Ghost on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    The proud, like a dead man full of envy and perversion, denies the power of GOD: as IT IS GOD who pours out his wrath on this wicked, evil world that is hell, yea, even on carnal man called humankind. And every plague, and every drop, and every wave, and every wind, and every quake, and every stone, and every icing, and every burning, and every blasting, and every melting, and every tremble, and every casting, and every terrible and dreadful thing is from the quiver of GOD'S right hand; like a sharp shooting arrow, each of them hitting its mark. Yea, the whole earth is full of GOD'S weaponry: and the groanings of the creature will surely and speedily increase till the conclusion of this end. For GOD the Father shall avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him. And to the proud, boastful man, it is written in the Holy Scriptures, and taught of GOD: But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a MILLSTONE were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
  • Vince - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    Actually we are all just dust as God told Adam who did not know he was created from the dust of the earth until God said "dust thou are and to dust thou shalt return."

    I want to thank you Sacha and Carleton for your understanding of my post. This shows me that there are people out there who agrees with God's power of salvation. Now some may think that if God already choose His saved ones, then one can just live anyway he or she likes. This is far from the truth. People who God choose will at the time of God's drawing them, obey His commandments stipulated in His Holy Scriptures, preferably the King James Version because it's the first and most accurate English version.

    So no, chosen ones don't live anyway as they like, the Spirit of God will not afford them to. It's God's Spirit that liveth in them overcoming the evil spirit that was inherited in all of us in the garden of Eden. This is good so no man can boost on his or her neighbors whom he or she perceived are going to hell. Hope this helps. God bless you
  • Carleton - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    For the harvest? Likely it will be soon.

  • Sacha - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    Darren ,i know a broken heart when i hear one ,it takes one to know one ! Its hard to put into words but i dont belive i need to ,you have eyes and ears and a heart just like mine ,God knows ,everything ,trust Him and rejoice ,i shall keep my eyes open for you in that most marvelous day ,i feel it already ,im so excited ! I think i might burst ! Stay strong ,rejoice ! He is coming !
  • Carleton - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    I think Darren, if you choose, while I have time to participate on this website you may freely read my comments here and there.

  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    Recognizing it means you've learned it, not in its grip. You should at least understand the basics of the enemy when at war.

    'Jesus said be ready, for you know not the hour which I come.'

    What exactly does that mean to you? What happens when Jesus comes? Describe it to me.
  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago

    I have to tell you that your message is so beautiful, my eyes watered. I think you are wonderful, your sayings. My father was from Wallasey, was bombed by Hitler, slept on 3 chairs, but he pulled on through.

    Yes, Gematria is sorcery, govt's are obsessed with it. It works, people will believe anything authority says, without question and defend the hoax. It pays to know that everything public is tainted. It stopped the confusion, the madness of absorbing propaganda.

    We are certainly in the last days, the things Jesus told us to look out for are here. You may not know the minutia of whats coming, but sensing danger around the corner. You are right again, it will only get worse. That what you fear, in my mind, is the day of the Lord. Jesus told of it Luke 17:34-37, says the 'taken' are dead.

    I want prophesy fulfilled because I'm sick of the way things are done. Rev 11:15 interests me. Wow, your last sentences are so magical. Speaking of fiery, we get Elijah (order of) before the strike Malachi 4:5

    Best to you, take care.
  • Sacha - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    You are so right vince ,we can all get ahead of ourselves a bit when we think we know some thing that no one else does and we want to share ,im guilty of that for sure ,its good for me to pause and remember ,i am just grass ,may God bless you .
  • Carleton - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    In a way, this could be like endless genealogy and not of much value. Be ready when He comes is a better use of the remaining time.

  • Carleton - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    Thank you Vince! One part of the inspired song that stuck out to me is the "and the scornful". There is a lot to learn in being a faithful Christian to the end.

  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    See if you can detect the ripple in a stagnant pond.

    Apollo 13 took off at 13:13, was in the air 6 days. 13 is the 6th prime. Returning to earth on a 91 date numerology, the 13th triangular number.

    The Pentagon is 77 feet tall, it sits on the 77th meridian, and on 'September Eleventh' (= 77 Reduced) was struck by fight 77, 77 min after takeoff, traveling at 530 mph (77 feet per second). World Trade Center = 77


    56934 29145 355259

    (Full Reduction)

    Here is a simple, contrived Gematria news story. Nothing malicious, just news by the numbers. This has been going on in America since 1776. The owners compete with God for perfection of execution. They counterfeit God with mathematics.

    Matthew McConaughey is considering running for Governor of Texas. 'Governor' equates to 51 and 114.

    governor 114 English Ordinal


    governor51 Full Reduction


    He is 51 years old, and has an 11/4 birthday, like 114.

    This news comes on March 11, 2021, 127 days after his birthday.

    Scottish = 113 (date)

    Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 127

    Arnold did it, maybe Matt follows. I'll be able to tell more next scripted news cycle.
  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    Trumpets are not literal trumpets you can hear, they are trumpets of war. Wasn't 9-11-01 Rev 9-1-11, the 5th trumpet? At the 5th trumpet America attacked itself, then rushed off to war, killing millions of innocent Iraqi's all on a pack of known lies. Revelation 9:4 America was commanded to not hurt the grass or green thing, or any tree of which there is none in the desert. America+ allies killed Muslims who do not have God's seal in their foreheads (non-Christians). Isn't that the allegory of what happened? Look what happens in the second half of the chapter: Rev 9:13-21 where the 6th trumpet army (Russia) crushes the 5th trumpet army (America) to dust.
  • Vince - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    We all should ask God to humble us because we with our pride cannot do so very well. Man loves to exalt himself above each other. God bless you
  • Sacha - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    Thanks for that Darren ,you are certainly zealous for the Lord and i appreciate that ,i dont know any thing about gematria but mabe its a bit like what we call in the u.k. numerology ? Any way its all sorcery under different names ,i belive we are in the last days ,i certainly hope so ,we need an end to humans ruling over humans ,we need an end to people treating each other like dirt for no good reason ,we need an end to people ignoring the sufferings of others when there is more than enough food and water and medicines for all ,i am as guilty as everyone else and i belive we are all guilty of not doing enough to help our neighbours ,we are not americans or english or chinese if we are Christians then we arepart of Israel , romans 11 galatians 3,i cant wait for Christ to appear ,every day is a day closer ,the fearfull and unbeliving better get their acts together ! I think things are going to get tougher for us all but we need to rejoice in the signs of the times that we see and remember that God is always righteous and always merciful ,its true we dont know the day or hour but we dont know the day or hour that we are going to die and after we die the next thing we will be aware of is Christ calling our names to wake us up and take us to Himself ! I love that you are never lukewarm darren !
  • Carleton - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    "Jeremiah" the website or the ipad?

    Imperfections are good for the soul.
  • Carleto hope this helps - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    If thou wouldst have the dear Savior from heaven Walk by thy side from the morn till the even, There is a rule that each day you must follow, Humble thyself to walk with God. Humble thyself and the Lord will draw near thee, Humble thyself and His presence shall cheer thee: He will not walk with the proud or the scornful, Humble thyself to walk with God.

    Just as the Lord in the world's early ages Walked and communed with the prophets and sages, He will come now if you meet the conditions; Humble thyself to walk with God. Humble thyself and the Lord will draw near thee, Humble thyself and His presence will cheer thee: He will not walk with the proud or the scornful, Humble thyself to walk with God.

    Just as the stream finds a bed that is lowly, So Jesus walks with the pure and the holy; Cast out pride in heart-felt contrition. Humble yourself to walk with God. Humble thyself and the Lord will draw near thee, Humble thyself and His presence shall cheer thee: He will not walk with the proud or the scornful, Humble thyself to walk with God.

    "Humble Thyself to Walk with God"

    Johnson Oatman Jr. 1856-1925

  • Vince on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    I am not aware of any Apostle named Grace. This is a pride of man trying to exalt him or her self. Apostles are the only ones in the Bible. Humble yourself and repent of this thing. God bless you
  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Revelation 18:21 - 3 years ago
    It's analogy for the violent taking of Babylon. The whole chapter details the attack. God makes no bones about His disdain for Babylon, and makes sure it never resurfaces again. Revelation 18 celebrates the fall of Babylon, like I do, so I'm not sure what your point is, or how it smears God's reputation.
  • David on Revelation 18:21 - 3 years ago
    I see this statement as a attempt by the authors to once again smear gods reputation. the millstone could simply be a natural occurrence creating extreme destruction. The earth's processes take president over human life, its not always the wrath of God punishing people for their sin; with out a planet one can not have a human form of existence. possibly this verse is simply a colorful prediction. A proud statement like this makes it sound as if the angel is causing this destruction and somehow Gods at fault. furthermore verse 21:18 could be a distraction, a radical attempt to decrease the real trueness and impact of the chapters depth. No one knows the heart of God. If this statement was a clear vision from the creator the author would not have used the word "like" when describing this perception. these literary detours are common throughout the scriptures, don't be fooled, Martin Luther wasn't perfect...
  • David on Revelation 18:21 - 3 years ago
    I see this statement as a attempt by the authors to once again smear gods reputation. the millstone could simply be a natural occurrence creating extreme destruction. The earth's processes take president over human life, its not always the wrath of God punishing people for their sin; with out a planet one can not have a human form of existence. possibly this verse is simply a colorful prediction. A proud statement like this makes it sound as if the angel is causing this destruction and somehow Gods at fault. furthermore verse 21:18 could be a distraction, a radical attempt to decrease the real trueness and impact of the chapters depth. No one knows the heart of God. If this statement was a clear vision from the creator the author would not have used the word "like" when describing this perception. these literary detours are common throughout the scriptures, don't be fooled.
  • Biblical - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    Hello Darren

    Please do not take this comment as a personal attack. What matters in this forum and discussion is solid, Biblical truth and accuracy. The rest is blasphemy and should be posted elsewhere, if posting is a must..

    If you believe that 5 trumpets have already blown I would like to ask the following questions:

    I would assume the trumpeting from the skies would be loud enough to hear worldwide?Unmistakably. Why have they not been heard? Do you believe this to not be an actual sound coming from above? If the trumpet is an alarm to man, we know that it would be in a frequency that man would undoubtedly hear.

    If 5 trumpets have been blown why have the things that Revelations 8-11 clearly states not happened yet?

    Clearly, these things have Not occurred. Not the 1st, not the 2nd, not the 3rd, not the 4th and not the 5th. Hasn't happened. It would be blatantly obvious. A third of the population hasn't died, a third of the world hasn't burned, a third of the sees haven't died, a third of the sun, moon and stars..etc

    I'm curious as to how/why you believe even the first trumpet has sounded.
  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    There is every indication that the false prophet of Revelation 13 is a sitting pope.

    When Judah was held captive 70 years in Babylon, their elders learned Gematria. How to control large swaths of people everyday, using a numerical code. Gematria is the practice of coding numbers on to words, it is part of Kabbalah. Like word values have similar meanings, relationships. The grouping of numbers is abundant. English, the new world order language that was designed to fit the code. There is a why reason four and forty are spelled differently. Jesus Christ was put to death by this code, and the Lord knew it. The Knights Templar captured Gematria during the crusades from the Arabs, and brought it back to England. Nothing in America is done without the code, and once you learn it, you will understand. Govt, Media, Sports, Hollywood use the code to trick you. Everything is rigged years and decades in advance, so you never stood a chance. You worry about all the school shootings, when they are staged, by the numbers and presented to you on a silver platter. But for the ones that know what's going on, we are not fooled. We grow tired of explaining to a brainwashed world that they've been fooled, cause it's easier to fool you than convince you that you've been fooled. There is a master decoder on YouTube, named Zachary K. Hubbard. He is the only one to ever break the code, and yes, it puts his life in danger to expose the hoax so scientifically.

    Here's an example: A=1,B=2,C=3,...Z=26 so ABC = 6 (English Ordinal).

    Gematria numerical values EO SAT RO RS ALW KFW ES RES

    Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin =313 389 1223 1299 357 373 1878 2334

    Six hundred three score and six =313 389 1223 1299 357 373 1878 2334

    Putin and 666 matches in 8 ciphers

    He's the #1 candidate to destroy America, invade Israel at the 6th trumpet, fulfilling the abomination of desolation.

    This is one of many reasons to believe Russia is the beast.
  • Sacha - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    Thanks darren ,i shall look up your refferences and read them with a different slant ,as for the roman kings ,physically they could b the emporers and spiritually they could b the popes ? Any how i agree with you about Russia ,i belive they will lead a coalition which will include Israels neighbours ,however Israel is a special place and a special people to God ,i dont belive He will permit it or them to be totally distroyed ,they are His witnesses ,we are spirituall Israel , i belive Christ will return to put an end to Russias shenanigans and to stop the destruction of the land of Israel and the people in it . Sorry when i say we are spiritual Israel i mean Christians are ,if we are Christs then we are Abrahams and heirs according to the promise ,it will be very nice for me if i get to meet you and all the others on here when Christ returns .
  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    Rome was the empire of the day, everything revolved around it. The Catholic church is ensconced with satan, the Jesuits (Jewish Christians) push Gematria and witchcraft. Past empires are interchangeable with current empires. The Bible will not explicitly tell you this, you have to think for yourself. It is no different than when Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia and Greeks held the same title. That is how prophesy flows. In our day, it is America that holds this title. We see in Rev 17 only that a new character has emerged, called Mystery Babylon, a new mighty end-time empire, a geopolitical and military superpower that rules the world. Outside it's America. Read Jeremiah 50 and 51 (like US states) as they both describe America to a T. Who else fits Mystery Babylon's description? Who is the beast from description?

    -Mystery Babylon is America that gets destroyed.

    -Babylon proper consists of America's allies, to include Israel that gets destroyed in the same hour.

    Study the day of the Lord to see that "God's army", Joel 2:11, the northern army (Russia+) that obliterates the southern army ( Dan 11:40) to rule the world. Anti-christ sets up in the temple claiming to be God, unhindered. Where is America post 6th trumpet, and why is the beast the only empire around? The earth doesn't get knocked of its axis battling the RCC, an evil spirit. The whore America is no where to be found, hell has come to greet it at its departure.

    America wants to sit a queen forever ( Isaiah 47) against Jesus, and the prophets. This Mystery Babylon, who's king (does Rome have a king?) hath heard the report of them (missiles), and his hands waxed feeble: anguish took hold of him, and pangs as of a woman in travail, Jeremiah 50:43 Reap it America.

    There are at least 90 scriptures concerning the day of the Lord strike. They tell the story far better better than I can. Many people are bias because they love America, up until the flame comes.
  • Sacha - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    Hi darren ,im not trying to be argumentative i promise , Revelation 17 v 9 does reffer to seven mountains ,Rome sits on seven hills .physical Rome and spiritual Rome (Catholisism maybe ) are what i think the whore of babylon might be ,Catholisism being in some ways very far removed from Bible teachings and also it spread all over the world ? Dont mean to be a pain ,what do you think ? Id like to know ,that is if you are not mad at me ,smiley face .Sorry to all Catholics .
  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    Mystery Babylon is America.

    Where is America to save Israel from desolation, captivity? ( Luke 21:20-24)

    They are gone, taken down to hell by the abomination of desolation ( Joel 2:1-11).

    Anti-christ rules between the 6-7th trumpets for 42 months.

    America & Israel's violent death.
  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    Oops, I thought you were saying something else, and I misread it. Sounds good to me now....
  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    The 144,000 die in the streets after their 42 months expire, and lay there in the street for 3 1/2 days. If you are calling these elect of the 12 tribes, from both houses of Israel (Israel & Judah = 2 witnesses) who are sealed from death 42 months, "the church", then know that anti-christ kills them; they die before the 7th trumpet. Then they, and the ones that remain alive at the 7th trumpet, who survived the great tribulation, are taken up in the clouds to meet Jesus at the second coming.
  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 3 years ago
    America and Israel get fleeced at the day of the Lord as destruction from the Almighty. God brings the beast Russian army with 10 toes forth to do His will against Babylon ( Ezekiel 38:4-7). In vs 7, Russia protects its allies, so expect 'Jacob's time of trouble' soon after US/Israel bomb Iran's nuclear facility ( Revelation 6:14). God has commissioned HIS beast army to annihilate the whole house of Israel within 1 hour. God says the terrors will be upon my people!!! ( Ezekiel 21:12).

    A little further down, Ezekiel 21:18-20 identifies two lands chosen for destruction: Ammonites (US) and Jerusalem (Israel).

    I will die a happy man knowing that America and Israel got stuffed before they succeeded in ruling the world for a thousand years from Israel, like our savior Jesus Christ will. It couldn't happen to two kinder, gentler nations. Reap the worldwind, pay the piper.

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