Revelation Chapter 18 Discussion Page 10

  • NOEL-REV on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    Sheander, I believe you are totally right, but you know it 's hard to find people that actually will believe that, I am a seventh day Sabbath believer, and have been for many years, it 's good to hear about another fellow believer, our numbers are very small. God bless you in your attempt to get the truth out, which I feel is very important to our eternal existence. REV-18-5-12-15,
  • Sheander on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    Babylon is a false system, they teach things that is not found in the Bible, like when u die u go to heaven or hell, and that the Sabbath is the 1st day instead of the 7th day.
  • Thomas L. Shoemate on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    The mystery of who Babylon is is not revealed, so any guesses offered is speculation. However, the rest of the information is clear. I suggest that we all protect ourselves from the judgment of this chapter by being saved through the grace that is given in Christ Jesus. This may be the God 's purpose in not revealing who mystery Babylon is. Be sure that when the time comes that this judgment takes place, it will be clear who this city is. Have you considered that it may be the Babylon that exists today? Just speculation!
  • Insight 777 on Revelation 18 - 9 years ago
    Verse 11, Merchants would not mourn the loss of trade if a religion was destroyed. Babylon is not a religion. Babylon made these merchants rich. Babylon is the collective city of the world nuclear industry. Because nuclear energy reduces the cost of production of trade items, merchants profit. Also, Nuclear medical products are costly and are sought by all nations on earth. The sale of nuclear plant construction is highly profitable and sought after by the nations of the world. Nuclear powered submarines and nuclear weapons are highly sought after by the world governments. It is the threat of nuclear war that is the wrath of her fornication. Fornication meaning nuclear energy is used in a manner God never intended it to be used for, the death of his creation, man. The wrath is war. Babylon is destroyed when a world nuclear war begins and every hateful bird, fighter jet, that carries a nuclear missile becomes a devil of destruction. Verse 7, the nuclear industry never anticipates the world destruction that will come in the end of days. They think they have everything under control and that nuclear plants are safe for public use. A world war will change everything in one day. Verse 23, the nations of the world were deceived by all the great things nuclear energy provides, including a false sense of security. Verse 24, nuclear holocaust will kill the innocent as well as the wicked.
  • Benjosy on Revelation 18 - 10 years ago
    Whenever it is that they are saying: Peace and security! then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them. The destruction begins with the attack against all false religion in the world. The Bible calls false religion Babylon the Great, or the harlot. Revelation 17:5, 6, 15 That attack against all false religion, including Christendom, is the beginning of the great tribulation. Matthew 24:21 2 Thessalonians 2:8 Many people will be surprised when this happens. Why? Because until that time, the harlot will think that she is a queen who will never see mourning. She thinks that nothing bad will happen to her. But she will suddenly find out that she has made a mistake. She will be destroyed very quickly, as if in one day. Revelation 18:7, 8.
  • Tristan Stadtmuller on Revelation 18 - 10 years ago
    Sounds like America to me. The world stopped buying from us already, Russia China will do battle with Israel after we 're out of the way. We will be destroyed so that Russia can lead a world invasion against Israel.
  • Stephen bailey on Revelation 18:4 - 10 years ago
    Also.... There is no mother "Harlot Church ". This is a fabrication. Yours. Any church in which believers gather together to celebrate Gods Love for humanity, and which elevates the name of Jesus above ALL, cannot be a Harlot. They feed the poor world over, care for orphans and widows, and preach the Gospel of salvation. This is nothing but scriptural. The MEN in the church who pervert that will be judged by God Almighty. Not you.
  • Stephen bailey on Revelation 18 - 10 years ago
    "... blood of prophets, and saints and martyrs... " the verse does not say "on her hands was found... " or ... "on her head was found... " which would denote guilt for their murders... It says. "In her was found the blood of prophets, and saints, and martyrs... " as in denoting bloodlines. Who else in the entire world, has a blood line that is connected to such a wide array of prophets and saints and martyrs ?? We are a nation of every other nation on earth. Ee are home to the descendants of generations of believers. Their blood courses through our nations veins.. THEIR blood IS OUR BLOOD.. THEY ARE IN US.. That is my belief on the meaning of this passage.
  • Brother Raymond on Revelation 18:23 - 10 years ago
    Revelation 18 23The peaple that own the federal reserve bank control all the nations and they deceive us.
  • Word on Revelation 18 - 10 years ago
    Maurice curran when reading chapter 17 you saw the waters are the people so think of many people rising up with the name whore babylon. Babylon being confusion so you have many people confused joining together in an area worshipping instead of Christ which is antichrist. Confused because God sent this letter to warn them but they didn 't care or they followed Satan because they listen to men.
  • Maurice Curran on Revelation 18 - 10 years ago
    Revelation 18 verses first three verses Question, Can you explain what happened here and why? Who or what was Babylon the great? Why would such a message be needed to make this announcement? Is there a warning of any kind here?
  • Bill on Revelation 18 - 10 years ago
    So many Christians confused! SALAVATION is a gift from God. Once one accepts Jesus Christ as their Savior, they have automatically established a RELATIONSHIP with God. FELLOWSHIP with God is distinctly separate from Relationship and coms AFTER Salvation. Enoch, a type of the rapture, was taken because he WALKED with God not because he believed in God...Of course, he believed in God but, that was not the reason he was taken Raptured! . There are two types of Christians Those who are saved but, CARNAL as Paul states in I Corinthians 3 3. This Christian is not in Fellowship with God. The other, is saved AND walks with God! The Bible refers to him her as a FIRSTFRUIT as opposed to CARNAL. Only FIRSTFRUIT Christians will be Raptured! A Firstfruit Christian starts their day with asking themselves, "Will what I do today and what I plan to do tomorrow PLEASE God? " and conducts themselves accordingly. There no works prior to Salvation that count for anything! Rewards, which being in the coming Rapture of the Bride of Christ Firstfruits is included as such, are based on a Christian 's FELLOWSHIP WALK with God...same as Enoch.
  • Jim on Revelation 18 - 10 years ago
    Did you know that isa. 47 describes this same babylon. It is referred to as virgin daughter babylon and the U.S. Fits the description. It is rich and wanton. It is not land locked. It is noted for shipping in merchandise. It has God 's people within who are warned to get out. No nation fits this description like the U.S. The only thing I couldn 't see was vs 24. How could Christian America kill saints and prophets. Then I realized that we aborted 50 million saints and how many of them would have been prophets if they were not killed. I will provide more detail if needed. All the rest chapter 18 and Isa 47 only fit U S A in the age in which we live which fits the description of the last days. We even have a president that has only presented us a forged birth certificate so we do not even know for sure where the most powerful man in gathering world was born as we live in the lady of kingdoms identified with the Statue of Liberty. Very interesting.
  • Talib on Revelation 18 - 10 years ago
    Who have great influence over all nations ? That is your answer to this scirpture.
  • Brother Mike on Revelation 18 - 11 years ago
    I believe a lot of people are confused about who mystery Babylon is referring too it is not reffering at all to the world church it is reffering to Jerusalem Jerusalem is the mother of harlots the first people chosen of God that went whoring after other gods At the end of this chapter the very last verse it says in her was found the blood of the prophets and of the saints and of all that were slain upon the earth Matthew 23 35 39 says that all the righteous blood shed upon the earth will be required at Jerusalems hand Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon that is why John marveled when he saw her in revelation chapter 17 any other nation he would nt have marveled or been surprised at
  • Faithfull on Revelation 18:4 - 11 years ago
    And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues

    Revelation 18:4 is talking to the true church of Christ,the

    Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Lutherans, Episcopal, Nazarenes,Cleveland" Church of God groups: Church of God of Prophecy, Church of God, Zion Assembly Church of God, Jerusalem Acres-Church of God of the Nations, and The Church of God,Wesley Pentecostal,Huss, Luther, Wesley, Zwingli, Calvin,Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, Adventists, Scientology, and various Catholic or and other church claiming Jesus as the Christ.

    Understand the these church buildings and their membership is not the true church of God, but only them who believe Jesus is The Christ, then washed their sins in the blood of the Lamb of God, then acknowledged receiving the Holy Sprit of God, and do not blasphemy the Holy Ghost (to think to sin) is blasphemy to the Holy Ghost and should the so much as think to sin they hold back not to make amends to the Holy Ghost welcoming The Holy Ghost to return.

    Him with understanding understand: all who teach rapture doctrine and all who believe Rapture doctrine will not come out of her and will partake of her sins.
    It stands to reason why would anyone leave when God himself is going to take you away from the terrible day? So he who loves husband or wife sister of brother or the things of this world more than Jesus is not worthy of the rewards of Jesus. Remember Lots wife and how she looked back.
  • Alan on Revelation 18 - 11 years ago
    Babylon the great refer to false religion that teaches false teaching.
  • Lawrence (Larry) Cecil on Revelation 18:4 - 11 years ago
    Some may say when they loose their career due to layoffs and corporate budget cuts, that God has killed their career, life and family and say "what did I do wrong Lord, to deserve this?" When in fact, if very well could be that God is protecting you and is drawing you out from among them that will suffer the God's judgment when the Angle is commanded to pour out the seventh (I think it's the 7th) Vile of God's Wrth. I think this is a clear sigh for believers that God is on the job more than you think.
  • Daniel on Revelation 18:2 - 11 years ago
    As a great millstone into the sea.

    The cup of God's wrath a winepress, the blood to the horse bridles.

    In One Hour.

    Her waves to consume as Baby sinks forever.
  • Carey wyatt on Revelation 18:20 - 11 years ago
    god brought judgement on the harlot church that rejected his word spoken by his holy apostles and prophets
  • Moses on Revelation 18:3 - 11 years ago
    Sorcery is Satan's wrathful and ultimate weapon that he uses to draw every person into eternal condemnation together with himself.
    This world is filled and contaminated with sorcery. Anything that you can think of in this world has sorcery in it.
    This whole world is immensed in sorcery.
    It for this reason that God has said, "Love not the world neither the things that are in the world". 1john 2;15,16. Read also 2cor 6;17 to 18.
    Understand what sorcery is and flee from it 100% through Christ Jesus and you will be saved.
    Sorcery makes it impossible for one to connect with the Infinite Creator.
  • Nancy j higgins on Revelation 18 - 11 years ago
    The destruction will be swift and it is all according to God's divine plan. God is long- suffering and He is merciful however just like
    His love is perfect ,His holiness is perfect and He cannot allow sin to abide with Him. His perfect Holiness demands perfect justice / judgment. What so much of the church is blind to is that the lukewarm church, the Laodicean church, mentioned in Revelations chapter 3, is a reference to the church's involvement in its acceptance of the ways of Babylon. Unless the people of the church awaken from their idolatry, their friendship with the man-made gods of this world, unless they rebuke the evils and the departure from God's word, unless they rebuke the corruption in themselves and their churches,... unless they stand for God's truth NO MATTER WHAT THE COST, they will be spewed out by God. Babylon falling takes not only the sin filled world of non believers but will be judgment on those who with lips profaned the Word of God with their apathy, with their acceptance of evil, with their aligning themselves with pagan traditions, pagan worship and all which is an abomination against Almighty God. The alarm needs to be sounded, wake up dear brothers and sisters and pray that more laborers are supplied, for the fields are ripe for harvesting, the day of harvest is drawing near.
  • Angela on Revelation 18 - 11 years ago
    What it says in revelations chapter 18v21 about the angel throwing the millstone into the sea does that have anything to do with metiorite that is supposed to crash onto the earth? Also it says the sea could it be the ocean or just the sea.
  • Sean on Revelation 18 - 11 years ago
    Joe, Babylon John is refering to is America
  • Joe on Revelation 18 - 11 years ago
    I am confused. Babylon is reckoned to have fallen sometime around 600 BC (date is debated) however Rev 18 was written by John sometime much later( xx AD). Mathew Henry's comments make no mention as to the Babylon in Rev 18 being symbolic of any time in the future - beyond John's time.

    So, is Rev 18 referring to the historical fall of Babylon or is there some future meaning to be understood that I have not grasped?
  • Sheriffjim on Revelation 18:17 - 11 years ago
    I beleive it pertains to the United States in all respects
  • Chuck on Revelation 18:2 - 11 years ago
    "...every unclean and hateful bird."

    Spotted owl anybody? America, it is
    one minute to midnight.
  • Thanda on Revelation 18 - 12 years ago
    I think this chapter is partly literal and also has parables which can only be revealed from heaven. Father the one who has been living forever with His Word and His Holy Ghost can be seen if he chooses for it to be so, the bible says Christ is his image an in another verse ... angels see the face of my father in heaven ... The bible says it also that ... Blessed are those who are pure in spirit for they shall see God. The Bible also describes the face of God in Revelation and makes a distinction between God and The Son by describing the face of the Son as shinning brighter than midday sun, in Revelation 4. Farewell.
  • Harry on Revelation 18 - 12 years ago
    Praise God for his word that does not come back void and accomplishes the thing that he tells it to. Jesus exposes the sins of Spiritual Babylon, gives clear warning of the consequences of being associated with her worship system, and specifically calls God's people who fellowship with to get out of it. Unknown to many Christians today Spiritual Babylon worship which is forbidden for God's people to participate in by God, has stealthily been introduced into worship within the churches by Satan. In Daniel is revealed the anti-Christ religious organization set up by Satan on earth whose goal, purpose, and existence is to misrepresent God's truth and blaspheme God's name. Jesus reveals to us in Revelation that the issue is worship. The command is given in Revelation 14 to worship him who created the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the fountains of waters. The warning is also given that God's wrath will be poured out on all who choose to worship the beast under Spiritual Babylon's worship system. Do you know what system you are worshiping under?
  • Pastor Stephen W. PYle on Revelation 18 - 13 years ago
    To all:

    Jesus is name of above all names. He has a father or why would he say "confess me before men and I'll confess you before my FATHER!..IF YOU DON'T CONFESS ME BEFORE MEN, I WILL NOT CONFESS YOU BEFORE MY FATHER.






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