Children of the most High psalms 91 verse 11 is telling us that our gracious father will Jeep us in His ways. He has also sent His angels to guide us in His ways of righteousness.
i firmly believe what god is saying about his secrit place is that,as long as u dwelleth in his secrit place he will hide you in the time of trouble,now ware is the secrit place? I BELIEVE HIS SECRIT PLACE IS WARE GODLY WORSHIP TAKES PLACE.
Brothers and Sisters, this psalm is One of the most powerful psalm. It is referred to as " God's Atomic Bomb Shelter" it is for safety of unpresidental trouble. There is a sweet conclusion to this Psalm that we must Not ignore. The almighty does not only deliver us, He also honours us, this is His way of vindicating His children Verses 14 to 16. Beloved there is a joy and a blessedness that comes after God himself has delivered us from trouble. Child of God, please set your love on Him and get to know His name.
please read Hebrews 11. Place your faith. And trust in the Lord with no doubt. he will protect and deliver your son. read Psalms 100. the Lord will protect and shelter with his mighty wings. I will pray for you and your son. my church prays 24/7 for our soldiers and for all mankind. God comfort you and take that fear out of your heart. And keep your son in the hallow of his song and mighty hand.
I thank God for all of your testlamonis. Because it is truly a testimony, I believe God has us here on this chat line for a reason. I have been struggling with school, job, health concerns and most of All my son going to Afghanistan . I am so afraid until I know that it is Satan putting fear in my mind. Please pray for my son's protection. I know that God will protect him but I am ...
Blessed be the name of the lord. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand. No weapon formed against the child of God shall prosper. This is a powerful psalm.
Even though i know Psalm 91 exits in the bible but i equally know the Psalm is one of the most powerful prayers one can say when afflicted and when the enemy are fighting a child of God. I went into coma after a competition on track and field event. specifically cross country. since then the enemy has been using that horrible experience to put fear inside me and since then i have rebuking it by the power of the most high God JESUS. and each time i plead his name the flee. but sometimes i notice they still come for fights and my reaction will begin to change. this Psalms was recommended by a girl frend who ask me to say it MorninG, Afternoon and Night. So i have decided to download the Psalms of my computer so that i can always read the passage when at work on my system. I want brothers and sister to help plead the Name of Jesus on my behalf as u read this mail for God to deliver me from the hands of the enemy. i will not give up beacause Christ Jesus has paid with his stripps on the cross of calvery and has overcome the works of the devil. on that ROCK i am standing. The ROCK is JESUS. t
God open my eyes to psalms say,with long life will i satisfy you.what does that mean? If some one says to you,with water will i satisfy you,what will be the person's work?the person will keep giving you water,the person will not know when you are satisfied untill you say you are satisfied,then the person will then stop because you said you are satisfied. God said He will satisfy you with long life,His own is to keep giving you life untill you say you are satisfied. God bless you all.
DAVIDS; PROPHET NATHAN. TOLD david. their is a rich man that has 40.000 sheep. on the other side of the street their is a poor man that had only one little lamb. that he raised up. man took him and killed the little lamb KING DAVID; said to nathan the prophet; where is this man? bring him to me and i will put him to death. nathan said. YOU are that man. because you took that mans wife, and you have many wives. and sent him to be killed. nathan told him.GOD;said. i will raise up evil against you in your own house. he had two sons and a daughter. that he loved dearly. one son raped his sister. she wents nuts. and his other son killed the other one. then he tried to kill david. and run him out of israel. david gathered a army. and sent them out. david told the army. when you find my son, dont kill him. but they did anyway.
I was under attack. Because I am a child of God thank you Lord he revealed to me exactly what was happening to me, again he revealed( I Had Been Hard Headed) first I was afraid..not only because of my downsettings ,but because I had been I called my 80 year old prayer warrior(Ms. Audrey Jackson), she told me yet again to read Psalms 91..3 times a day for 7 first i did not really understand it even with the dictionary at hand..But I wanted to believe it could would take away this fear and hold that satan had his demon place upon me so I read it with authority out loud..then I ask God to please give me understanding so i read it again..I was feeling better cause I had at the least the faith of a mustard seed COME ON LORD...Then I read it a third time..I felt lifted but needed to know more..I wanted to know who wrote to the lord(David) come to find out David was asking God for forgiveness for lusting after another mans wife that he got a glismp of naked through the sunroof of the woman and her husbands home..David went and slept with her and inpregnated her..then we her husband came back home for the field FIGHTING< WAR< PROTECTING) David rushed him in to be with his wife immediately(like hey man your wife needs you she is missing you ,you need to take care of that yo) only so the husband would think the child was his. Then when the husband had to go fight again David made sure he put him the husband on the front line to be killed..Then he married the man's wife..Now David's father-in-law hated David and wanted him dead... Psalms 91 David is asking God for forgiveness and protection. God Love"s us so..I had done wrong and I was afraid that he would not protect me..I am not afraid anymore..He Love's me..AND YOU..God Bless YOU aLL..I Love You TOO:)He Protected David Ya'll!
Thank you Lord for this precious chapter it is beyond verbal expression I cant describe the way I FEEL when I read and pray this from my heart but all I know is that there is no one else like you no other greater feeling when I'm in your presence to know that you are the one true living God.....who created everything and here I am I REFUSE TO WALK AROUND ignorant of you and your love THANK YOU LORD holy and worthy too be praised
Whenever I meditate on Psalm 91, I sometimes wonder what the author had in mind when writing this beautiful psalm especially verses 1 & 2. I always smile each time I read it because it has re-assuring words of God that keeps us moving and gives us confidence that whatever is committed into Almighty's hands are indeed safe. This psalm is protective in it's nature and removes fears and doubts thereby clearly making us understand that we are the most priviledge children of God in Christ Jesus. It is awesome and should be carefully studied each day especially when stormy life rages. I love it.
It has been a few week since the Lord Jesus has given me these words Psalms to stand on while i was reading these words, I attended my weekly service at the Temple of Restoration where the man of God give us psalms 91 to stand on. This as been my comformation and I would find my self say verse one over and over again. I love this psalm because king David was declearing his trust in the Lord and he knew that the Lord will fight his battles. So i am confident that the Lord also will fight my battle because according to king David, "the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear" Glory be to the most high God. I just can't stop praising him for he is my rock glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Staniya paulose christ on Psalms 91 - 13 years ago
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Staniya paulose christ
sports authority if india.
Psalms 91 was used by priests for centuries to cleanse their temples. It will cleanse our temples as well.(our body and mind)I would suggest every mother and father to read psalms 91 over their children everyday as a protection. God is real folks, and he has given us his word to use as a weapon against those dark forces of evil which are trying to kill, steal and destroy our children. My God is good, all the time.
This is a psalm that really combats fear, doubt, despodency, and anxiety. Every time I read Psalms 91 I know who I am and whose I am. God is truly amazing, and if we only read His words then we we definitely know who He is, LOVE.
My mother inlaw told me to read this particular psalm and I'm thankful for it , she was always more of a mother to me than mother inlaw. She's gone on to be with the Lord now and she is truly missed. I loved her so much and thank God for sending her into my life. She told me that she would read the 91st psalm everyday. Now , I tell people to read it as well.It is very meaningful, touching and comforting at the same time.I continue to thank God for his loving kindness, mercy and grace. God has already showed us how much he loves us by having sent his only begotten son, who suffered and died upon that ole rugged cross for our sins, now that was the greatest sacrifice of all. The devil thought he had us but our heavenly Father provided us another way out. All we have to do is trust and believe in our Heavenly Father, accept Him into our lives and hearts and keep His Ten Commandments and remain faithful to Him.
This is my favourite psalm.He protects us both in the physical and spiritual,by day and night.So of us often have some kind of frightening thought thinking it'll come to pass.But if you truely hold on to his word ponder on it day and night. " 1 timothy 4;15" that which the word had promised will come to pass in psalms 91.
I believe that this scripture is telling us to trust the Lord with everything, he says that he will protect us and he will look out for us but we must put all our trust in him no matter how the situation looks.
This is very comforting. Someone tried to break into my house Monday. I will sleep in peace because my God 'neither slumbers nor sleeps' and as verses five and six say, I will not be afraid for the pestilence that walketh by night nor the arrows that fly by day.
I have never been to this point, a state of depression,anger,furstration,confuse and just felt like everybody talking bout me I read this scripture and felt a different peace with in I will bless the Lord at all time and his praises shall continue to be in mouth
please read Hebrews 11. Place your faith. And trust in the Lord with no doubt. he will protect and deliver your son. read Psalms 100. the Lord will protect and shelter with his mighty wings. I will pray for you and your son. my church prays 24/7 for our soldiers and for all mankind. God comfort you and take that fear out of your heart. And keep your son in the hallow of his song and mighty hand.
This site is provide maritorious services.
Wishes in your next steps.
Staniya paulose christ
sports authority if india.