Psalm 91:15-16 sums up the benefits of righteousness for those who are diligent in their spiritual walk with God.["He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation."]
accordong to the illustration of psalm 91 which says he who dwells in the secret place of the most high god shall not be disappointed in any of his or her way,cheers brethen the works!
Psalm 91 should be read every day for protection the word there are very powerful 'he that dwell in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadows of the Almighty' just believe in Him and obey His commandment all will be well.
Psm 91 verse one said � he who dewelleth in seceret place of the most high shall abide under the shadows of the most high. We learn how to be pure in our heart so his angels can take charge over all our worries, he has promised to make our way straigth. He changeth not from his words and promises from his dewewllers.
I once heard the illustration of a firefighter walking across a burnt field. While walking, he came across a burnt bird with it's wings outstretched. He was curious why the bird didn't fly away. He reached down and lifted up the bird. Underneath were her young, living and well. The speaker was reminded of this story by this passage. He said that God covers us with the feathers of his wings, protecting us as the mother bird protected her young. Although I heard this close to ten years ago, the picture of it was so powerful that it stayed with me to this day. I hope someone else finds comfort in this thought as it has been a comfort to me over the years.
When we put our complete trust in God, He will protect us, He will be our refuge and our fortress. We will be rewarded for believing in Him, He said there shall no evil befall us and neither shall any plague come to our dwelling, His angels are watching over us. We will able trample upon the heads of our enemies. His angels will hold us so we will not get hurt. Because we believe in Him He tell us what He is going to do for us, we can call on Him and he will answer us, He will deliver us, He will set us on high because we know His name, we recognize who He is. God is happy and He is going to show us His salvation. What A mighty God we serve. Hallelujah! Thank You JESUS!
The first two lines tell you it is about following and obeying the lords orders He that dwelletgh in the secret place of the most high. Shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. whoo that just takes me up bless his name
it truely explain God's love and mercy because if it was left up to the law we would be put to death but because of his knidness which is better than our whole life we should live under his cover of protection
i had read this verse before, for so many times but until now, i never understood it's real meaning of hope in God and the faithfulness of our creator, the love He shows towards us, His protection over us, how He strives to keep us safe and happy under his wings,I pray i love Him and continue to serve all the days of my life
I think this particular Psalm is quite comforting and I read everyday for comfort and I see miracles in my life and family.... halelujah the name of the Lord is worthy to be praised and adored....
I have prayed this and proved this. God is faithful to keep His word. No matter what the skeptics may say, I have seen the noisesome pestilence stopped and the arrow that flies by day fall short of its mark. I no longer just believe this, I know this.
I believe that the secret place is under the blood of Jesus. God is telling us that if we continued to dwell be covered by the blood of His Son, that we will find protection and peace.
psalms 91 is for our protection my son went Afghanistan last year and he back now safe and Pamela we have a pray line that do a conference call on Tuesday evening at (9:00p.m.)est.or (8:00p.m.)cst.the number is (213)417-9250 and the access code is 885401# come join us.
The secret place of the most high is the place of believing in the finished work of Christ and finding rest in him. It is a place of rest, peace, truimph,and victory over lifes' unending challenges and problems.He is like a shadow of protection,no wonder, no harm can befall us and in this place there is no fear, no destruction,we defeate all foes, and angels watch over us and finally there is satisfaction of a long life-this is the place of believing in the finished work of the cross; the secret place of the most high.
I think that God will keep us in perfect peace if our mind is stayed on Him not on every wind and doctrine that comes our way. Sometimes I see people following and have had to stop myself from things that didn't line up with the peace of God.
With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation."]