Ps 91 has help me a lot, God is my shield and buckler, He is my hiding place ,every morning before I go out I read and pray with Ps 91 and God has been so good to me even in the time of difficulty HE is always presence to hid me under HIS shadow.
Indeed this scripture reveals how powerful is God's presence, and the keyword for us is DWELLETH, because it determines the results of, and testifies of God's presence.
God honours our personal relationship with Him. What is done in secret cannot be seen by men but God. When our secret place is pleasing to Him, when the storms of life are raging, we are guaranteed to abide under the shadow of the Almighty. When we go out to face our enemy, we shall never be defeated because we have put on the whole armour of God and are ready for war. We face the enemy with boldness and confidence knowing that we have been empowered to destroy his evil works. People who dwell in the secret place of the Almighty are vigilent. They are the warriours. They are not afraid of anything because they are the well trained soldiers. A fearless generation. A cleansed and sanctified nation. Dwelling in the secret place demands a lot of discipline and dedication.We can't be a peculiar nation and a Royal Priesthood without this secret place.
This Psalm has been a favorite of mine for many, many years, however when I viewed verse 11 from this website this morning, it put a smile on my face, and a smile in my heart. You see, God's promises are 'True', and 'we' would do well to 'take Him at His Word'! Psalms 91:11 also reminds me of Philippians 4:19 . . . "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by, Christ Je'sus."
JESUS are father in heaven is the head of my life and I will contiue to keep him in front of my life and give him the praise and ask him for permission. And he no's what we need.
Psalms 91 help me though the time when I hit with a stroke God he put his all around me and kept me l love God so much. Thank you so much for being my Lord
The presence of the Lord is tht place tht keeps you safe regardless of whts going on around you. The presence of the Lord is ur joy&whn u abide under his shadow(glory) wil be ur protection&place of safety!
This Psalm is our mom's favorite Psalm. As she lies on her sick bed in ICU fighting for her life, we have read it to her many times. It soothes and calms us all. It is a blessed assurance of God's love for us in all circumstances.
I felt anxious and I decided to get up ad read psalm 23 and 91, after reading psalm 91 that feeling just left me, I thank God for his word and for honoring it, His word comfort me and make feel safe. Thank you Jesus.
This was the first scripture ( Psalms 91)that the LORD instructed me to memorize and confess daily. It has carried me through many trials and delivered me from deaf, more then once by Gods angel's as they manifested before my eyes several times in my life. But most of all this Psalms has increased my faith in the Father hearing my prayer's. By meditating on verses 14 and 15(God's promise to answer my prayer's and be right there with me )
The psalms 91 is a great verse when anyone is going through problems, God is always there like in the foot print Jehova Jireh is carrying you and his protection is circumfence around you.
Everytime I read this psalm, it comforts me and gives me confidence that there is no other power, spirit or pricipality that can confront the power in the precious blood of the lamb (LORD JESUS CHRIST). Our GOD is awesome!
Indeed psalm 91 is my guardian,everytime I opened my bible I read it,it sentify my heart it makes me feel happy in my heart even if I'm troubled.Thank you Jesus.
powerful, when we love God, He just never keeps his eye away from us, He doesn't even blink,fear no evil cause He is watching over. with this scripture no snare of the wicked can catch you.
I have been redeemed by this chapter . All my affliction has suddenly flew away . Every time i pick my bible and read this chapter , it tells and show me how much God love's me and with so much grace to carry on my daily activities . Psalm 91 is my guidian
I have been redeemed by this chapter . Every i pick my bible and read this chapter , it tells and show me how much God love's me and with so much grace to carry on my daily activities .
This psalm comforts me and makes me realise that i am so loved,cared for and protected , therefore, i need not fear. Thank you Father in Jesus name. Amen.
Oh my God ! This very psalms 91 is so powerful that each time I read it for something special like, sickness, problems,etc miracle happens. For me and my families,there is no other place for we to dwell than in the secrete place of the most high. Hallelujah ! Hallelujah !! Hallelujah !!!.
I think GOD always takes care of me and my family i trust his word and know that he has takin care of me and my family and always will Thank you LORD JESUS do GOD will for us HOLY SPRIT.
This chapter has rendered all the weapons of the devil useless against me.They may come against me but they will not come near me.It boosts my confidence in time of war.