Psalm91 is my favourite chapter in the bible,I believe dat God sees answers me via that psalm..After reading it,I always feel covered by his blood blessed too!!!
I always believe in a higher power,even as a small child,but hadn 't committed myself,so later on in life as I gotten older, I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savor and shortly after I received a dream from him and that dream was Psalms 91,and til this day I can say that he watches over me.I 'm very gratefully.
Powerful prayer for protection. Gives me courage not fear the wicked because I am confident God is watching over me. All I need to trust in him and have faith.
It 's a very powerful psalm. I believe that the is a power in prayer, and that is one of my prayer, because that says it all, what I want The Most High, and the name above all name to do for me.
This is important to me. When I was 22, I had a mystical experience that I will never forget. Some things were reveled to me, but after two days, I did bang my foot against a dresser and lost the inner light. Am I now doomed?
Psalm 91 gives me a divine assurance and protection. Whenever I am facing challenges of any type it readily comes to mind. Once I finish saying the psalm I am kind of rejuvenated with the belief and faith that God will take care of the challenges and it has always worked for me
I am asking all those person 's that have great faith in God to please say this sripture for my son micheal to , be heal from his illness. I will also say this pray every day.......please join me with this circle of prayer he has mental disorder. God bless and thank....
i know Jehovah is real he has kept me thus far and i know he will all the way even when so called friends and family turn on me he is there in the name of Jesus amen.
Psalm91 is very powerful two years ago my husband and my daughter was in a tornado I started saying this psalm and God kept his promise and he saved our lives that day. What an Awesome God he is.
Psalm91 is very powerful two years ago my husband and my daughter was in a tornado I stated saying this psalm and God kept his promise and he saved our lives that day. What an Awesome God he is.
Psalm 91 is so powerful to me. I now no the whole psalm with my head without reading in the bible. I have been meditating it every day now it 's my prayer I say it every time.
Blessing Gedematu Dominic on Psalms 91 - 10 years ago
This very scripture contains two different information a task and a promise. It is very funny to hear christians declaring the promises forgetting the task in the first verse. The promises made, belongs to only those who dwell in the secret place of the almighty as proclaimed by the first verse. This scripture simply means that, those who endeavour to do the will of God are those who will inherit the promises but not any kind of person. So, we should not be glad because of the promises but try as well to do the will of God. God bless us all.....
I have learned this psalm and when I 'm scared or unhappy or any negative feelings I say psalm 91 which is very comforting this is a very powerful psalm
I always feel lost. But I also know that god is with me. At times I put my trust in man and not God. But I know he is the only one I can trust. So I read this scripture to remind myself that he is there for me. He love me and he will protect me.
Psalms 91 has been my most cherished chapter in the bible for about 20 years now It brought me through the worst storm of my life and I know it will carry me through until GOD and his son JESUS CHRIST takes me home GOD BLESS EVERYONE
verse 15 its a promise dat wen i call upon Him He ll answer me dat He ll b with me in trouble dat He ll deliver me honour me What a Mighty we serve Amen
Once we dwell in the SECRET place of God we are completely hidden from all evil Satan and his agents cannot know the secrets of God they re only revealed to His chosen ones
This a very lovely and powerful psalms 91 which i have been using for years given to me by one woman whom i helped her husband she gave a gift for proctection from the lord God and it has been so help for Glory God in jesus name Amen
No matter what u may b going through God is right there waiting 2 pick u up He is a friend that will stay closer than a brother He will conquer all evil thlat come before us only trust Him
For me personally it is that quiet place when we find peace and rest from the storms of life and his prescence is so strong it causes me to weep with tears of gratitude that he chose me to die for The choice is mine to accept this sacrifice his mercy and grace God bless those who chose to accept and enter the SECRET PLACE his loving arms