This is my favourite Psalm 91. the part that said He will give his angel charge over thee to keep thee in all thine ways. A powelful promise. When i am depressed it gives me courage.
this book of Psalms 91 it helps me to redeem my faith in God every time I feeling down it helps me to left up myself again and to know how much my Savior care
The psalm verses really keeps me alive anytime i read it n whatever or anyting i do i still remenber what he said in the chapter .. I luv the book of psalm n it encourages me alot when am down n sad n it boost my confident high that, the God i serve shall bless and redemed me from all rigthueoness Amen?
The very first sentence in this beautiful psalm says, He Who Dwells In d Secret Place of d Most high... But wot does this really mean...? I think we dwell in his secret place by constantly striving to live a holy and prayerful life..!
Akpevwe Unuavworho jenkins on Psalms 91 - 10 years ago
i will advice each and everyone of you to read this passage PSALM 91 AT Least 2 TIMES IN THE MORNING, 2 TIMES IN THE AFTER NOON AND 2 TIMES IN THE EVENING. GOD BLESS YOU
I read psalms 91 every single day, this psalms keep me whatsoever I 'm going though,I think of the words, God is true to His word, God can be trusted. Thank you Father for delivering me from so manys trail in my life.
JESUS SAVED MY LIFE OVER AND OVER AGAIN...he died on that cross to save ME...when i feel so distraught..I Know thet this too shall pass.and everything will work out as the Mighty Jesus has planned it all! Please forgive me my sins oh glorious father...raise me up to more than I can be!
As you know,this psalms 91 is a very important chapter because those words are so strong.You know when Jesus spoke about the enemy ,he said thousands May fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand,I think he wants to share us the quantity loves he has for us if we follow him,he again spoke about the great thing ,he is going to prepare if we look at him ,for real,all those words in this chapter are correct and wonderful.he was speaking about secret place even through his salvation ,all of all these are specially amazing things ,and people has to look at Jesus Christ forever!
I love the entire Bible but psalms 91 is one of my favorite verses because of all of the protection promises that God gives us in this chapter. I try to read it everyday I thank God for His word and his promises. I know it works two years ago my husband, daughter and myself were in a tornado I started speaking psalm 91 and the tornado left where we were and went to lake wales Florida. he is such an AWESOME GOD and so is his word.
The Truth is Reviving in our face look GOOD and you will see it, Psalms 91, I Love it ,We are living in Revelation in our today Life. The KING of KING 'S and The LORD of LORD 'S is The HEAD CREATOR, The Truth Revived The SON of KING SOLOMAN and QUEEN SHEBA is RAS TASFARI, RAS mine 'sHEAD and TASFARI mine 's CREATOR, EMPEROR HAILE SELASSIE I The FIRST THE NEW NAME, Revelation in the BIBLE Revive Truth of The ONE Sit Up On The THRONE Of The ALMIGHTY CREATOR,THE LION OF JUDAH Truth is REVIVING. ONE LOVE TO YOU ALL BLESS.
I 've been through so much with folks and their negative thoughts and their scripture leads me down the right path. Family is my enemy and knowing that they are against me not one has came up against me thank you Jesus for your Mercy.
I 've been through so much with folks and their negative thoughts and their scripture leads me down the right path. Family is my enemy and knowing that they are against me not one has came up against me thank you Jesus for your Mercy.
Psalms 91 was my rock when my mother was being treated for lymphoma. I prayed this over her, and I felt the peace that comes from trusting God with all of your heart. He will never leave us nor forsake us. We can trust God and not lean on our own understanding. Praise God, she has been in remission for 11 years. I find great comfort in Psalms 91.
Psalm 91 is my favorite Psalm, I try to read it daily, as it gives me BLESSED ASSURANCE. It 's open in my home and car. It makes me feel so safe. "HE WILL GIVE HIS ANGELS CHARGE OVER THEE TO KEEP THEE IN ALL THY WAYS ".....Amen!
This is a very good chapter, every chapter is but you know what I mean. By thousands may fall at your side, ten thousands at your right hand, I think it means others will try to bring you down with words against your belief, but god will make sure their arrows miss if you stay strong in the lord. He is our shield, without him we are vulnerable. Just remember, what ever god does is for the best. He would never hurt you.
I really enjoy this passage Pls. 91 , because I am really going through hard times and struggles right now!!! This scripture has really uplifted my Spirit... It has increased my Faith more more each and every time I read it. GOD Bless YOU All who are going through Life STRUGGLES Have Faith don 't Give Up.....