Yes this scripture has helped me also in my darkest hour. Like right now. Thank you Jesus for bringing it to my heart and mind. I know you are working it out already.
This has been a rough month for me. I read this scripture because it strengthens me in tough times. Even though things have not gone the way I would have liked, I know that the LORD JESUS has my back. So, I will be encouraged. Amen
I was shown psalms 91 in a dream about 4 months ago it 's like this worlds 911 but its are spiritual number to call on the heavens I read it once a day and what I was shown In the dream has and is still coming to pass it is my 911
Psalms 91 Has give me life and go on he save from being angry and be the person that God wanted to be give life and talk to people about good God is he gives life be bless
Psalms 91 Has give me life and go on he save from being angry and be the person that God wanted to be give life and talk to people about good God is he gives life be bless
Hi.. The day i had first heard psalm 91 was a very low point in my life.. i have kept it close always and now know it off by heart where if i wake up in the nigjht i say it and fall back to sleep again.. His word has saved my life and given me such courage to keep going.
Our God is a God that fufill His promises. In this psalm He promise us good health, protection and long life. I hold firm to it, it 's my psalm of consolation, I read it always, I beleive it, it covers every aspect of one 's life. So what is Ebola? Trust in God it will not come near our dwellings in Jesus name. I recommend this psalm for everyone, it is a good therapy.
God gave me psalms 91 while siting in the court room. I was going through a divorce so much pressure evil. Right after i read the scripture GOD gave me complete victory,favor protection told me that will be my victory psalm from that day forward. Halleluah praise GOD!
Psalms 91 is the courage of the discouraged, the defence of the defenceless, the hope of the hopeless.Lord I thank you for your word in this chapter of the bible.
I praise God for his mercies upon me and my family. I am truly bless,without him I would be lost. It 's my desire to serve him all the day of my life. He knows all our troubles and he will take care of us.He said so.God blessings to everyone.
This Psalms was inspired to me by the Holy Spirit while incarcerated and it is all Gods promises for you and I and Protection from the evil one.I read it everyday for Gods covering over me and my family.
THIS VERSE SAIDS IT ALL.I BELIEVED IT AND THOU SETTLES IT.GOD IS GOOD.WITHOUT THA LORD IN MY LIFE .My WORLD COULD HAVE BEEN DISASTER.I THANK AND PRAISE THA LORD EVERY DAY FOR HIS GOoDness And Mercy upon me and my family.I pray The Lord Continue to bless me an my family in our everyday the mighty name of Jesus.plz Lord let yo mercy be wit us in our everyday life.plz saves us from Evil spirits. .Amen
This is the powerfullest verse ever,if you a true believe and a true worshipe of MOST HIGH GOD you will find yourself how you protect by GOD and how the scripture is talking about you!! i thank GOD for everyday protection and love in JESUS NAME AMEN