Psalms Chapter 91 Discussion Page 61

  • Drich on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    psalm 91 is my protector
  • Kevin on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    Psalms 91 is part of my daily life now. I live with pancreatic cancer. I was given 6 months to live about 1 year ago. While being treated, chemo radiation, I was taken ill with food poisoning. While in the hospital a mis-diagnosis happened and I was treated with insulin and pain medicine. I was overdosed and almost passed. Shortly after that my port created a blood clot which also almost killed me with only minutes left to be treated. After that I accidentally tripped over my beautiful Doberman. I fractured my elbow, had to get stitched, and missed hitting my head by inches. This all while under going treatment for cancer. After hearing my story who in their right mind would refuse to believe in the power of God and Psalms 91. He always has a plan. His plan is always a perfect plan. Me personally, I don 't believe his plan is for me to move in with him at this time. I want to help someone, somewhere, how ever I can before I leave this place. Through daily affirmations and with the reading of Psalms 91 a skeptic has been shown the truth. Pass it on!
  • Chrissy on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    Praise the Lord!!! Thank you very much Mia, for your uplifting feedback and courage. Keeping your whole situation in prayer, dear sister. Please keep us informed. With much LOVE and care
  • Maria on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    Gods words in this scripture help me throughg day an help me sleep in peace at nite , God has saved me and given me another day to change an make things right God has been so good to me an my children I 'm a single mother and because I believe in God he has never let me nor my kids go without .
  • Anonymous on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    Get me truth the day..
  • Shirley Bobo on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    This psalm has been my protection. It makes me feel so relieved that god is always there with me. He is my protector and provider. It comforts me and assures me that I can have faith in God to do all things and work miracles. I try to read it everyday. Make it a part of your everyday life for miracles.
  • Miguel Cotrich on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    I agree that the scripture does not contradict scripture but I also agree that horrible things will happen to nonbelievers but I am a believer in Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ has been in my corner for 59 years, and I 'm still here for a purpose I am testifying Jesus Christ will he knew I was strong enough to over come all obstacle 's that came my way iI feel Jesus Christ has chosen me to be one of his soldiers remember on the coming of Jesus Christ he is coming to get his elected one 's, and his chosen one 's that will be the people no of this world Jesus Christ was not of this world, and the chosen one 's is going to be hated.
  • Miguel Cotrich on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    Jesus Christ has given a sigh to follow to follow Jesus Christ he Wispered in my ear that this government was going to be corrupted I did not know what that meant I was afraid at the time because I did not know who was speaking to me I pray to Jesus Christ he told me don 't be afraid read revelation when I open the bible to revelation the page flew were it stated that this Government was going to be corrupted the I knew that Jesus Christ was speaking to me I no longer was afraid I did not rejected Jesus Christ sign I joined the united states marine corps I got very sick to the point I was dieing Jesus Christ saved my life from dieing I payed the price I lost my life to a wheelchair but i gained my ever lasting life, and my new body, and my wheelchair is now my cross that I always Carrie with me at all time 's i go every were with my cross my son Ernest feels that i should of rejected Jesus Christ instead of rejecting him what do you think about that?
  • Billie on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    It lets us know that God is there for us no matter what trials and tribulations we 're faced with. He so loved us that he gave his only son so that you and I could have everlasting life. He keeps on protecting and keeping us when we fall short and lets us know he 's always there no matter how bad our situation is that he is ready to take on our battles. All he ask is to have faith and trust and it is so done.Amen
  • Billie on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    It lets us know that God is there for us no matter what trials and tribulations we 're faced with. He so loved us that he gave his only son so that you and I could have everlasting life. He keeps on protecting and keeping us when we fall short and lets us know he aalways there no matter how bad our situation is that he is ready to take on our battles. All he ask is for us to have faith and trust and it is so done.Amen
  • June Mitchell on Psalms 91:16 - 9 years ago
    At 63 I am living testimony of Psalms 91! He is satisfying me with long life because of his Promise! I learned that I have dwell with God in the Secret Place and trust, believe and have Faith in him and him alone!!! Thank you so much
  • Mudeline sylvestre on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    Ps91 show us how much God loves us and care for our wellbeen.we shall believe that our body mind spirit soul all belong to God He offered to bless us all the way psalm 91 is one of my favorite ,its a wonderful prayer for everyday Life .God is Good trust His word
  • Reinarudo Watanabe on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    PSALMS 91:9-10 COMMENTS 4 24 2015 The happiness of the godly. v10 PROVERBS 1:33 2 THESSALONIANS 3:3 2 PETER 2:9. Thank you LORD that we have a happiness in you through into the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour, A-men
  • Doris on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    Comfort and strength are there for us always
  • Barbara on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    Recently someone asked about verse 9. I didn 't have the chance to read the answer to the question, What does this verse mean? Because thou hast made the Lord my refuge even the most high thou habitation
  • Raquel Almaraz on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    My thoughts about psalm 91 is my strength and refuge in times of trouble. Especially where said because he love me i will answer.
  • Pastor Alex mensah on Psalms 91:1 - 9 years ago
    is a place were God hide his chlidren there.
  • Anthony Sims on Psalms 91:1 - 9 years ago
    God is close at all times. It is we who distance ourselves with all the life 's distraction. God once answered my prayers with YES, NO, or NOT NOW. I have drawn closer to Him now and have become aware that I am always in his presence. The answer to my prayers today is, WHAT HAS THIS GOT TO DO WITH FURTHERING MY KINGDOM? The more I know God the more responsibility he expects. And he will protect me.
  • Janie spaventa on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    I think that this is a Psalm of protection. It is very meaningful and should be used in your prayer life daily.
  • MRS JACKSON on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
  • Tope Bajulaye on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    Phyllis porter,the secret place of the most high is christ Jesus which is the word of God. John1:1 and the word was God.When you abide in the word of God which is God himself and the word abides in you john15:4-7 , no enemy can dare touch your life.The rest of the verses are anchor on the verse one.So many people say they are Christians but they are not in Christ not abiding in Him which is the word of God that is why they die by all manners of diseases or get killed by evil means that will make people to begin to ask God questions especially the unbelievers. Let us be in Christ and remain in Him by reading,studying and meditating upon the word of God,doing these will make us to remain in Him and safety is guarantee.He has promised us long life and joy that emanates from His salvation.One faithful thing about God,He will never break his promise by going against His own word,never,not my God.
  • Rogy Rodriquez on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    This chapter worths a meaning that we should abide by what God demands and will have the kingdom of God
  • MAGAIVADAVY on Psalms 91:4 - 9 years ago
    Amen the word of GOD get renwed everyday
  • Phyllis porter on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    I do not under the statement a secret place of the most high.
  • Lynn McClendon on Psalms 91:1 - 9 years ago
    David knew there is a place where no one else can enter but you and God, so that makes it a secret because He is dwelling there with you us . I Praise His Name for such a Honor!!
  • Ravnita on Psalms 91:12 - 9 years ago
    He is a great God and wonderful god
  • Kelly bertrum on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    I feel like this psalm is perfect for what I am going through rite now I told a friend I was haveing .troubles and she sent me psalms 91to pray
  • Daisy on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    This psalm gives you the full assurance that if you dwell in his secret place he will take care of you.
  • Shirley on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    The psalm 91st is a miracle worker.
  • Genevieve on Psalms 91:10 - 9 years ago
    I believe it means: God will keep His Word and as we focus on the Words of God and personalize it according to what we are experiencing, it will manifest in our lives...In Jesus ' Name...Amen!

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