Our savior works in mysterious ways.when I was imprisoned I found him I can 't discribe that feeling.but its a wonderful,warm,comforting feeling I 'll never forget.my word to all is seek and ye shall find.our savior is everywhere.
This psalm makes me content and filled with satisfaction of safety for whatever happens in my life . I just know I 'm safe. It 's like food for my soul and body. I feel safe and secure in HIS hands.
91 Psalms reassures me that God is always my protector in every and any situation. Angels will always be with me. I willl always trust and believe in God ' s word.
I love the bible because it is God word and i believe in it. Psalms 91 is one of my favourite it reasures me that no matter what i do God is always watching me.
This Psalm involves EVERY aspect of our lives. It is an absolute guarantee that IF we dwell in the secret place of the Most High--we know the outcome--Divine Protection! Angels all around! There is nothing to compare this to. What a Mighty God I serve!
Almost 100 years ago, during World War I, the 91st Infantry Brigade of the U. S. Expeditionary Army was preparing to enter combat in Europe. Because their commander was a devout Christian, he assembled his men and gave each of them a little card on which was printed the 91st Psalm, the same number Psalm as their brigade. They agreed to recite that Psalm daily. After they had begun praying the Psalm, the 91st Brigade was engaged in three of the bloodiest battles of World War I - Chateau Thierry, Belle Wood and the Argonne. Other American units that fought in the same battles had up to 90 percent casualties, but the 91st Brigade did not suffer a single combat-related casualty.
I love the whole bible which is our bread of life and the Lord gave me this Psalms to read daily I believe by speaking this psalms covers our whole day and Our family truly this is our daily bread the words of God
A mandatory requirement for claiming psalm 91 is to abide under the shadow of Almighty and make him our habitation.when we abide in him we are holy and we are protected,from my experience even a small slip up could put us in danger,May God grant me Grace and all those who claim psalm 91 to be under the shadow of the Almighty all the time.
Psalm 91 is an eye opener to the dangers that exist in life and how God through His Son and power destroys them all. If you need protections read Psalm 91.
I was taught to read Psalms 91 from my grandmother that 's in heaven, as a child, and many other scriptures in the Bible, but, it is Psalms 91 that I go to and read when I 'm feeling fearful. I work as a security guard and there 's situations that would make a lot of people feel uncomfortable. This may sound strange but, by me being in many uncomfortable situations, doing " night security " ,is pushing me to seek out our heavenly father even harder, just like tonight. I ask of you " Prayer Warriors " to keep me in your prayers that I could remain safe and protected under our Father 's blood, that I could return home safely after every work shift. Thank You! H. Taylor.