It 's a blessing to know that whatever we are going through God will deliver us in times of trouble, He let 's me me know that He has me under his wings that I don 't need to worry because he got me in his care, what a awesome God we serve.
Psalms 91 is the perfect psalms to read every day it gives you strength to carry on n to know that the Lord is with you n he love 's us too continue to feed on is word 'sespecially verse 10
The LORD is letting you know if you make HIM your EVERYTHING no-matter what you go through he got you COVERED so if things look bad just don 't give up BECAUSE GOD GOTCHA
Am happy to get the message from psalms 91. It has encouraged me to knw that God is ever to save n protect us. I pray that the lord wil send me His holy spirit to be reminding me to read it again and again and will be of blessing to my life.
My dad use to read this every night until he passed away 3 years ago. He told me to read at a low point in my life and i have done so continually. It gives reassures me that God is the alway by my side, protecting me from all evil.Praise be to God!!
As most of the previous comments, something is VERY POWERFUL with Psalm 91. I have been reading this as a child and to my mother and father. My mom however, was always inspired by the WORDS and verse 4 is now written on her headstone.
Psalm 91and psalm 23 is my favourite passage in the scripture. I read it every night before going to bed.It gives me the assurance that my redeemer liveth and i have no cos to fear.
I love Psalms91 because when I was of the world and I was crying out for help someone told me to open my bible to Psalms91and start reading this everyday and watch how God will remove you from out of Satan 's hands and I starting reading this everyday and my life was forever change and now 11years later I still read this every day because it give me strength to go on I love the Lord and I know he favor me
This is one of my favorite scriptures i read it every morning are night it let me know we are safe from all evil and that god and his angel is always keeping us safe and it gives me hope that all things are possible tru Jesus Christ our Lord
this is one of my favorite scripture and Ephesian because only God can keep from falling apart I love him and he is my emergency at all time oh I love him and that he promise to protect his people I am one of God favor child only if they know the story I want to spread the news how he save me from the devil. I am a true testimony of the Psalm
I am confident that God will keep me covered with His precious blood and under His wings will I abide by His outstretched arms.No harm , or snares shall be able to conquer or overthrown me.The devices of the enemies shall not be able to come near.He watches 24 seven. 365 days. Over over. Never tired, never sleeps, never complains or frown. Praise God
I know that I don't need to fear the arrow that flies by day and Gods angels charge over me and the Lord will deliver me from trouble when I call unto Him amen.
I believe that he is my protector. No matter what we do or how we mess up our lives he is and will always be there for us. He said all we have to do is call upon him and he will be there for us.
Our God who is an awesome God provided us with the Emergency Plan many years ago! Just Call him Up Psalms "911 "..! He will HEAR Your Cry Answer Your Call Send You HELP..!
Most morning or evening I read this psalm. It gives me a sense of protection from all harm when I do read it. God bless all of us and wash us with your redeeming blood. Protect us from ALL harm and danger Jesus Christ and thank you Lord for your continuous protection!!!!
As a Rastafarian i am so thankful to the lord almighty father strength a redeemer. He ealks and talks with i everyday. Psalms 91 also is a psalms of protection. Everyday word us so promiseing that he us always there. Im homeless and i know that he us right there. God be the glory.
In 1997 my dear grandma went to be with the Lord. Three days after her death late night early morning. I awoke to what looked like to be her spirit, standing in the middle of my bedroom. She said with long life will he satisfy you and disappeared. That has been my go to prayer ever since. I have been through a great deal since that day and the word has been my shield.