Just as I clicked on the "e" for my KingJamesBibleOnline homepage to load up, I said "God, I do not think I'm safe here" home and Psalms 91:11 was on the screen. Sometimes God hears us and answers us in a millionth of a second. I just wish I had the instructions on how to get out of here and start over.
Trinity adwoa kwofie on Psalms 91:11 - 9 years ago
we should remember that through our journey on this earth he is there to guide us, for us to get to our destination safely which is our home in heaven. in our trials, problems, temptations, he is there with us to make that we come out victorious.
It is So POWERFUL !!!!! I Apply it to my Life Everyday!!! When you read the scriptures let it Manifest in your Spirit it is Awesome!!!! It's your Protection!!!! It Blocks the Devour!!! God Bless!!!
Who so ever liveth in his word. Will continue in his glory and the Lord will cover you all the days of our existence we will put all our trust in Christ. Keep looking to the hills amen
Who so ever liveth in his word. Will continue in his glory and the Lord will cover you all the days of our existence we will put all our trust in Christ. Keep looking to the hills amen
I declare this over my family both nuclear and extended , friends, pastors, loved ones, myself and all that God has given us and about to give. In Jesus Name.Amen.
I read the 91th Psalms everyday for my family, Antonio, Elizabeth and me Gertrude for our protection. I asked the Lord to keep us covers with his blood. Gertrude
Psalm 91 is a powerful Psalm for protection, healing, comfort and overcoming fear. My late step mom referred me to read this psalm on a daily basis and as often as I feel the need for God 's protection. Since then I have made it a major part of my life. Read this Psalm and feel the PRESENCE of God. This is my testimony. God bless you.
Read this whole chapter with joy and authority, daily. The healing, saving, living, comforting word of God. Read it aloud so the enemy can hear it. The Greek word for victory is NIKE. JUST DO IT. In 2 weeks you will see a dramatic change in your thought patterns. Romans 12 : 1 2. Do not conform to the way of the world, but allow God to transform you by the renewal of your mind. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Jesus is alive!
Hello I just wany to share with you a testimony about this psalm 91. Some years ago I and my family went to our aunt to visit her. She owns a shop but that time it was not doing well. When we get there we prayed with her and my mother share the word of God. Then she gaver her sister psalm 91 and tell her to read it thouroughly and pray about it. Then we went back home. After two weeks a robber enter to my aunt 'shop demanding money. My aunt was alone in the shop. Then the robber asked my aunt to go to store room while he is busy searching money from the till. My aunt managed to crawl and go outside. Then she call people for help. When people came they saw blood coming from the storeroom. The rober has gun himself. Really guns it has proctected and old lady from a dangerous criminal. Be blessed!
Most are familiar with the first part of this Psalms. I like the Last part to, I call it the I will 's of God. "Because he hath set his love upon me " 1. I will deliver him, 2. I will set him on high. 3. I will answer him, 4. I will deliver him in trouble, 5. I will honor him. 6. I will satisfy with long life, 7. I will show him my salvation.
what a awesome God we serve. With all the dark things happening in the world, its such a comfort to know I got a protector who watches over me, and never sleeps.
For many years I have read this psalms. This particular passage has blessed my life! It brings comfort and peace and befits every aspect of life, one is experiencing at that moment. How can anyone doubt God. He 's real! He 's awesome! He 's love! He 's my favorite! He 's the light! He cares! He 's Alpha! He 's Omega! The soon coming KING!
Any man, woman, boy, or girl who takes most precious the matters of the Father, Son Jesus , and the Holy Ghost will be protected, comforted, cared for, loved, exalted, and so much more. Be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Know that Satan is anti-holy. Satan hates everything that God loves family unity, man married to woman, celibacy, love and so on. Humans need to wake up to truth. Satan is at war with God right now, influencing people to be anti-holy. WAKE UP WORLD !!! Jesus is coming soon. Let love and obedience rule in your heart.
This Psalms bless me a lot.I reminders me a song that say . what a friend we have in Jesus.I believe God is with me always through problem I have in my family is still there.