This psalm is one of the most powerful. I recommend it to anyone who lives in fear.i believe reading this would drive the spirit of fear away completely in Jesus name amen.
I no for a fact GOD love's me no matter what situation I'm in noing nothing or no one can help me and I come out of it it's GOD.There's a lot I have to do better I need to go back to church and praise GOD even harder,I no GOD loves me no doubt and I Anita love GOD with all my heart.AMEN Hallelujah.
Deliver to all that believe the path of righteousness and prosperity as it can only be granted by our Lord and savior Blessings to all the follow in the footsteps of God almighty. Amen
I love this psalm it speaks of Gods mercy and love for his faithful servants. It reminds me everyday that i may go through things but God will bring me out of all negative situations. I praise God with all my being and i trample on all evil in Jesus name amen.
God is faithful to deliver us. We are always under the shadow of the Almighty even as Mary Luke 1:35 . This is my mother's favorite psalm and I love it and love her for pointing me to God's Word.
Our Lotd is our refuge and a present help in trouble as in Psalm 46.1 He is always around us to protect us for the evil one who is always out to cause confusions
This psalms is so powerful it's a living testimony that god delivers guide and protects me ! My life was saved because I was told to read this psalms amen
Psalm 91 is so powerful. He that dwell in the secret place of most high. The question is how do we dwell in His secret place? We dwell in His place by prayer, praises, worship and meditating on His word. Any time you involved in these, it means you're in His presence because the secret place of God is the presence of God