concerning psalms 91:4 feathers allot of proof texting by the charismatic movement, and the lying signs and wonders movement. this verse has been taken out of context to support a false sign that angel feathers are falling from heaven they do violence to gods holy word. this verse put in its proper place and exegesis correctly describes god shadow of protection to all those who trust in him.
Psalms 91 is a very great chapter in the Book of Psalms. When read, it gives me the courage to remain in God's presence daily due to His wonderful promises embedded, and His manifestation of these words in my daily walk with Him.
His protection is needed more now than any other time in history. We have been hearing and seeing things that should not have happened in the first place. This Psalm always gives me the assurance of His omnipotent protection. If we are out of His protection for the blink of an eye, we are in danger but thank God for this Psalm 91.
I love all of Psalms 91. I keep a bible in my house open to Psalms 91 at all times. And starting at verse 14 - 16 I make it personal. I apply the he and change to she since I am female and him to her also I apply my name. Thank God for the Psalms.
PSALMS 91 IS my life line my protector my God whom shall I fear as long as I got the almighty watching over me I have no fear here he's my best friend and I love God with my whole heart cause he is alive and well!!!! Amen.
This is one of my favorite psalm because of its encouraging content. It supports my heart through fear and encourages me that no matter how I feel, what I face, what is to come will never be a threat. It builds my relationship with my Lord even if a million stands against me they cannot come close to me....How great is our God!!!!!!
I think we need to read it every morning before we start our day. Because that is our armor against the enemy of the Lord. Because we are human and we forget so easily where we are at with the Lord and that we are protected because of Him and His angels. To me it's one of the best chapters in psalms
I know it is a blessing to me I can do nothing without the Lord Jesus Holy Word and I think him for the Holy Ghost . A word for the True believer remember the world hated Jesus and thats the way people in the word feel about True Believer don get upset when u are treated wrong just no the world hates Jesus Children Amen
I believe that PSALMS 91 is a prayer of protection from all evil that attacks the soul and spirit. We in the flesh, cannot always detect the intentions of evil doers. However with the prayer of PSALMS 91, GOD will do his works to protect us from Snares and Fowler.
God is our refuge from trouble. We must go through it, but we can go through tough things with His mighty protection. He is ultimately in control and knows that all will work out to benefit true believers.
this chapter strengthens my confidence and boldness in face of danger. it is good to know that I have conquered fear, God has assigned His angels to watch over me where ever I go. Only trust Him.
Psalm 91 gives comfort to all who are faced with life's struggles, David draws a picture of a loving God/father who cares about the problem of his creation
I read pslms91 Because I k now god hears my prayer and my cry it is good to read you strength, your suffering, your faith, your trust I do not have a place to live no money I have job does not pay me much but I thank god