Comment : This psalm is really ment for only those that truly belong to the household of God. I pray that all of us that say is of His house. Anybody can join by simply accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior!
this chapter encourages me to be strong and not to fear any evil,because God is there to protect u although yo enemies persue u God is there to see u through "do not be afraid of the dark or those who walk in the night". i shall not fear coz my God is my "refuge" this means that the Lord is my hiding shelter where i can find rest and peace.
God is great if u really put your trust in him and honor him truthfully.God never fail his faithful. I wished l gave all my ways earlier to God Amen but is never too late to come closer to God.
the comments are insightful. Psalms 91 was introduced to me by my Spirit Filled Mother who wanted me not to be afraid of the storm that had awaken me out of my sleep. The short of her words were if you trust in God all the storms that you face in life can not stop you or turn you against Almighty God. As your love grows for Him, your trust will grow also. How do you love God. Through obedience.
This is my daily bread i have found that psalms 91 is my prayer for all situations that i face i personalize it where it says ,he that dwelleth.... I simply put ,I dwelleth..... i often use Ps 91 when praying for my children. Really when u reside under the shadow of the Great Majestic God who can be against you,thanks be to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am encouraged by Psalms 91. I feel reassured that my God just doesn't only sort out my problems, he goes through with me. Thank you Lord for choosing me
It's not of any Good thing that I have done but because of your Grace and Mercy towards me. Amen.
I know that the Lord is on my side he gives me strength encourage to trust and believe on his words I love Psalms 91 I know God is my protector my help when I am in trouble I know he will keep me and perfect peace as long as I keep my mind steadfast on him I Love You Lord Jesus you are my Lord and Savior and for the Lord I live and for the Lord I die blessed be the name of the Lord praise God amen
i has learned that God ,His holy spirit. dwell on the inside of me he lives in my Heart , with this in my mind So with in mind i can face today and tomorrow prayer is the key .Amen
God has been faithful to me and my households through the ministration of Psalm 91. A Chapter with spirit filled verses that always strengthens us in all our daily commitments. Above all, Psalm 91 reminds us always, that ''He reigns'' even forever more and to deliver us in time of trouble. Thank you Jesus.
I have been encouraged so much as my pastor's wife gave me psalms 91 to read any time I fear for my dear life!! I realized God is proctecting and shielding me all the time.
Psalms 91 is my new favorite! I'm so thankful that God loves us this much! He is our protector, and our Father, and so much more! Thank you, in Jesus name amen!
I love the promises in God's word. My prayer is that I remember what I HAVE TO DO to avail myself of these promises...that i've got to remember to DWELL in the secret place of the Most High, MAKE the Lord my Habitation, SET MY LOVE UPON HIM, KNOW his name, and CALL upon him. In Jesus' name. AMEN.
A very power-pack passage assuring me that I am completely protected by my Heavenly Father. We should keep in mind that God is ever faithful to his promises.
Psalms 91 has always been my mother's prayer over 8 children growing up and at 100 years old she still depend on the Psalm for protection. My mother read it out loud everyday. It is also my daily prayer each day. Thank God in the name of Jesus for his blessings.
Ps. 91gives me the assurance of God 's plan, and promises to protect me from hurt, harm and danger
He lets me know that I dwell in a place of protection, he directs me how to do it
He tells me where he covers me, and through faith and obedience he will give angel order concerning me But the most powerful only you will know
Wow how God loves me, fight my battle and then tell me I am.a winner
I think this text was written just for me. I think there was a protection plan set in place for me before I was born. There is truth in every word I have seen GOD's deliverance over my life time and time again there hasn't been a time that I called him and HE hasn't answered me time and time again and show me his salvation. Thank you for allowing me to share.
It's not of any Good thing that I have done but because of your Grace and Mercy towards me. Amen.
He lets me know that I dwell in a place of protection, he directs me how to do it
He tells me where he covers me, and through faith and obedience he will give angel order concerning me But the most powerful only you will know
Wow how God loves me, fight my battle and then tell me I am.a winner