Psalms 91 let's me no that God will protect his Disciples no matter what is going n our life. As a Disciple we can totally depend on God.God will open every door that needs to be open n he will close every door that needs to be close.
When I am in that secret place,I am curled up so close in the Fathers arms only love and life's blessings touch me.Safe in my father's arms I have no fear,I am encouraged and strengthened. I can be and do all things,in Christ Jesus,Amen
Lord I thank you for your word,this Scripture is very dear to my heart. Let's me no that I'm protected everyday n always thru Jesus Christ our Lord n Saver
Shalom! The Lord let's me know when His mighty warrior Angels are immediately active and are engaged in serious battle with that dark-demonic realm, and because of their divine intervention, we WIN. Thank you Jesus; when I am weak, you are strong and it is your faithfulness that I continue to depend on. And will continue to look towards the hills where my help comes from. I'm thankful Alleluah!!
Raquel Canonigo Villarin on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
Praise be to God the Father Almighty with his son Jesus Christ our God and King!!! Psalm 91 is the most powerful song or word of God; a message written in the holy bible which keeps on reminding us about God's Protection and Love for us as his own creation.Amen.
This is one of my favorite psalms... sometimes Iget so afraid of darkness I just curl up an feel scared but when ever I read my bible especially a psalm I do feel closer to God an less afraid
God is indeed a wonderful God...
This psalm is my own talisman straight from the hand of Elyon, El Shadday, my Elohim, Yahweh who offer a host of angels to protect, just for sheltering with him and seeking his protection - and generous as ever he gives multi-faceted protection abundantly. What an amazing God we serve!
I thank God for being my Protector,and teaching me how to live for Him and allowing me time on this earth to get the work He has assign to my hands to get it done.
it doesn't say he has wings its like bird protects her babies the same God does for his people who trusted their life to him read acts 17:23 -31 there is description of our God
For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. God that made the world and all things therein,
A great Psalm to memorize. It reminds us that when we stay close to God and live in His presence we can feel safe and secure for we are under his protection.
Thank you so much for sharing these verses, I was at a low point. These verses reminded me of who I serve, The King of Kings JESUS my LORD and SAVIOR. Thank you, Joann
I can truly say of my Lord : he is my refuge : He is my fortress : He is my God : In Him will I Trust . I will Trust the word of the Living God to do what He says He will do and receive all that He has bought , purchased , and supplied for me . When I say that God is Good !!! That is just a small minute thing to say when God is Greatly Good !!!!
Yes, GOD is good all the time. I trust and love our Lord Saviour with all my hear. As long as we keep the faith,trust, and forgiving heart GOD can move mountains any do anything for us. AMEN.
God is telling us that he will protect us from all evil. His shield of protection will endure through all obstacles; therefore, we have to have faith and trust God's grace. God has the power to show favor upon us daily.
God is indeed a wonderful God...
Jesus Christ, I TRUST IN YOU.
Thanks you.
For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. God that made the world and all things therein,