The scripture teaches us that scripture is inspired by God and, has been given to Holy men, who spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. As such, the Psalms were inspired by King David.
Psalm 91. Is. Letting me know to.have faith in god and he will always be there for matter how hard (I!) think times are .god also thanks.and his thinking is better then anything I can think of.
to 'frank' on -who wrote Ps. 91; As the whole Word of God is - the whole word of God - it doesn't matter who wrote it. That's what faith is - believing in something. In questioning something one is showing lack of faith. God knew this thought you had before you even had it. What is important here is - who 'authored' this Psalm; God did, and that's all that is necessary for us to know.
Psalms 91 save me from being kill in an electrical power accident. The Lord had told me to memorize it about a year before the accident. When it happened, an angle came behind me ,put both of his hands on my chest and pull me out ,saving me from being totally fried. As psalm 91 says that God's angles will help you.
It is more of a question. Who wrote psalm91? Also, why are not gods words he said not in red,as it is in the new testement? As you can probally tell im new to this studying
Psalms 91 is a very powerful psalm. I am in a prayer group. The prayer group will be 31yrs this July. Each time a possessed soul came and look for deliverance we sing hymn and read psalm 91 and pray. Sometimes they cannot hear the words but we keep on reciting the psalm and many souls christian and non christian have been delivered. I praise God for such deliverance.We rejoice in the Lord.Amen
Psalm 91
My God My Refuge My Fortress My Defender MyProtector My Shelter My Place of Safety MySheild My Shield
My Deliverer My Habitation My Rest
My Peace
This is a very powerful Psalm showing how much the child of God is loved, favored, and protected by GOD. He assigns angels to guide and protect his children. God even said if we abide in him, we will always be in his shadow, his very presence where the devil can do us no harm. Furthermore, those who love God and are totally committed to Him will be exalted, honored, and given long life.
This Psalm is very powerful. It always reminds me that God is always there with me in good times and bad times. When I'm feeling down I always feel rejuvenated after reading Psalm 91. I a always glad that God loves us everyday and that we are always assured of his protection. God is my greatest love.
Psalm 91 promises Gods protection in all circumstances. It gives me huge peace and co fort...knowing Gld is with me day and night. I peaceful times and through every storm. GOD WILL NEVER LEAVE ME OR FORSAKE ME. Father God watches over whole life. I call on Him...and he answers me! I am so THANKFUL for Jesus!
God has provided for us unbelievable comfort in this times of trouble...we are safe...under the shadow of his wings...we have absolutely nothing to fear...we are protected by God in all a mother bird cares for her GOD watches over you and me...his children. GOD is not a liar...what he has declared for us is TRUE! We need to rejoice and be glad...
I pray this prayer 91 Psalms every day. Very powerfull, pray and meditate every day always talk to the Lord he Is a very present help. There is no one like him. I love Jesus!!!!
Praise the Lord Jesus he is our Rock we can lean on him and he has his eyes on all of us .where will we be without Jesus .we will be in total darkness .let us pray for those that still are in darkness although we no no man can come Jesus unless he draw him or her pray always let love one another
My God My Refuge My Fortress My Defender MyProtector My Shelter My Place of Safety MySheild My Shield
My Deliverer My Habitation My Rest
My Peace