God is full of compassion we've love because he first loves us.thank you Jesus for the blood That shed for us Lord you are faithful to your promises that you will never leave us nor forsake us. Thank you for providing us our guardian angels who protected us and guiding us daily. You alone are worthy to be praise and worship i luv you Father. My Jesus Jehovah Shalom amen
Psalms 91. God word is true and bring comfort to me in the time of my trails. God let me know he have me in his arms. He that dwell in the secret place shall be covered. That is good news. God word is so good.
I been reading Psalms 91 for a long time now surely God will protect you from all matters of sickly he is a awesome God he love us all and he will give you a long life all you got to do is live for him and have the same love he have for one another
Iv been reading psalm 91 for a long time its like meds to my body i read it morning and nite it also helps me sleep i read it ova my kids their grown so i encorge anyone to try it
I thank God for his grace and mercy. I love God with all my heart. I read Psalms 91 everyday and it helps me to stay free from all the wickness that comes about everyday.
My dear mother pasted over February 1, 2013. One of my sisters encouraged me to read Pslams 91 and it truly got me through. God's word is so powerful and sweet. He promised us that He will protect us, we just have to call on Him and believe that He will. My grandchildren and I read it every night before we go to bed. This is our weapon of protection. All glory to our almighty Father!!!
This is my favorite text in the bible. How powerful the words of God . The protection and the promises and love of his people if yuo trust Him. Always there and his love wonderful words of God. He is a great God awesome God...
My morning's start my days with psalms 91 most assuring when going through. The devil is defeated. Love. Reading psalms. May God Blessed all readers. In Jesus name
I read psalms 91 daily. I was having issues and concerns of my job being replaced from rumors at work. I started reading psalms 91 now i have peace of mind at work and the rumors stopped. Jesus protected me from evil people and that fear is gone. Thank you Jesus still reading faithfully.
I think Jesus christ for dying my sin first. And raising. Seated by the father amen. My earthly father live in fear. I did to for a long time. Since i was a child. But when i got born again still live in fear. I start hearing a preacher talk about putting yo faith in the cross .and yell to the holy spirit. I fell my self getting deleving for fear and a lot other thing. My heaven father i trust now
This psalm has always worked for me really,my mom recommended it to me when I was trapped by nightmares and things trying to strangle me and do other sick and perverted things to me in my sleep.
And also when fear,guilt and self crucifixion tried to trap me psalm 91 was there to rescue me and free my mind
My mom would tell me to read the whole psalm like I'm taking medication 3x a day oh God many
I know of soldiers in war zones who pray this everyday and the Lord protects them. We may not be overseas but still need the Fathers protection because we are in a war and our enemy is the devil.
And also when fear,guilt and self crucifixion tried to trap me psalm 91 was there to rescue me and free my mind
My mom would tell me to read the whole psalm like I'm taking medication 3x a day oh God many