Psalms Chapter 91 Discussion Page 40

  • IAD on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    I look to this Psalm and think about the troubles and struggles of David. I reach for this Psalm when I need coverage. I have offered it to my son today as he is working through some snipper fire and prosecutorial attacks from the enemy. It is always a fortress for me. Praise God
  • Boateng on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    I cannot stop reading this psalm daily.I have told my daughter to read it too.This psalm is my backbone of victory in life.I am most grateful unto God
  • Natlie on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    I read this Psalm almost every day. It reminds me that "I am a child of the Most High God and that I am never alone, and that the victory is already mine," in Jesus name; Amen.
  • P Mac on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    When I think of the goodness of Jesus; I can't help but to thank him for providing me a place of refuge and protection through situations, conversations and the many ventures that he takes me through on a daily basis. Angels lift me, no harm to me, my family, home or anyone within my circle of life. I live in him, for him and he gives me long life and salvation. Thank you Lord foe everything.
  • Felicia on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Verses 13-16
    Isn't it a blessing to set our love upon the Lord and to know His name? Then He will deliver us He will set us on high We'll call upon Him and He will answer us He will be with us in trouble He will honor us And with long life will He satisfy us and show us His salvation. Lord Jesus, you are good to us! May your name be praised From everlasting to everlasting you are God Amen!
  • Geneva on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    I read this prayer each morning to start my day. It gives me courage and strength to tackle whatever obstacle comes my way. I give thanks to my Lord and Savior almighty. Praises to "I AM"
  • Mystery on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    It gives me hope, because, I am going through a trial, and I need GOD, to answer me. So the hope is that he will be on time.
  • Ola on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Psalm 91 always give me victory
  • Karen Vassell on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Such a comforting Psalms to me. It's amazing to know that despite my weakness and my flaws that I have a guidance under the wings of Almighty Sovereign God and it's free !!! Hallelujah!!! Cause it's bought by the blood of the Lamb Amen thank you Jesus!!!Because of this U am Free daily and covered by his anointed Wings. We give him all the glory we worship and adore his name. The Alpha and Omega!!
  • Amanda on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Amen, I have lived by this verse all the days of my life. He may not show up when you want him to but he alwasys show up on time, Thnak you Lord!
  • Shakim Saulsbury on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Psalms 91 is a big step for me to reach by his power and my faith his word will come to pass BC I trust him even when it feel like all is lost and he's not working he show up right on time
  • Olawale Omisola on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Comment*It gives me confidence in God,all the time
  • Louisa John on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    A powerful psalm given to us from our Sovereign God to give us peace, protection and His never ending love. In these tines of trials and tribulation we need never fear, for God is with us and His word is Yes
  • Daphney on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Verses 10
  • Alice patterson on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Psalm 91nkjv it gives me peace and strength and such a blessing to know that I'm wrapped in his wings. Thank you Jesus and I love you.
  • Betty Sethunya Maramane on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Psalms 91 is God,s promise to his children just by firing it keeps the enemy at bay no matter what the enemy does we decree and declare that he shall not prosper and the evil he does will not come to pass and it shall not happen in Jesus name
  • Sharlene Mililani on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    I'm glad to read the words of GOD'S PROTECTION. In Psalms 91, it shows and tells me that I'm protected with JESUS always by our side. And that he will never, never give up on us... It's like a direction for me, an encouraging strength to my soul and spirit... Amen.
  • Tina on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    My GOD My God Thank you for all that you do If I had a thousand tongues I couldn't thank you enough you are an Omni present God Thank you for waking me up and allowing me GraceπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’
  • John Bryan on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    I love the promise in Verse 15: If we keep our gaze set on Him, He will deliver us and He will honor us. That's how much God thinks of His creation, that He will honor us.
  • Igbolwe Arinze on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    This psalm show how God is good to us,hw he show love to his people ,how great, wounderful the almighty lord is, o lord protect me in all my ways
  • Gayle Oliver840 on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    The Lord our protector won't let anything through to us. He wall of protection cannot be surpassed. David faced Goliath in the name of the God of Israel. No foe can defeat us when we walk in Him.
  • Brendalee gabourel on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Psalm 91 is a comforting it at lot with all the evil in this world every day I face in life,their is a peace felt knowing that God's is our protecter,,thank u Jesus for your assurance,
  • Crystal on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Psalms 91 shows how Sovereign our God is! I feel a movement of protection, I can run to his refuge and he will carry me through the low valley. My Pastor has taught me of Gods steadfast love!!! Oh how I love the Lord ,Alpha and Omega.
  • Shelana on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Annointing and soothing Gods promises Gods protection Thank You God
  • Babu on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    The most prominent spiritual weapon of all in the Bible. It has been my rick,my guiding light and hope for many years till now. With very simple understanding and belief,you have a very great key to destroy all fear and hopelessness in your life.
  • Chauna on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Good to read before bed. Protection prayer. Scientist calls it sleep paralysis,I call it demonic forces. Peace in my sleep
  • BANDIEJAY on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Aside Matthew,Mark ,Luke and John got an an interesting story line if you can picture it in 3D PSALMS 91 lifts me high when i'm down. If i read it with all my tears and emotion honestly the magic is instant. If i refuse to testify to this i might go down PSALMS 91 the most powerful and expensive verse in the bible followed by Psalms 20 .
    Picture Psalms 91 in HD with ur 3D eye glasses ..
  • Mina on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Psalm 91 has always been my lift me up. It encourages and assures me of who is in charge of my life. I'm always relaxed after reading Psalm 91 because I know I'm fully protected by God. Thanks be to His Holy name. Amen.
  • Tiffany G on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Thank the lord and bless his name. With his strips I am healed in the name of Jesus.
  • Danny Tyrone Davis Jr. on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Thank You Lord!

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