I have definitely been blessed by the reading of this verse. I am thankful for God's angels that encampeth around my family and, myself daily. We are not always aware of the things that we have been kept from throughout the day, but God knows. I plead the blood of Jesus daily over my family and he has been our refuge and safe haven. I am forever grateful.
I was once given the nickname spacena. The attitude of trying to express my relationship with the Lord and eternity. Now adays I use a Bible verse for that expression. His thoughts are better than my thoughts.
No matter what we are going through God's Angels will surround us with His love, guidance and protection that's why God have them around to protect his children from harm and the perils of this life. We can always count on God no matter what.
When my lovely wife, Carol, and I are talking on the phone or texting we say a prayer or just say I love you 91 at the end. Friends, church family and family ask about the 91 at the end and what an awesome moment to share God's word in this Psalm. I pray 91 over each of you that take the time to read these comments. You may want to practice this yourself from the depths of your heart.
Abba Father thank you for giving Jesus to us he is the reason why we are still living today. Thank you for your blood Jesus. Only by your blood we are save redeemed and pardoned by our sins . You have come to give us life in abundance your grace are sufficient enough. You have given us ANGELS TO BE IN CHARGE AND PROTECT US. WHAT A LOVING GOD WE SERVE. I WILL PRAISE YOU AND WORSHIP YOU ALONE AMEN
Psalm 91 is extremely powerful... I keep my bible on this and try to read it in the mornings and before bed, and it has definitely been a blessing to my family and I ...
God the some yesterday, today, and forever will short that third voice that is an impediment to progress in my life and Will open the door for progress in my life now and forever more
Everyday above ground is proof that Jesus Christ seeks the Father on our behalf. What an always loving, caring, God we serve. Man is nothing without God's permission. It is HE that hath made us and not WE. May every living soul on earth find God, and accept him as their personal Savior. It is never to late!
I love God and his Jesus Christ I love reading psalms 91 in God I do trust I ask in the name of Jesus to rebuke that ugly devil from me my kids and our family and assioates DONT let nothing ever come between us we love one another always and forever I ask in Jesus Christ name keep us covered with your holy blood and let 2017 be the greatest year ever and the years to come praising Jesus with love
This Psalm is by far one of my favorites. I try to read it as often as possible, It has help me in so many situations and I know God is a protector of his children. As a believer I know God has my back, front and both sides. When the enemy rushes in like I a flood I will "Forsake All, I Take Him" any time day or night. (FAITH) Prayer is key; Faith unlocks the door!!!!!
How awesome and exhilarating is vs 14: Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him. What a mighty God we serve, so holy, compassionate and loving. I love the Lord Jesus Christ Son of God and cannot live without Him. (The LORD God, merciful, gracious, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression, sin. Ex 34: 6b-7b)
I was told to read this psalm to my micro preemie baby born at 23 weeks 6 days at 1lb 8.7 oz. God is good and has not left my baby boys side not once. Its hard going through this journey but only God has control over the situation and it is such a blessing to see how someone this tiny is a fighter and a true miracle. He is what is strengthening our family and has brought us closer to God. Prayers.
Blessings to all who have commented on this 91 Psalm it is a great passage that has blessed me for many years. God really does have us coveered, and I pray that anyone that has written their need here to be covered and blessed! that they will receive their request. God is faithful he has never failed me yet.
I love psalm 91 and it's great that god is watching over us plus put his angels to change over us , in addition god also want us to know yes things will happen around us but it won't get near us . God is awesome and god use David to remind us in the psalm he will never leave us or forsake us. Also if we pay close attention to psalm 91 all that is required of us is to love him stay bless and pray
God provides all we need. It is when we let our own barriers of ourselves go and trust in the Lord completely, that we are truly set free. We then rise, and fly like an eagle who soars, We become wise like and owl and Grace is poured onto us. Before we were sprinkled with Grace but to be truly drenched in his Love is different. Remember the 3 things will always remain.
Im faced with a serious situation right now but the God that has never failed me I know is standing by to deliver me from this one. Im human and sometimes fear tries to oversome me but Lord I pray for your intervention. This Psalm is a very good consolation for me in these troubling times.
I thank the lord for keeping me alive. I was mentally ill and had demons in me, a spell was put on and the only thing that kept me alive was God. I am a walking miracle of God. I praise and thank Him for bringing my memories back. My daughter needs me and I need to see her grow. In God I put my trust he will provide.