Psalms 91 is scripture that gives me strength, because Gods says as long as I keep my eyes on him in spite of any circumstances that he will fight my battles. He also says just because I love him he will be there in times of troubles N satisfy me N show me his salvation. I never seen a man sacrifice or be willing to give all the things God is doing for me in my life. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AmeN
psalms 91 reassures me that as I abide in God He will protect me. This reminds me that God is there no matter what and we should have No fear. I
imagine that as I am protected I also have to do my part with God
This chapter gives me strength it make me feel like an eagle. It tells me that God cares no matter who you are. He's there to protect me as I abide in him and he in me. Thank you Lord for your blessings on us.
Psalms 91 gives me piece of mind, it tells me without a doubt that I have protection and who is my protector and what protection he has provided. His angels are there to protect me, my own personal body guards there is no need for fear of any kind. I have His word that He will always be with me no matter what my circumstances. He loves me and He know me by name. I am His child, and He's my Father.
I love Psalms 91 because it remind us that when we are weak he is their to strengthen us and that he. Is jour refuge in time of trouble he will never leave us.
I decided to read psalms 91 everyday.In this i see JESUS revealing Himself to me.He is always with me and Him being in me nothing shall ever hurt me because He is my protector.
Every morning and night I declare this over my life! One of my favorite passage of scripture in the book of psalms. It has so much strength In it. Thank you Jesus for looking out for us.
Lord you have protected me since the womb. My mothers friends were trying to convince her to have an abortion when she was pregnant with me. You have saved my life thru countless encounters with death. You have kept me safe in the gang infested streets of San Bernardino for 32 years!!!!! When the devil said I WILL DESTROY him YOU AND YOUR ANGELS OF MERCY SAID OTHERWISE. Im FOREVER IN DEBT WITH YOU
This chapter was read the night before my husband and 3 other men went over a mountain in a dully being towed by a tow truck. The Lord had an angel stop the truck half way down the mountain by a 4 inch round tree. Impossible with man; possible with God. There could have been 4 funerals that day, but praise God, there was only rejoicing and thanksgiving. He is a rescuer.
I always go to psalm 91 when I need Gods help and I pray and read it.It always gives me strength and courage to face whatever is ahead.Its my favorite psalm.
Thank U Jesus for protecting me teaching me the way to go because sometimes I did not no the way to go because the decision was to hard for me when I prayed to u from the bottom ofmy hart I could feel u comforting me and leadig the way I needed to go u r owesome a wonderful father and a friend to the end.Thank u for your Holy Ghost he is a perfect Gentlemen always there directing me always Amen.
I love this Psalms, I have trouble sleeping at night because that's when the enemy attacks me often, the most, however after I read the psalms 91, I feel the presence of God covering Me, protecting me, shielding me and then I have peace to gobback to sleep. In God I trust
Thank you Jesus for the book of Psalms 91. It relieve my heart for the pain cause by the world things. My trust and my faith is in Jesus Christ. He is my savior my protector yesterday,today and tomorrow. He is always with us giving us light cover us with His wings from the evil one. he will never leave us or forsake us. thank you Lord,Thank you Jesus. May the Holy Spirit be with us and in Jesus.
The powerful and supernatural God we serve in our Holy Bible WILL protect his children and I pray that in these days.....God has mercy on our children and their children who are maybe lost or misguided or confused or that may be affected already by unclean spirits traveling around trying to break up families. I pray dear Lord Jesus that you hear our prayers of protection and keep them loving you!
It's proven in my life the protection of God , He is is my shield and high tower. He protected , and shield me in the verge of death. He sent the angel to protect me when I made myself a human shield to protect my family. He is my everything.. Thank you King Jesus for redeeming me and my family. You're my King of kings and Lord of lords coming back soon.
Praise God, praise God, who from all my blessings flow. Thank you Jesus for saving me.
Because of whom I serve , no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Amen
imagine that as I am protected I also have to do my part with God
God gives you peace through His word for comfort.
Because of whom I serve , no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Amen