Carol (cont.); This will pass, and you will still be with Jesus! There will be many different places and experiences in your walk with the Lord. Since you are just starting out; the MOST IMPORTANT is for you to LEARN YOUR BIBLE WELL! Read it through; write it down; pray it in; and work it out! There is no light, no understanding, no wisdom, NO LIFE, apart from the Scriptures! The Lord bless you.
Dear Carol; I know EXACTLY what you're going through. The Lord is with you; fear not, Sister; you're in good company! The enemy will try everything to discourage you from following Jesus! Just look at it as the Lord counting you as "wood worth whittling on!" Opposition and separation makes us run to the Scriptures and to Jesus' feet in prayer: that's how we grow and get STRONG in the Spirit!
A friend at work told me to start reading this psalm every day before I go to work and every night, I am dealing with true evilness and wickedness from 2 women on my job, I am at a place in my life where I seek peace through God and i want to focus on my salvation, but the devil is working through these women. I rebuke them and all that know God please help me rebuke the devil in them
Psalms 91, is the reason I'm more stronger and have more faith in God. I read it every night and early in the morning before going to work. I'm so blessed and have peace with in me.
This psalm is indeed a word of comfort to all believers in a troubled world. We will be delivered from all the calamity mentioned by the truth, and Who is the truth..none other than King Jesus. Don't know if I've ever seen an angel but look forward to them to bear me up in their hands. Thankyou Jesus for answering my prayers and You have delivered me from trouble time and again. Praise Jesus.
"Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence." "..and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil;" Surely He shall deliver thee from the 'wiles of the devil!' Walking with Jesus is often dangerous and with trouble; but the Lord gives us the tools and weapons we need to overcome the deceits and traps, and escape the plagues of the devourer.
Whenever I read through this chapter, I am filled with peace to know that God is there for me, to protect me because I put trust in Him. I have no doubt my life will be peaceful. I have seen His protection over my life in so many ways. It's because of Him I am here today.
Psalm 91 is a reassuring scripture to read for family and friends. This scripture is so soothing to the soul and letting us know that God will never leave us nor forsake us. Awesome scripture.
God is my refuge in these days those who believe and trust him.we are protected.our familys we should contuine daily to pray not only daily but every second we can i try my best not to forget to read psalm 91day anf night before i sleep my father who dispatch hos angles to watch over me Amen.
Psalm 91 has been my refuge. God used this psalm to bring me out of many troubles. We meditated and stood on the words of this psalm. God raised my daughter from death a few minutes after she was confirmed dead through suicide. It has has healed my wife of hodgekins disease (cancer) when she was given up to die.
God is the same God yesterday today and forever ( Hebrew 13:8 ) The same God who open upthe redsea made the blind see the lame walk brought dead back to life is the same God todY what he did for his Childrens IN the old and new testament he can do the same today all we got to Do is trust in him keep the faith and like the 91 Psalms say he will protect his believers through any kind of storm today
This Psalm comforts me and makes me feel safe. It details his great love for us and gives examples of his great power above all!!! We are blessed to have such a loving magnificent father!!!
I go sleep with the Plams it plays all night your Spirit never sleeps.I find David was so real with God and in today's culture like we just pretend thier not there.One thing I heard from the Lord you need to know the truth about yourself truthabout God and the truth about the Devil. The Holy Spirit will lead into all truth something in your life hide it the reviled truth that set you free.
Psalm 91 is a psalm of protection for myself and my entire family. Each time that I read and meditate upon GOD'S WORDS OF PROTECTION I feel secure because HE IS OUR ALL SEEING GOD AND UNDER HIS MIGHTY WINGS MUST WE ALWAYS STAY. HIS LOVE AND POWER BRINGS PEACE, FORGIVENESS, PROSPERITY, SALVATION, LONG LIFE AND EVERLASTING LIFE TO ALL WHO ABIDE IN HIS WILL. We are Truly Blessed to receive HIS GIFTS
Psalms 91 is the assurance of Gods protection, His love and His promise. God is Awesome, and I'm grateful for who He Is. There is POWER in the name of Jesus. Healing occurred in His name Acts 3:6, 3:16, 4:10 . Salvation comes in His name Acts 4:12, Rom. 10:13 . We are baptized in His name, Everything we do and say is done in his name. Pray in His name. Blessings2All
My father God bless his soul introduced me to this psalms as well as many other psalms of powerful interests. I trust wholeheartedly in the power of the almighty God and all His promises to us His children. He has never failed.We just have to believe with an open mind and let Him do His work the best way He knows will benefit us. May He reign above all principalities and powers for ever, Amen
I was told to read Psalms 91 by my daughter's daycare provider when my daughter was only 2 years old now she is 26 years old. To read it reminds me that I am covered: He is my refuge and my fortress. He shall cover me under his feathers. No matter the situation.....God is my Rock.
This is a great few chapters..the 90s. Shannons comment and Sheilas, Shannon, another one is 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.. And Sheila, even people who think they have to memorize..they don''s great to study because it never gets old,and I always learn as things are being unveiled everyday now. But just putting God's word in your head once, and the holy spirit will bring it to memory when u need.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ; We are the blessed generation that shall be here unto the end, and we will see His coming in power and great glory! How all these things that are happening just now will finally play out the Lord only knows; but He has said that it has much to do with our being His Elect signs and wonders and witnesses to this time. Know that you are loved! Pray for each other!
This Psalm is ours today through Christ Jesus
Everyday In you oh Lord I put my
Trust lt has never failed me.