Psalms Chapter 91 Discussion Page 27

  • Diamond rodriguez on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    God promises are real and amen God promises to send his angels and protect us and nothing by means shall hurt trust in God
  • Mattie webb on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    I love reading Psalms 91 God word is so real i told my son to read it i said to him God has truly bless us what every we are going thourgh God is there he done it once he will do it again over and over. THANK-YOU God we love you very much. Keevis and Mattie.
  • Blessing on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    No weapon fashioned against me , my family shall prosper every trial shall turn around for my good
  • Barbara on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    Psalms 91 has been a scripture read daily in my family, it Gods word that has protected us through troubled times. We have not been afraid for any evil that come by day or by night. We pray and read it each day to keep that evil away and know that the Lord has our back. Thank you Jesus
  • Antonio Thompson on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    Psalms 91 is so powerful the devil can't come around you cuz Psalm 91 is the anointing and Psalms 91 the power of the Holy Ghost the devil know he can't touch you when the Holy Ghost had you wrapped around his on power in the name of Jesus blood the name of Jesus Psalms 91 is my best scripture the Bible Psalm 91 Psalm 91 Untouchable song
  • Cleo on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    I love Psalm because I can imagine being covered with. His feathers, and to know I can run to him because he holds that tabernacle... open and I can hide there when life gets to
  • Gordon Olayvar on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    Psalm 91 has always been a powerful reminder to me of Gods promise to keep us protected, level headed, and focused during very difficult challenging times throughout our lives. Regardless the challenge, or the seriousness of the situation we may face, we focus on Christ, glorifying him in all situations....
  • Sheila on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    I love psalms 91 i have been faithful reading it morngin and night. It was hard for me at first.i know that God is my refuge he will help me every step of the way.The Father,Son,Holy Spirit.Amen
  • Sheila on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    i love psalm the almighty God is all i have to look to he is my help he doesn't have to monter you he already know what's to happen before we do.he even knows the person who's monteing our commitments trust God ask for what you want and he will provide Amen.
  • Jason Simmons on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    Amen! This Psalm 91 is what we need everyday before we step foot out of our houses
  • Betty Robinson on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    I love Psalms 91 it gets me through the day and to know that God has his Angels watching over me is awsome. I tell my son to read psalms 91. Amen.
  • Antonio Thompson on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    Psalms 91 give me strength and power make it through the day and night give me courage keep me safe from my enemy peaceful Joy love happiness
  • A disciple on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    Brenda; You keep praying that Psalm every day! The LORD will show you marvelous things in answer to your persevering prayers! I was praying for a long time all the prayers I could find in the Bible for understanding and wisdom, and continue to pray that I may really be all that He intends for me to be, in Jesus' Name. I want to know Him like all the Prophets and Apostles knew Him and wrote of Him!
  • Rev. Diana Cross on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    This scripture is so powerful it sit right in the center of the bible. I am sold out to these passage of scriptures. Everyone I share this to read over their families friends businesses and the body of Christ shall always be protected guided and prosper. Amen
  • Brenda on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    My mom reads Psalms 91 daily. It is now a part of my daily reading. It carries me and my family. I read this Psalm over me and my family during Hurricane Harvey and no flooding occurred at our various homes.
  • Cassandra Campbell on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    II have always love this psalm my grandmother told me to tread read it along with a few other psalm 91 psalm make me feel an know everything will be ok my soul be so at rest and my inner spirit be so calm it make me feel like I want to read it over and over this is the one psalm that help me start my day i feel so very close to God.
  • Corletta luster on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    I'm glad I read psalms 91 it just reassure me that nothing is to hard for God he is powerful he is love and my shield of protection no weapon formed against me shall prosper
  • Kokouvi Jondoh on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    I love the last three verses of psalm 91 because for me, it's all we need to conquer the world : Love of God. Psalm 91vs 14-15-16.
  • Zedekiah on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    This chapter is a great encouragement to us the Christians as we are going to face Jacob's trouble which is at nigh, let u be strong in the Lord ....and He will surely deliver us from snares of Satan
  • Heleb on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    Psalm 91 is a calming scripture that gives you peace that God gives and reassurance that what his word is and how true it is and just knowing that Gods word is forever.
  • Bella on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    As I wait to be taken up to surgery I have read this psalm over a few times. I feel such a peace knowing HE is with me as I go through this. When I close my eyes as they get ready to put me out my thoughts will be on this psalm. Thank you Jesus for your word is healing to our bones.
  • Jan on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    A friend has suggested that i read Psalm 91 and having read it over and over it has been a great comfort knowing the Lord is there with me my husband is ill but I have felt calmness and strength God is helping us both .
  • Karla on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    I'm new to this site but not new with my walk with the Lord I Love reading all your comments ,an I pray for you all an can relate to your Life's trials an i also turn to God's Word for guidance ,wisdom ,an strength an he brings Peace upon me and gives me the strength n hope knowing he will see me threw anything this World throw at me as he will all his children I Love reading everyones
  • Marcia on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    I love psalms 91 when he said he shall give is angles charges to keep us in all is ways when i going to some hard time i remember he shall give is angles to keep me in all is way if God is for you who can be again you
  • Cheryl on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago

    Carole Nyaboke ~ Praying for You !!!
  • Isabel Rockwell on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    Through this Psalm 91 and other Scriptures God makes us strong. I read Psalm 15, 46, 51, 91 everyday. I feel so bless we have someone that protect and guide us in the right direction. Satan tries to steal our peace and Joy God make us strong to face any situation we have face. God bless each one of you in a very special way. Amen!
  • Johno on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    This is the psalm that my Grandfather read to himself everyday whilst in the trenches in ww1 he served 1914 - 1918, four years of savage hell. He was gassed, and then wounded, but still survived!
  • Carole Nyaboke on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    My partner became irresponsible, unfaithful and dint care at all for my 2 sons and myself. We eventually lost our home due to bills . I had to move to my mum's house since January 2017. Mum passed on due to illness. It has been painful. Now someone wants to claim and take away her property. This chapter is my hope and break through. I know God will answer my prayers . Pray along with my family
  • Jessica van Rooy on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    PSALM 91 is my favourite scripture in the bible. Feeling very blessed after reading this. Praise the Almighty. God is good.
  • Joy on Psalms 91 - 7 years ago
    Psalm 91 it does give us Peace. I will be posting a Testimony tomorrow.

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