91:8 says: Only with thine eyes shall thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. People enjoy being wicked and doing wicked things. Let's leave matters to the Lord, He will take care of it, for the Lord our God loves righteousness and hates wickedness. Let's keep our heart on Jesus and bless the wicked doers. We don't have to join them but we can ask the Lord to forgive, save
I say this prayers every morning l tell my children to read psalms 91 everyday. I am protected buy our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe in psalm 91. My daughter just had an operation and she is now recovery at home. To God be the Glory. I will always pray with psalm 91 for God protection. This prayers actually works.
Evymorning i read this psalms and i know that God is my refuge.thete is no one like him i pray that i will never lose my salvation and i know he answers ptsyers.my mother had 2 strokes and is recovering very well by the grace of she will come home next week becsuse my mom trust God she and i do too.he is our refuge can i know we adr protected in Jesus name Amen.
Verses 1,2~The secret place is where no one or no thing can rob us of our love for Jehovah God. It’s secret because unbelievers can’t understand it. The key of getting into the secret place is humility and trust in Jehovah.
One of the most powerful Psalms in all of Scripture. I memorized it a long time ago, and pray it daily. I strongly recommend it to all who are going through the gauntlet of temptation and attacks from the Adversary and his agents. The immortal and truly Awesome name that is above every name of Jesus, even Emmanuel God-With-Us and Psalm 91 will protect you and deliver you indeed. Blessings!
From my reading this morning, I truly understood that I shall defeat the enemy, and my God has promised me to protect me through these trick of the enemy. He also make a confident with me that we will send his angel to be in charge of my life, and never allow the wicked to succeed in Jesus name Amen.
I will believe and have faith in the Lord. When I am being troubled or in distress I will put everything in the Lords hands. I will not let the devil use me. I know I can be a better woman with my Lord and Savior help. I pray Father please help me be a better person, in Jesus name.
Hi Sylvia; Try reading Psalm 90, and then continuing the meditation into Psalm 91. The first being a Prayer of a man of God, and the answer from heaven to all our experience and longing after God, given in the second. Here also I found a deeper understanding in how important the Lord's answer to the devil when He was being tempted, and the devil misused this great word; puts all in perspective.
Reading this Psalm gives me the motivation to live under the shadow of the Almighty, to believe that I am looked after. God has shown me that everyday life can be enjoyed while believing the Almighty one is looking after me.
My beloved sister in Christ (Sweetums)always referred me to read this verse. Now I understand because the Lord is my refuge and my fortress, my God; in him I will trust. I will always refer back to this verse when times are difficult. I will miss you my beloved sister in Christ (Sweetums)I thank you for all the inspiration you have installed in me about Jesus Christ.
I love palms 91 it give me strength in time of trouble and Is.54 that let me know. to condemn every tongue that rises up against me and psalm chapter 4 that let me know only the Lord Jesus can keep me when I am sleeping and only he can wake me up . Gal.chapter 3 when People say they are saved but they act like they are not . Psalm 35 and 37. thank God for sending his son to die in my place Amen
This chapter of Psalms is where I go when I am praying for my children and husband. When I was young, I had nightmares, my mother would hold me and read this passage of the Bible. Now I claim these words for peace every day. I have started reading and reciting these verses for our President and for our country. He is not a perfect man, but I am not a perfect. The only perfect man was Jesus Christ!
Anonymous; in addition to Psalm 91, there are other Scriptures you should know. Isaiah 54:17 "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD." Numbers 23:23 "Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob.." Fear not!
A colleague told me prepare to die two days after i corrected her of something she did wrong.
The only thing i could do was to eat and chew psalm 91 day after day,time after time and He is still satisfying me with long life. This same person had a quarrel with another colleague prior to this time and that colleague lost her life subsequently.So i knew it has to be God for me to live.
When I received the Blessings of Salvation, this is one of the three scriptures that was given to me. Psalm 91 has brought me strength, joy, peace and the assurance knowing that GOD through His son JESUS has brought me peace with GOD through the Blood of JESUS CHRIST. Hallelujah Amen
This scripture has been the highlight of my life , my mother gave me 91to read every day and I brought my Childrens up reciting this scripture the 91 Psalm has Protected me though many dangerous situation in my natural and spiritual life
I memorized psalm 91 becuase it was my mother s favorite psalm and she made me recite every morning. Now I use as a daily prayer and many times during the day it works for me
One of my favourite passages to read at bedtime, and just in general. God promises to guide and protect, and I truly believe every word. He protects my every move, whether I am at home or on the the road. Our God is an Awesome God!!
I’m in a land that the people there are worshipping gods. They don’t believe God exists and I’m the only Christian among them.
So they told lies, disgraced me and a whole lot of things against me. But Psalm 91 is getting me through. I believe God works in ways we can’t see and He will never leave us nor forsake us. Faith is the Key to pull the enemies down in Jesus’ name. Amen. I believe in HIM.
Everytime God's word is spoken the angel assigned to each one of us goes to work on our behalf. I thank God for the Living Word so that we can come to know God and know his truth EVERY SPOKEN WORD IS AUDIBLE IN HEAVEN. That is why I love saying Psalms, and many other scriptures verbally outloud so that supernatural intervention from God will always continue and manifest.Effectual Fervent prayers
I read pslams every night and every morning I believe that the Lord is my shield and buckler and his angels are watching over me and my family every day and night,Amen
The only thing i could do was to eat and chew psalm 91 day after day,time after time and He is still satisfying me with long life. This same person had a quarrel with another colleague prior to this time and that colleague lost her life subsequently.So i knew it has to be God for me to live.
So they told lies, disgraced me and a whole lot of things against me. But Psalm 91 is getting me through. I believe God works in ways we can’t see and He will never leave us nor forsake us. Faith is the Key to pull the enemies down in Jesus’ name. Amen. I believe in HIM.