Thank you Bruce for your comment. I've been saved for over 30 years and after salvation there are biblical laws that should be followed. I pray the psalms because it's the word of God witch is the sword of the spirit. It was the Lord that taught me to pray this way because things are changing in our world. Another way is to read your word 2 hours a day. For protection, also.
There's is a Way Which Seemeth Right Unto Man But The End thereof are The Ways of Death. The Only Protection is By The Blood of The Lamb. Reading The Same Few Verses Two Hours Everyday? You are Losing a lot of Time Believing Falsely. When You Feel The Father Tugging on Your Heart, Ask Forgiveness, If He Enters, You Will Know You Will Have a New Heart( John 6:44, 1John 1:9, Revelation 1:5, Mark 1:8
I read psalms 91 and psalms 118 back to back for protection. Two hours a day back to back. Meaning read psalms 91 than turn the page and read psalms 118 than turn the page back to psalm 91 and read than go back to psalms 118. Do this for two hours a day for protection.
We are living in turmoil, the peace and good will of men no longer exist. Our only means of peace is the Almighty. Thanks to our most high, we have shelter and protection his loving arms he provides freely.
When we seek and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, he shows mercy and Grace upon our lives. . may his divine intervention and Grace upon our lives. Amen
I am so grateful to Jesus for who he is. Amazingly Beautiful that the love he has for us, The strengths through him. For i can do all things through Christ Jesus.. My savior.....
My favorite! I plead the Blood of Jesus and the 91st Psalm in my morning prayers over myself and my family and also over President Trump and his supporters in his administration. I think it's the best, and most powerful of all the Psalms. Thank you, Jesus for your gift of eternal life and your written Word!💖
I love ps 91 it let me know the Lord is watching over me and my love ones daily and nightly he is my protecter and my shield always he is with me in Jesus name amen
Psalm 91 to me is a Psalm of just how Piowerful God is. His Agape love for those who belong to him. Never does he waver from his promises. His wings cover, shield, protect and give us strength that we may never have known we had. He is the definition of a loving Father. He is gentle as a lamb and yet fierce as a lion against anyone who hurts his children. He wipes away our tears for he is Love.
Love the Lord with all my heart and Psalm 91 is my go to verse every night i always pray and use my name and families name in the verses i know GOD is our protector and watches over us! He loves us so much he has his angels to watch over us less we hurt our foot on a rock! I love the Lord!
Love this psalm. I know the majority of it by heart It is truly a powerful Pslam of protection. Gods word is food to my body-soul, he is truly love
No matter what others may try to do to me, I know he always have my back!!
The Bible is an awesome book, I am learning a lot as I study it.... stay in faith and believe!
We claim this psalm right now regarding the caravan heading toward the United States. We ask that these warrior angels do battle for us , and turn these people around. We thank you Jesus for the protection of your precious blood, and we bless those meaning us harm, and pray their destiny in God will be fulfilled .
This psalm is reassuring us that God will never leave our side,once we accept him and trust in him...he'll always be watching over us,protecting is from the devil and his followers...
Ps. 91 always made me feel safe and protected from the Satin and His evil angels. In verse 1 it states "if I stay in the secret place of God that I can abide by the shadows of the Almighty." The whole chapter lets me know that my Almighty God has my back from the enemy.
Who is He that Condemneth? It is Christ that Died, yea rather, that is Risen Again, Who is even at The Right Hand of God, Who also Maketh Intercession for Us. Christ is My Intercessor.
I love Psalm 91 for its powerful sense of peace and contentment that it brings to my soul. After reading it, a quiet state of meditation comes over me that's automatically irresistible and calming, I feel like I'm in the presence of God.
As an intercessor at my church, I committed myself to memorize this psalm. In that,I had to live in these words in order to absorb the manifestation and as I recalled these words I was reminded of Gods love as a father (Abba) he is!
No matter what others may try to do to me, I know he always have my back!!
The Bible is an awesome book, I am learning a lot as I study it.... stay in faith and believe!