I am truly grateful for all the Lord Jesus has done for me. and I will wait prayerfully for Him to answer my prayer. In His own time His way He knows what is best for me and family. I I trust Him. Thank You Jesus
I'm so thankful that I can hide in the bosom of God and I know he is my refuge. He loves me, I love him I'm so thankful for Gods love mercy and grace ..
I recently started a new job. My second day I encountered a lot of unexpected unpleasantness as well as hostility from a person over me. It was totally undeserved!! I am taking encouragement from this scripture. I return to work today so I will keep this scripture in my heart :
Jehova Shalom my peace and my provider thank you Jesus for the joy you sent every morning. You are good Lord all the time you aare always faithful to your words that goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. Teach us Lord to wait amen
The 9Th Psalm is given to me by the Holy Ghost. While I was going through a very tryong time in my life back in 1993. It is a Psalm I still hear HIM say in good times an bad read Psalm 9. Amen
Josue, 1 Samuel 18,26 tells us 3,000 men were after David to kill him.Saul had an evil spirit on him, and Saul wanted to kill David. The Phillistines wared against David many times. Saul was Killed. 2Samuel 7:14 God tells David he will be safe, V. 8 David was victorious in all his battles. v. 15 King David reigned over all Israel." God planned it and executed it. I hope this helps.
Thanks to Jesus for the Blood that shed for us for his mercy and his love endureth forever. I will love you Lord and will praise you forever for you are worthy to be praised. Amen
I know the name of my Lord Jesus : and I will put my trust in Him this is a on going to do with Lord God through out my life here in this earth I am also continuing to learn to lean and trust in my Lord God : For the Lord will not forsake me that seeks Him : this is also a continual thing . Praise God !!!
for they that know you, that have seen thy wonders, thy glory, thy works, that testify of thy wonderful deeds will continue to believe and rely on you God, for you God do not disappoint those that seek you. AMEN
I will be glad and rejoice in Thee o my Lord for you reedemed me from the darkness of hell into Thy marvellous light. Blessed be Thy Name for ever o God. I will praise Thee at all times my Saviour.
For the sake of "Elects " those who have been spiritually given the keys to the knowledge of God and the power in His Holy name shall always put their trust in Him and that is His will to deliver,redeem and help those who waits upon the Lord
Verse2 ,let me say that in ourdaileu life we have faced with situation that causes us to feel down ,especially when others are not kind ,but in all this let us learn to sing praises like David did ,bcause God takes pleasure in praises and is able to deliver,
The Lord is my refuge when I am oppressed : He is my deliver in times of trouble. And the Lord shall deliver me out of all my troubles. I can depend on Him. He will lift me out of the miry pit. Yes Amen !! Praise God !!!
Lets bring our troubles plus all of our worries to THY LORD ALMIGHTY,HE ALONE can give a total Freedom blended with ever lasting Joy.no human can help us regardless relationship nor status ONLY JESUS CAN SAVE AMEN