my beautiful eldest daughter died on oct.21,2012 After painfully suffering over 3 years.she had me read this to let me know how she felt.the eldest of 4, she always gave of herself, yet, when she got sick no one wanted to grief is beyond words ,and i will see her again.
I read Palms 6 every morning as it helps me and makes me stronger and I know that Jesus is there for us and he will never forsake us. We must always thank him for all he has done for us. May God bless everyone.
the WORD oF God inspire us,to be be strong,encourage us and take courage to overcome our trials.lets take David's example.don't stop PRAYING.GOD BLESS:
It really nails the problems of a sinner or any human that is crying out to the Lord for help,guidance,and protetion from our enemies who so often appear to us as friends with only evil in their heart. I'm not saying I'm not one,I'm asking God to help me turn from being one as we all should and must do in order to get our reward in Heaven! AMEN!!
It is so inspiring, i am going through a financial problem and knowing that threw this psalm verse 9 says that the Lord hears my cries, and my moanings and groanings, help you to know that someone is there to help you
All praise to JESUS the SON of GOD