Psalms Chapter 6 Discussion Page 2

  • Sunday on Psalms 6:4 - 9 years ago
    Deliver me lord if you really real you deliver and save people come to me too before I die of the pain and perish come quickly and save me...
  • Jay Prakash Behera on Psalms 6 - 9 years ago
    This chapter consoles comforts and strengthens my body mind soul in distress
  • Paula on Psalms 6 - 9 years ago
    Praise God for guiding me to this site, my family has attacked my character and this psalm has comforted me Glory be to God
  • Kathy Stephenson on Psalms 6 - 9 years ago
  • Tiffany Hampton on Psalms 6 - 9 years ago
    We must stay in prayer daily. Cry out to the Lord.
  • Jacob Young on Psalms 6 - 9 years ago
    Verse 8 amazes me. This verse would be astonishing if it just stated the Lord has heard my voice! But it takes it a step further when it states the Lord has heard the voice of my Weeping. See David was so broken that he had no solution, no way out of his dispair and no answers but his weeping had a voice and God heard it! It is just like God to show he loves us so much that when we are so broken that we can only weep he still hears us and knows exactly what we need!
  • Maranatha on Psalms 6 - 9 years ago
    Verse 5...All our options cease when we die. We must praise and worship God daily seeking His mercy and forgiveness. Acts 2:24-35
  • Shanthi kavitha on Psalms 6 - 9 years ago
    A very powerful Psalm.It saved me from the mouth of the lion as mentioned in Psalm 22:21.I offer thanks,praise and glory to God who alone is worthy to be praised
  • Kolibri on Psalms 6 - 9 years ago
    I felt that God was speaking to me while I was reading the verses. I spirit has been uplifted
  • Geraldine cole on Psalms 6 - 10 years ago
    May The Lord Jesus have mercy on us and give us peace let us not let the devil put a fire between those that the Lord Jesus have put in our lives let us give flesh no right to rule over us let us pray always.let us remember we were put here not just for ourselves but for other praise God
  • Miriam on Psalms 6:5 - 10 years ago
    God is good all the time
  • Emmanuel on Psalms 6 - 10 years ago
    psalm 6 is a cry for mercy. it depicts the facts that man is desastrous if God rebuke him in a call for abstenance of sin as sin makes people sick which may lead to death sometimes. father please i pray with the psamist today, give me the grace to walk away from sin, don 't let me find my self in this deadly situation. hear my prayers and gives ears to the words of thy youth for strangers has risen up against me.
  • KAREN WILKIE on Psalms 6 - 10 years ago
    Whoa is me! This is me at times, when I am hurt, down and depressed... Whoa is me Lord, I pray for your saving grace. I come before the Throne Of Grace, seeking thy Heavenly mercies and grace. Amen
  • Patricia on Psalms 6 - 10 years ago
    Lord, continue to keep me on the right path as I live. Pray for me.
  • Dymo C on Psalms 6 - 10 years ago
    To me this verse is asking God to save us from ourselves. David is asking God to forgive him for the things he has done and is asking not to be caught in the consequence of God 's anger and his wrath. David is acknowledging that we are weak without the lord therefore our body, mind and soul is cursed. Come back to us Lord and deliver our souls and have mercy on us for OUR sake. When we die there will be no more time to give praises to God, so then who will we give praises too. Its a must to live everyday giving the upmost praise to God. David is speaking of constantly crying because of the constant grief that has consumed his understanding of the Lord because he has strayed away from him many times. In my opinion, David is speaking as the enemy is his ownself and he is asking God to save him from himself so that he can be saved and heal through the mercy and grace of the Lord. Sometimes the enemies that are spoken of int he bible are referrred to the enemies inside of your own self. These enemies can be bad spirits or bad habits that a person possess that are not of the Lords ways. David is asking the Lord to hear his prayers and that these enemies be released from him immediately.
  • Geraldine cole on Psalms 6 - 10 years ago
    To Veronica 's I do no no what you are going threw I notice u wrote the same thing three times I just want to say to u Jesus Love U and he is there for u if u have the holy spirit pray in the spirit The Lord wants us to help one another and if u need a friend to talk to u can send me your email and I will email u I fell your pain The lord will delivery U don 't worry give it to God and leave if there Again when u belong to God U have nothing to worry about don 't let people stress u out somethings u cannot do any thing about things that happen in your life u have to walk away from somethings and don 't look back praise God Sister in Christ Jesus
  • Keesha on Psalms 6 - 10 years ago
    Lord continue to keep me on the right path as I live threw you oh lord how I come so far to turn back now. An please continue too bless who ever else that 's reading these verses amen
  • Pansy Blackwell on Psalms 6:5 - 10 years ago
    What do those of the practice of Catholicism opine about this verse?
  • Asher on Psalms 6 - 10 years ago
    That last comment was very interesting , it was giving to me in a dream last night too . Has anybody else experienced the same ?
  • Veronica on Psalms 6 - 10 years ago
    This spoke to me.... i often cry to god asking him to deliver me. Make strong and not weak like this flesh i have. I fall short all to often..... Oh dear god.... i reach my hands up to you.... begging to help me.... Oh father hear my cry of many years....
  • Veronica on Psalms 6 - 10 years ago
    This spoke to me.... i often cry to god asking him to deliver me. Make strong and not weak like this flesh i have. I fall short all to often..... Oh dear god.... i reach my hands up to you.... begging to help me.... Oh father hear my cry of many years....
  • Veronica on Psalms 6 - 10 years ago
    This spoke to me.... i often cry to god asking him to deliver me. Make strong and not weak like this flesh i have. I fall short all to often..... Oh dear god.... i reach my hands up to you.... begging to help me.... Oh father hear my cry of many years....
  • Adelana adebanjo adeboye on Psalms 6:2 - 10 years ago
    psalm 6 is a good words to me it let me feel better when my enemies attack me
  • JOHNNY ATEMIE on Psalms 6:5 - 10 years ago
    now that we are alive, its when we are to praise and do the works of God Almighty not when we are no more alive.
  • Paul on Psalms 6 - 10 years ago
    i have been a drug addict and a trafficker for almost three years and i have since April stopped everything and am at home with my family healing. this verse hits home because i can relate to David. Bad character and influence and God don 't mix.i have chosen to follow God and i know they will be consequences but like David am trusting in Him
  • Ayanda on Psalms 6 - 10 years ago
    This Psalm reminds that God will restore your soul no matter the situation you find yourself in, He will deliver you, Amen!
  • KATHYANN LONDON on Psalms 6 - 10 years ago
  • Alice on Psalms 6 - 10 years ago
    This chapter was revealed to me at the right time. I was facing great tempatation my heart was graetely troubled. After reading it I felt power my soul was uplifted. I increased my prayers to God. I knew I was about to defeat the devil, i did not turn back but to keep pressing foward in prayer to God.
  • Erica watson on Psalms 6:2 - 11 years ago
    very upliftment
  • DOROTHY SAKWIYA on Psalms 6 - 11 years ago

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