Psalms Chapter 38 Discussion

  • T Levis - In Reply on Psalms 38 - 2 years ago
    Psalms 27:10,
  • Silutecordiamondlicro on Psalms 38 - 2 years ago
    If you could please pray for me and my other 2 siblings my. My mother's children she passed away in 2019 and we don't have anyone to fight us
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 38 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 38. In Job 2:7-8 we see a similar situation as to David's disease with the physical effects and the disdain of others as to his state. (see verse 11 in this Psalm comparted with Job 30:10).

    The first seven verses describe physical affliction which could have been caused by David's sin (such as venereal disease which was discussed in an earlier Psalm). Once we get past verse 7; we see much in the description of the alientation and sufferings of Christ; except for the mention of verse 18 and David's sin and iniquity. Christ did have to suffer to deliver us from wrath by being the sin-bearer and hence again there is a dual representation here of David's life and the prophetic future of Christ. Jesus; of course asked why the Father had foresaken him in Mark 15:34. This can tie into Psalm 22 as well as verse 21 of this Psalm.

    We see other indications such as verse 17 on Christ being the "man of sorrows" ( Isaiah 53:3); and his being silent as a sheep before it's shearers (v. 13 and 14 compared with further on in Isaiah 53:7). This; of course would reflect his inquisition for a time before Pilate ( John 19:8-11).

    These passages show us that there are often several types of Psalms in one as well as multiple present and future applications. Prophecy in Messianic themes can be intertwined with impreccatory Psalms; for instance. The general idea of the meek inheriting the earth show us how a king (David and or Christ) can be exalted through a serving capacity; and indeed those who are bearing fruit and growing in faith are promised to be kings and priests someday (See Rev. 1:6).
  • BSP on Psalms 38 - 2 years ago
    Verse 3-We see that David's conscience was beating him because of his sin. The conscience can move us to make things right with Jehovah God and when we do make things right with God, we can experience peace.
  • Derek - In Reply on Psalms 38 - 2 years ago
    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I am praying for you now.
  • Ben on Psalms 38 - 4 years ago
    I love The first of God's chosen Kings; a righteous king who bowed himself under the weight of his sinful shame and disgrace to submit to His God's Majesty. He is my father indeed. Thanks for the example, king David the greatest. Your descendants shall be innumerable in this glorious end time.
  • Gene on Psalms 38 - 5 years ago
    I was told Ps.38 was given to our congregation to read by our Bishop. I couldn't wait for these goodies. Then as I began to read this scriptures I began to see how I must humble myself and receive my deliverances through telling the truth and being honest about the problems I have in my life through my own sins. I love David's honesty. God is given me HOPE in truthfulness:)
  • Karimah on Psalms 38 - 6 years ago
    David a King, new one greater and mightier than himself. He talked with GOD of his inadequacies, iniquties and sinfulness. In his own disgrace and self loathing, being a godly man he had to come before the most righteous, and forgiving FATHER for his guidance protection and love continously.His word declares our sins are like scarlet,like David..But GOD, the .blood of the lamb is our strength.AMEN
  • Lisa on Psalms 38 - 7 years ago
    Thank you Christ for your love in me threw meekness is salvation. Thank you Most High Amen.
  • Mary on Psalms 38 - 7 years ago
    Life is a struggle for me everyday living around a cigarette smoker and a pot smoker has its ups and downs but threw Christ I pray every day that he shows me how to seek him when evil comes my way amen.
  • Lisa Hines on Psalms 38 - 7 years ago
    Thanks be to the most High even though life throws you challenges we can always look to Christ our savior for a path to righteousness and love for a better future and a new life. Hallelujah Amen
  • Janet Abreu on Psalms 38 - 7 years ago
    Palms 38
    In your part of Responsibility's who do you want to be with, GOD or the Devil. Sometimes certain friends and family can causes us not to walk up right with the lord. Its not other people to save us it is GOD through Jesus Christ. When we respond to the cry he altered in our hearts he place there from the time he called us unto himself. He will bring that deliverance according to his word.
  • Nida on Psalms 38 - 7 years ago
    Yes thank You Lord, every time we fall, all we need to do is call You and You will pick us, restore and give us strength to lean to You. Your love, grace and mercy will pour on us with our Faith in you. Because You love us first.
  • Marshal A on Psalms 38 - 7 years ago
    King David, like all of us, was a man who struggled with dailly sins. I find comfort, not that King David had faults, but rather that God esteemed him as a godly man also had problems in his day to day life. I find comfort that King David was not perfect, yet he was used by God Who is perfect. I find comfort that King David knew such sorrow even though he knew the God of all comfort.
  • Clari on Psalms 38 - 8 years ago
    Oh lord please help me be better an protect me an my family . amen
    To god be the glory great things he has done
  • Ilesanmi Ayokunle on Psalms 38 - 8 years ago
    What a Great GOD, A GOD full of mercy and Grace. I fear the MOST HIGH GOD,
  • Carolyn on Psalms 38 - 8 years ago
    Oh, how this Pslams speaks to my heart, how David put it in words the way I feel right now. Thank Lord for your Grace when we fail you.
  • Dbuck on Psalms 38 - 9 years ago
    Blessed be the name of thy noble kingdom for ever and ever
  • Awah on Psalms 38 - 9 years ago
    I feel so delighted each time i read psalm 38, it inspires me a lot. When i am in difficult moments of tryals and temtation, i always read it to bring back myself to the way of God
  • Johney on Psalms 38 - 9 years ago
    i want explain psalms 38
  • Felix Daodu on Psalms 38:15 - 10 years ago
  • Ambrose on Psalms 38 - 10 years ago
    Any time I read psalm he give me derect word in side me i love to read psalm every day is a good vision that given inspiration. May God bless the day that God preaper the book of life. May God give me understand more
  • Linda on Psalms 38 - 10 years ago
    How he felt is the same as I did but he expresses much better than I could, his words empathiesed with my feelings.
  • David m on Psalms 38 - 10 years ago
    I like how David cries out to God. In writing. It feels like its coming from the heart.
  • ERNA on Psalms 38 - 10 years ago
    Psalms 38 is a very powerful psalm. If You 're feeling pain in your body, if you 're feeling sick, this is the psalm to read prayerfully to the Lord, by the time you 're done reading the pain will be gone. I love verse 13, David when his enemy speak about him he became deaf and dump. GOD will fight for us, Just leave everything thing to God, he said vengeance is mine I will repay. In the meantime love your enemies, do good to them, and so doing you heap Coles of fire on their head the word of God says. GOD bless you. Amen.
  • Sue on Psalms 38 - 11 years ago
    I understand why God considers David a man after His own heart. With all of his problems, he remained faithful and close to The Lord. He waited for God's help and confessed his sins. King David continually offered up praise to The Lord not only when all was well but also during very difficult times. He knew how to rest in The Lord and offer up sacrifices of praise. Thank You, Father for The Psalms and for King David's example! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
  • Sue on Psalms 38 - 11 years ago
    I understand why God considers David a man after His own heart. With all of his problems, he remained faithful and close to The Lord. He waited for God's help and confessed his sins. King David continually offered up praise to The Lord not only when all was well but also during very difficult times. He knew how to rest in The Lord and offer up sacrifices of praise. Thank You, Father for The Psalms and for King David's example! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Psalms 38 - 11 years ago
    King David cries out to God not to chastise him in His hot displeasure. So David acknowledges in thee O Lord do I hope, and put my trust. Even though when his enemies persecuted him, he became deaf, and mute. Yet God delivered him from all of his enemies, and healed him of his deceases. God sends His Word, and heals us of our deceases. Just cry out to God, and believe His promises. Say yes to Jesus, and amen to the glory of God.
  • Suzanne on Psalms 38 - 12 years ago
    I think David depends night and day on God's everlasting and unfailing love. I don't have anyone in my life that could love me as much as my heavenly father and neither do you:)
  • Hubert on Psalms 38 - 12 years ago
    I Love the Lord, I have been going through devastating circumstances that have been going on for over ten years, I have been overwhelmed by circumstances. I did not know who to go for help to, so I wallowed in my troubles because of not understanding Psalms 38:1-22.Thank you for your comments. May God bless you all.

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