every time i encounter a challenge ,av learned to apply the power of God in His word...i count challenges energizers to greatness marvelous is His deeds in my life '
Thank you Lord , you are my hope and my strenght ...in time of needs and difficulties your word and your promises incourage me to go on....help me to share your goodness and faithfulness to established someones Faith. ....we give you glory, honor and praise Father in Jesus precious name ...amen!
On verse 19: Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men! The Lord has a great reward stored up in heaven for those who are unafraid and unashamed to confess Him in public, "before the Sons of men ". So don 't let fear of persecution hinder you from proclaiming God 's great goodness to people in public places.
I have much joy in reading from this web site for it does test my knowledge of God 's word. I appreciate having this information available to the people of God. Thank you and is there an APP for this. To God be the Glory, thank you and you do know God is able! Have a great day!
The Lord is my Rock and my Fortress and for his name 's sake He leads me and guides me .It is of the name of Jesus that I have what I have in my Lord God All that I can attain unto is because of what Jesus provided for me at the cross . Praise God forever more !!!!
Of course, this is a profound prayer of the tender hearted David. It is a great Psalm. Thanks be to God that it comes down to us. David 's sorrow and the LORD 's grief are directly related to each one of us. ALL sorrow is a result of sin. It is sin that demanded the cross and sin alone that has brought misery and pain into our world and our lives. Let us forsake every sin now now and flee to Jesus who, bearing our sins in his body on the tree,promised, "If anyone comes to me I will in no wise cast him out. "
We should never be ashamed of god or what we leave for cause god was not ashamed of us we should put god first in are life with out him we couldn 't have a good life he is are saver and love bless us all o lord and keep us save in ur lovep
The Lord is always saying Be of Good courage It is Good courage , not bad or evil He will strengthen my heart The joy of the Lord is my strength. My hope is in the Lord without Him I can do nothing I can not even take my next breath . Praise God for His Love and care for me and all that Hope in Him !!!
Psalms 31 is quite encouraging that repentance restores your relationship with our Father who is in heaven. Given that all have sinned and fallen short of God 's glory. Repentance renews us to God 's glory and healing.
Psalm 31is a reassurance that God has our back. It doesn 't matter the situation, just call upon him trust and believe his word and he 'll come through for you.
Verse 4 strikes me today "Pull me out of the net that they have laid privily for me for thou art my strength " as a promise of deliverance and help for all those in mentally, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, and or physically abusive relationships. God knows, He understands, and He is with you when you leave the relationship and through your recovery.
I found it to be very powerful and assuring that god has my back.and to trust in his words more and more.not to rely on my own understanding when it come to things I don 't fully understand.
There is great reward in fearing God, in obeying and trusting in Him even when we are faced with turmoils, perplexities and challenging times. Once we have withstood the tough times, Our God will unleash these goodies to us who have remained faithful before the world. He will prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemies.
I love that verse, I feel it 's Gods promise of protection to us, his children when the world spews it 's lies against us our children those who walk with him. We can just sit back trust that Gods got it all handled. Just trust wait on him to show himself, keep your eyes on him.