When you pray for something in your spiritual life you will eventually have the Lords assurance and get it by faith and as God is God of the living land you will see results in your physical life too
Sandra Massie Hines on Psalms 27:13 - 10 years ago
With the natural eye men cannot see or taste the goodness of God Faith is the substance of the things hoped for eternal or in the spirit realm that gives us the assurance of that which is to come
I really love this bible verse because GOD is always there through everything I go through. I am praying for God to increase my faith to trust and believe in him all the times no matter what it looks like and what I am going through in my life. Trust in the Lord and wait patiently for him to move in my life. Amen.
Timothy Wayne George on Psalms 27:9 - 10 years ago
The Lord does not hide His face from His servant, even though others will. Jehovah God is our ever present help in a time of trouble, and He will be our guide until eternity. So trust ye in the Lord Jehovah for there is everlasting strength in Him.
Well Me And my brother and sister liked to read the bible we really understand this one and i well we really liked it but it ws kinda to long because our little brotherwas reading it.....u know how that goes...lol
We have become a generation of "me first"! The break neck speed of life has us dining in -fast food- joints for microwaved reheated meals. Imagine breakfast at 5 a.m.at McDonald's instead of home. Psalms 27:14 ask us to wait on the Lord. It asks us not to be led by our spirit but by God's Spirit. And we take heart and courage by having our faith and confidence rooted firmly in His Word and promises for us His children. Amen! Selah!
Psalm 27 in general is an antidote to fear and faithlessness. Verses 1-3,5,10 and 11 are of special significance to me. 1-3 give that vivid assurance to my heart that whatever is the case around is surely under control of God. Even when I have evil dreams against myself or against acquaintances, these verses portray that undaunting convinction that I can't be in trouble. For instance, I recently had a terrible nightmare, but since God's Word cannot lie, I'm rest assured that devil and his cohorts can't harm me. This is also captured in verse 5. Verses 10,11 and 12 assure me that when all misunderstand and probably forsake me, God will not only find me, but He will also guide me from the traps of the foes. This assurance should guide every beleiver and we won't be tempted to seek alternatives to solution to our problems.
I really hold on to this verse. I have gone through so much it would take to much time to explain. If it was not for verses like this one I would quit a long time ago.
It is very comforting to know that the Lord will protect us from our enemies , our challenges, from the devil, and persecution.We can depend on God, always and forever.What peace there is in knowing this!
The whole of Psalm 27 - and quintessentially verses 10, 11,12 - show us that the spark of Divine presence in each and every one, can help us in our day to day choices
If it were not for the past victories and the Lord's track record on bringing me through, I would grow weak and faint when the storms of this life, the tests of time come.
This verse has Messianic significance. It was literally fulfilled at the arrest of Christ in the garden of Gethsemane. When He spoke those powerful words, "I Am He [as in; the eternal God; the I AM]," his armed detainers backed away and fell to the ground (see John's Gospel 18:1-6.
Sylvia ntombifuthi masemola on Psalms 27 - 11 years ago
i believe that God is always my light and my sulvation where ever i go it can be in terms of difficulties or in terms of joy bt he always guid me even if im doing wrong things
we are living in a period where many Christians are being challenged, but through it all, we must let our light shine for the Lord is our Light and our Salvation, our protector and our guide. IJUST LOVE GOD. and he's comforting living words of victory!
We must wait on the lord. So that we can see his love for us. Even while we are going through a storm he said. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Wait on the Lord and he will fight your battles.
Gives me hope and assurance on my dependability on my Jehovah only no matter what situation may befall me and my family.
With Jehovah by me and about me and my family there is nothing to be afraid of for He will sustain me abundantly in all life's spheres.
I feel revived and pray to God to increase my faith to wholly depend on Him through and through.