For me God, whichever we religion we do or don't follow, still means love. If love is our guide, we can't come to harm. There is always plenty of love because, as science tells us, the universe is just an infinite field of energy and love is energy in its most powerful form as far as the human heart is concerned.
The Lord is my comforter I shall not be in want of anything for he will supply my needs yet he is my protector and I can count on him for he is creditable. He will keep me safe from darkness as long asI trust him and believe in him. Lord I thank you for your forgiveness that keeps me full of hope even if I fall you pick me up and anoint my head with oil that your love is upon me your mercy.
This prayer gives me such warmth and comfort. Yes indeed whoever is God conscious, God will make for him an outlet. And give him sustenance from whence he thinks not; and whoever trusts in God, He is sufficient for him.
For me it means two things. It gives me confidence that God is always with me and that creates inner strength and a reduction of doubt about any negative situation.
Secondly, in times of adversity when maybe significant strife, fear, sadness, or despair happen in life; the psalm keeps you from losing hope or thinking you're completely alone with your situation.
It feels good to know that when we allow God to be the head our life He will watch over us night and day. God will protect us and lead and guide us down the right path.
To get to Thee Table I WILL NEED A.God's Rod 1. Protection B. God's Staff 1. Guidance Without His Protection and Guidance I will get killed. The only way to this Table is with God's Protection and through His Guidance. May God's Richest and Best Be Yours
Psalm 23 is my favourite chapter. My father, JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH has always given me the best of everything in my life and JESUS CHRIST has always given me, is giving me and will always give me abundant and double portion of happiness,fruitfulness,success,health and peace in my life. Thank you JESUS CHRIST for loving me so much and for showering your grace on me... I pray in the name of JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH... AMEN!
When you have a Shepherd his job is to watch over you, if you follow him he will lead you down the right paths of life, the road won't be so rrough with him. Although the enemy will be after you he's there to protect you so you don't have to be afraid of this life. Because you will be with ultimately in your new spiritual body for his name sake amend.
Blessings and Hope, to strengthen our hearts and minds to believe and heal our troubles and pains. The Holy God, Yahweh, is Everything to believers who read his Love letters and follow his teachings. Love floods in to those who honor and practice his ways, and nothing can separate US from His goodness and mercy. Nothing is too big for God.
I was at work a person came up to me like once an said I am not a religious man but I think the Lord just spoke to me he said to give w a message pray psalm 23 I don't know why I feel silly telling you this it just felt important that you should know I work construction so did my middle son Jeff who on his way home hit ice on a curve car flipped three times hit a guard rail then a tree which crushed the cab of his truck down to the front seat Jeff died twice on the way to the hospital he survived but lives today with a traumatic brain injury funny when I was headed up to the hospital I got a call from an old partner who said he was coming off an the highway when the Lord spoke to him Mickey is a very religious person the message Mickey got he was todlltold to pray for Diane he was calling me because he wanted to know why funny the Lord does work in mysterious ways what are the chances he contacted two unrelated people to be part of a life's event
People think that this verse is too simple bug I think its very powerful to the extends that if u resight with ur spirit it works automatically.It's a powerful quotation
David use the example of a shepherd , cause he understand what it is to be one. Some people knows the words of Ps 23 but they do not know the shepherd. My wish is to know the words more important to have a relationship with the Shepard.
Jesus is my all and all. He is leader and He has everything I need. Al I need to do do is put my trust in Him. My Savior, my Provider,my Guardian Angel, everything, everything is He
Secondly, in times of adversity when maybe significant strife, fear, sadness, or despair happen in life; the psalm keeps you from losing hope or thinking you're completely alone with your situation.