I love the 23rd Psalm God is with us when we come into the world an departure from the world. God is with us all days of our life on earth. This scripture is use at a lot of funerals.
Abiding in the vine is the most important act of volition that shall realize the Promise of the quoted Psalm. One has to serve the Gospel through acts and thoughts to be able to claim the promise
Jesus is my all and all he is my helper in times of trouble he is a friend when my friends cannot be found he my sister and brother when my sister and brother cannot be found he is lawyer in a court room my doctor in time of sickness praise the Lord Jesus
This is my favorite Scripture it reminds me everyday since accepting Christ as my personal Savior what God has done, is doing and continues to in my life.
This is a very powerful psalms, read it when you are in need of a reminder of how powerful is the name of the lord, he never fails us in time of needs.
Yes Bible reveals the truth.If I and We agree God is our Shepherd we won't have lacking in our lives.He refreshes our body, soul and spirit with his holy anointing power and fills with love.
The lord is my shepherd I think that he is your father he look out for you when everyone would turn their backs on you he would not .
He care so much you can talk to Him any time
He Proctect and shelter .
There is only one thing you need to know in life that the Lord is your Shepherd. Knowing that assures you that you shall not want. Jesus said "my sheep hear my voice and the follow me". Does why king David was confident in what God can do. When Goliath boosted about his own strength, David gave Glory to God by telling Goliath what God Jehovah will do. Does why the valley didn't scare David.
I believe this Psalm is a complete guide to how the shepherd cares for His sheep, and that we as sheep are hopeless without the shepherd. As I am hopeless without Christ Jesus, He will lead me and guide me He will use His staff to ward off the enemy from me, and He will use His crook to gently draw me to Himself if I get myself in trouble. We only pass through the valley, we don't stay there.
I know it's a peaceful reassuring prayer that floods your mind heart and soul with the love God has for us it's no greater love that he has for us he give us every thing he gave us rest he prepare us for our enemy he gives us so much that our cup runneth over God goodness and mercy will follow us when we fear he is there to help and protect us I will always praise him
The Lord is my shepherd. He guides me through is holy word. I trust Him. I can put my faith in the everyday my life. The what I hands in the shepherds and live a life victorious. God is way better than our ways. So let's have a hunger for his word. The be sold out for God. Let's pray for all souls all over the world. Give someone a word of encouragement that they can be blessed. They give all the praise to the Lord thy God
God is wonderful and hie love is abundand he will never leave us as he promise,he was wounded for our transgressions,He was crushed for our wickedness,sin .
I think psalms 23 is a powerful scripture. When i read it i feel calm and relax... My mind, soul and body is at peace i love this prayer and i wont stop praising the Lord Amen.
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want right there says it all that tells me all my needs are officially met and I thank God for His love and His mercy amen
The Lord is my shepherd,I was lost and he found me.He will find his lost sheep and bring them back to the fold.He love us so much he will never leave us. Thank you for finding me.
The shephard protects, provides, comforts and guides the sheep. This means that the sheep fully depends on the shepherd for everything and it should be at all times.
He care so much you can talk to Him any time
He Proctect and shelter .
Material things do not and should not matter as long as He is our shepherd. Praise Him, we shall not want.