People use the phrase "Generational Curse" to tell someone that the reason why God has cursed them, or the reason why bad things happen in their life is because of the evil someone else in their family line was involved in, and that it has been passed down to you simply by association. That is not biblical. The only generational curse I see is the curse of sin that has been passed down from generation to generation. We are all born into sin, and not by choice. All mankind has been cursed that way, from generation to generation. And the only cure for that curse if Christ Himself!
As for what your niece means when she keeps telling you that, have you asked her to explain why she keeps telling you that?
Psalms 6,32,38,51,102,130,143 The Psalms of Penitence, Heal your soul by praying them in Christ 's name, He will hear your prayers only if you are penitent. In Repentance.23
Psalms 144:5,6, see: Exodus 19:10-20,
Psalms 144:7, many times GOD parted the waters, rivers, even a Sea, to deliver HIS children: Exodus 14:21-31, Joshua 3:13-17,
Psalms 144:11-15, could be reference to many battles David faced in: 1Samuel, 2Samuel, 1Chronicles,
Hopefully these are helpful
People use the phrase "Generational Curse" to tell someone that the reason why God has cursed them, or the reason why bad things happen in their life is because of the evil someone else in their family line was involved in, and that it has been passed down to you simply by association. That is not biblical. The only generational curse I see is the curse of sin that has been passed down from generation to generation. We are all born into sin, and not by choice. All mankind has been cursed that way, from generation to generation. And the only cure for that curse if Christ Himself!
As for what your niece means when she keeps telling you that, have you asked her to explain why she keeps telling you that?
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